
Role System

The Role System. Characters from every piece of fiction can be drawn as a character card. Behave and interact with others as these characters would have to fully unlock their potential.

L_LL · Derivados de obras
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7 Chs

Chapter 3

1 Month Later.

On the first day of the academy I had meet Kushina and decided on my plans to increase the potential of my Midnight character card.

Although I did have all of his memories from the moment of his birth untill after the seven year timeskip I couldn't use most of his magic.

Midnight was a master of illusions capable of completely isolating a person in their own delusions without lifting a finger. In comparison my own skills in the control and manipulation of reflector magic doesn't even come close to a fourth of what Midnight could do.

The level of understanding and control that Midnight had over magic had reached such insane degrees that he could create artificial life itself practically bringing him to the same level as Zeref in personification magic.

The only way to increase the unlocked potential of a character card is to either act as they would for long periods of time or to complete missions. I had already acted as Midnight normally would, disregarding everything around him, treating others as beneath him, and the most easy one, sleeping all day.

Even with all the effort I put into keeping a mask over my emotions and restraining my actual personality it had shown very little results.

I cannot grow complacent. Staying stagnant is a death wish no matter which world I'm in.

Due to this I can only complete missions to rack up unlocked potential. Naturally in a place as dangerous as here I have many opportunities.


•Graduate Early: Graduate early from the shinobi academy and earn the respect of your fellow comrades in arm as well as recognition from the village elders.

Reward: 10 Potential Orbs.

•Defeat Minato Namikaze: Defeat Minato the future 4th hokage while he's still in the academy.

Reward: 10 Potential Orbs]

Regardless of the reward the missions themselves are easy to complete the only things to worry about are the consequences afterwards. Attracting the attention of Danzo and Hiruzen is bad no matter how highly they think of me. However defeating Minato will be not only be fairly easy but it also has no drawbacks. After all Midnight had two decades of harsh training fighting against giant monsters and powerful mages.

Although Minato has incredible potential he has had no formal training and has never fought against anyone. Today is the day of the first monthly academy tournament so Minato will be trapped on an arena were he can't run away so I'll definitely break a few bones.

As long as we don't cause any permanent damage the medical nin can't fix I can technically do whatever the fuck I want to people so it's fine. Although people will suspect me of having a violent tendency to hurt others it's fine, after all ninja are paid to kill others.

In general, the rewards for completing missions are split into three categories each with five tiers signified by the number of stars. The first category is character cards. These need potential orbs to completely use to their full, well, potential. The second category is item cards. These don't need potential orbs but are far less valuable than character cards. The third category is skill cards that work similar to character cards but require less potential orbs.

The tiers are also fairly simple as they apply to all three categories with 1-Star being the lowest tier and 5-Star being the highest tier. Within these tiers are cards that can be ranked by Initial, Intermediate and Master. My card "Midnight" is an Initial 3-Star character card. Of course the only reason I got such a high tier card is solely because I'm a child with no fighting capabilities.

I doubt I'll get any sort of op card untill much later. Midnight could make lifelike dolls more human than even Sasori and almost as powerful as Brain his adoptive father. He could create illusions, reflect sound, wind, water, fire, earth and even sealing magic. To get such a good versatile moveset in the very first card draw isn't realistic so I can only assume it's a freebie given by the system.

With just 10% of Midnight's capabilities I have confidence in beating Minato even if every other student here ganged up on me.

Coming out of my hazy thoughts I focus back on the instructor leading our little trail of children outside to the area where our first tournament will take place.

The area is on an elevated piece of ground smoothed out with a large layer of sand contained within a square of solid concrete. A giant white line is outlined in the middle of the square detailing the symbol of Konohagakure's famous insignia.

Beside the tournament stage stand a small squadron of medic nin dressed in white robes with red trimming. They wear strange little sailor hats with the Konohagakure insignia imprinted in red on the front of them.

Very odd choice for a uniform because they look like Christan bishops but whatever I guess religion isn't very important in a world where individual humans can destroy countries.

The instructor coughs to garner our attention and everyone turns quiet impatiently waiting for the first fight of their lives. Since the first day of school they had only taught the basics of chakra application and now was the first time anyone would actually use chakra in a fight except for the clan heirs.

Looking down at the small horde of children the chunin instructor holds up a large blank sign with kanji outlining the black edges.

"This board will randomly shuffle the names of everyone of you and decide who has to fight first. Remember that you lose you're eliminated and can no longer progress on the chart. How you preform will reflect your grade so make sure to give it your all as I will be giving a prize to the winner."

The large sign shakes as the chunin instructor channels his chakra into it. The next second two pictures appear on the sign.

The chunin instructor tilts his head to look at me and loudly announces to the class.

"First fight, Oshima Raiden Vs Minato Namikaze."