
Robert Crow in the world of magic.

What do you get when suddenly an otherworlder gets swept into the world of magic? Hopefully a wholesome story. Let's follow the steps of Robert Crow and see how much chaos and laughter can he bring to the world filled with sorrow

ShinXResolve · Derivados de obras
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44 Chs



Harry Potter and its world belong to J. K Rowling. I only own the original characters I made.




"Could you please tell us who is Nicolas Flamel?" Hermione and Harry attempted to use puppy eyes towards Robert. Much to the embarrassment of Ron standing right beside them.

"I was asking what movie do you want to see tonight. No need for getting sidetracked." He ignored the question.

"I told you he wouldn't help us. He's one of them." Ron said with his arms crossed.

Robert glared at the now hiding behind Hermione redhead. "Them am I?" The trio looked down squirming under his gaze.

"I know what you're looking for. But I won't tell you. Not because I don't believe you shouldn't know. But because you're not able to keep secrets. Seriously, how does everyone forget the bloody portraits." Robert sighed at the flushed cheeks of the troublemakers in front of him. They thought no one was eavesdropping on them.

"That's a violation of our privacy." Hermione said with righteousness.

"Then don't talk smack in the public corridors you three little buffoons." He rolled his eyes at their feeble arguments.

"Anyway. You have time to before dinner to tell me what you'll want to watch today at the club." Robert continued on his way towards his room.

"That was frightening. You and your plans Hermione." Ron remarked.

Hermione slapped his shoulder. "Said the lazy one. You could've looked with us for clues instead playing chess all the time." She berated him.

"I don't think this is the best place for that guys." Harry pointed towards the painting of an amused Lady Hyacinth sipping tea.

"We've prepared a couple of designs for your uniforms." Ms. Buckle showed Robert a bunch of detailed models.

He looked at the parchment in awe. "Anastasia, if you're not able to find a job after school then you've found your first investor." She blushed at the praise.

"I took your wishes in consideration. Unusual for sure but I'm glad that you like it. " she smiled.

"I wanted them to be functional not glam Ms. Buckle." He winked. "Suited for combat and not impending mobility." He said while looking at the designs. Black was the theme. Baggy pants that narrowed at the ankle. An undershirt and long-sleeved shirt. One small emblem in the front. On the back was a big Hogwarts crest.

'All in all a pastiche towards my favorite samurai, ninja and planet wrecking shows.' He thought with a grin.

After coming back to earth from his musings he asked a vital question. "Are you able to make these before next semester?"

She thought for a while before giving an answer. "If there are materials then yes. But for now we won't be able to make more than three sets since you also asked for accessories to go along with them. What did you call this type of coat again?"

"Haori, it's an eastern esthetic. No wonder you've never heard of it." Robes are nice but why not add some flare to it.

After a couple more questions about the final product the meeting ended with both sides satisfied with the results. Since he still had time Robert headed toward the RoR to cash in on some much needed practice.

"Okay quiet people. The votes have been cast. We'll be watching a cliché at this point, Star Wars." Some of the children clapped with glee.

"But before we start I have to preface the seance with a warning towards those not in the clear. This movie is fiction. So don't try to watch this as a historical piece." He chuckled.

"Finally I'll be able to watch it in its entirety." Harry said.

Hermione turned her face to him in surprise. "You haven't watched it?"

Harry felt embarrassed. "My family didn't allow me to watch television. So I made do with a couple of glances here and there." He looked the other way when she stared at him with suspicion.

"Does it matter? We'll be watching together." Ron was already eating the popcorn that was being served.

"You'd better quiet down Granger. Some of us are here to watch a movie and not your preteen drama." Draco sneered.

"And yet you were eavesdropping. How the house of Malfoy fell." Greengrass smirked.

"But I love drama." Tracey whispered making the Griffindor's chasers nod in agreement.

"Kids and their childish squabbles." Tonks sighed.

"Said the instigator of many." Jasmine jabbed.

"I remember as if it was yesterday. During our first year you shouted about being...mmph." Tonks quickly covered her mouth.

"Could you please stop trying to ruin my reputation with the youngins?"

"There's nothing to ruin Tonksy. You've made sure of that." Jasmine smirked.

"George this is peak entertainment." Fred said eating Ron's popcorn much to his little brother's displeasure.

"Indeed Fred. Exquisite in fact. Maybe we should film it next time?" The two brothers jolted as jinxes were cast by the female populace.

"If you still have this much energy then I'll have to up my game for tomorrow's training." Everyone turned towards the mischievously smiling young man.

"Thanks for that everyone." Ron muttered which earned him a slap on the shoulder from his brothers.

"Since I have your attention let's start the viewing shall we?" Robert turned on the projection module. It allowed to cast the movie directly from the VHS to the prepared beforehand white screen on the wall.

"This is so exciting." Tracy whispered to Daphne.

The intro's melody captivated the crowd. "They've used orchestral music for the opening? How lavish." Susan said quietly to Neville.

"Where's the action? There's only text." Ron said not amused.

"That's called exposition mister." Hermione remarked.

" The peanut gallery will be quiet. You'll have time to comment after the show." Tonks chastised and sent a glare towards the rest of the motly crew.

As the end credits began rolling down the gates finally opened.

"How dare they deprive us of such entertainment!" Fred exclaimed.

"If you have time to yell then let's get on with making the lightsabers." George wanted to run out and begin brainstorming on how to make them.

Robert grabbed the two by the collars. "Stop being dramatic and no deadly swords until you graduate." The twins clicked with their tongues.

"We will achieve greatness." They both said.

"Then get in line. I'm going to be better than Merlin himself." Robert boasted.

"Typical men. They promise so much but can't deliver." Mindy shook her head.

"Yeah, I'm not going to fall for that one missy." He ignored the disappointed look on her face.

"So this is all make believe right?" Draco asked with uncertainty in his voice.

"Most of it. Although we haven't ventured far into space, we have landed on the moon a couple of times. But that was decades ago." Hermione said much to the disbelief of some.

"You're lying. That's not possible." Draco wasn't buying it.

"Believe what you want. However, that won't change anything." Robert said while turning off the projector.

"Can't we watch something else?" Susan said with puppy eyes.

"It's already too late Ms. Bones. But don't worry. There will be more in the future." The students weren't happy but what could they do?

"What if Tonks asks really nicely?" Mindy pushed her friend in front of Robert.

"I'm going to kill you." Tonks whispered to her friend.

"Oho ho. Try me." Mindy whispered back.

Robert was amused by their shenanigans. "Honey trap at this age? You're truly cruel Ms. Stork."

"Thank you sir. I try my best at using whatever is available." She did a small bow.

"Okay people. Movie time is over. So it's time to head back to your dorms. I implore you to have a good sleep tonight. You'll need it for tomorrow." Robert said mysteriously.

"We'll regret it won't we?" Cedric muttered.

"Sometimes it's just better to be average." Harry replied.