
Kenji's power

after Rihanna made a contract with the mysterious spirit, the class reorganized and cleaned up most of the mess from the fire. with all the students now having contracts, the teacher guided them towards the next part of the lesson, which would be figuring out that powers of the spirits making contract with a spirit. the spirit will entrust it's contractor with its power by storing it within the user's body. that power can be called upon even with the spirit. not present but limits the amount of power that the spirit itself can use while contracted to the person less. it's the spirit's job to stay by and care for the families or person it's contracted to many of the students were sitting at their desks, practicing the use of their powers, some conjuring fire, some of them making gusts of wind or bubbles of water or even manipulating chunks of dirt or rocks. but Rihanna was having a problem. she tried and tried much. nothing was coming out. she couldn't figure out what was going on. chicken salted her spirit whose name was kenji and he said

Kenji: sorry kid but my power doesn't work like that.

The teacher approaches Rihanna being the only one who wasn't practicing your spirit powers. wondering what the issue was.

teacher: is there something wrong? you seem to be having issues with the use of your spirit's powers.

Rihanna looked at him nervous and was twiddling her fingers.

Rihanna: I'm sorry I'm really trying but the thing is my spirit saying that his powers don't work like that.

The teacher looked at her confused.

teacher: what do you mean they don't work like that? can't you just pour some manna into the power and conjure it?

Kenji turns himself visible so that the teacher can sing. he then looks to him and says.

Kenji: sorry they're teach but unlike everyone else around here my power's don't rely on mana and the thing that it does rely on is typically more physical than magical. so not only does she not know how to use my power but using it would require a fight and giving her current level. if I went ahead and uncorked the powers for her she would run them up and a lot of people can get hurt.

pretty sure rubbed his chin trying to grasp wet Kenji was explaining.

teacher: by what do you mean by doesn't use mana are you saying that the powers themselves use some unknown force? also, how dangerous are we talking in potential of her running rampaging?

Kenji crossed his legs and arms as he hovered on Rihanna's shoulder. he then points to Rihanna and says.

Kenji: The kids just knock built for using my type of power. it's not something demonic or anything like that. it's just more spiritual than magical. also she has not trained for using powers like these and powers of the spirit from what I've learned in the past if give an access to without proper training necessary to wield. it can always result in rampages malfunctions or even random explosions or death to everyone involved, so it's just not a good idea to do it right now.

a kid over in the distance over. here's the conversation and start to laughing.

rude kid: haha Rihanna hurting anyone. she couldn't even damage a fly yet. a long kill it. there's nothing to worry about.

both the teacher and Kenji look to the student in frustration with him. interrupting their conversation the teacher says to Kenji

teacher: I understand your concerns, but in order for the school to properly educate her in the use your ability is through the contract. we have to know what she's capable of. how about we propose a mock battle?

can you take some minute to meditate on the idea then looks to the rude kid again. who's still laughing at Rihanna and her meek ways?

Kenji: All right, I get what you're coming from. I can't do much if she rampages, but if you want to do a mock battle I might be able to loosen up the cork a bit. just enough so that she doesn't go too far out of control, but I have four conditions. the first two are fairly easy. that kid will be her opponent. the second condition is we'll need some nights on standby to keep her isolated from the rest of the school.

The teacher not to know agreement in being able to provide the first two but wonders with the second two are.

teacher: it sounds doable but the second two. what would those conditions be?

Kenji: those are less for you and more for her so you don't need to worry about them. just have those to prepared and the rest will be up to Rihanna.

The teacher agrees and moves the class outside to the Knight's training ground. the rude student and Rihanna are both wearing borrowed training uniforms that the spirit knights in training use for practice The rude one had a sword for you so much! Rihanna was bare-handed her Kenji's request. there were about eight nights, all with big shields on standby and the teacher was standing outside of the square as a referee. the two students were in separate corners of course of course Rihanna looks nervous. not sure how to handle the situation. Kenji had got her.

Rihanna: are you sure this is a good idea? I don't even know what to do in the situation. will you be able to guide me? what if I mess it up?

Kenji stops her from talking with an intimidating look.

Kenji: listen kid and listen up. the final request is a very simple and I can't unlock your powers if you're not willing to apply this. all you got to do is punch that guy in the face once without my help do that and I'll under the cork and all that power is is yours for the taking sounds simple right.

Rihanna looked even more nervous than before considering Kenji's request was very impossible. she wasn't sure she was capable of punching him in the face and was even more afraid of the retaliation that would come after doing such. not to mention she wasn't even sure if her punch would even hurt to begin with. if she could manage to punch then she started wondering what even goes into a punch or is there a proper form to punching? how strong is strong enough for a punch? yes you just swing her arm or is there movements that go into it? eventually her thought started to spiral and Kenji took notice to it and used his intimidating look to steal her back into focus.

Kenji: look kid you agreed to do what I said and right now if you're going to be the one who holds this contract of ours I'm not going to be letting you get pushed around and Frank was speaking. once these powers get uncorked air going to be a bit more harder to deal with in the next coming days I won't always be able to bail you out. so if you're not even capable of throwing a punch to someone who's being a jerk to you now when you have no backbone, how are you going to be able to handle it? in the situation where you fly off the handles, snap back to reality and then realize that you're in over your head. you got to be able to take care of yourself. do I make myself clear?

she nervously nuts then Kenji nods to the wrath /teacher queuing that the fight should begin Rihanna looks around nervously thinking of what to do. she knows that her own the option is to try and punch him. but the boy has a sword and she's has her bare hands. she wonders why kenji insisted that she not use a weapon he didn't really explain it that well over time she builds up the nerves to go for the punch. she bottles her hand into the formula. fist runs with all of her might and tries to aim for his face but the rude kids seeing the punch coming them out of the way it kicks her back and then tries to swing at her with the sword she manages for Dodge but he doesn't plan to punch. she looks the kenji who stands sternly giving off the expression that no punch, no power. she gets back up and tries to think of a better way to get the punch in if she tries to go for a punch directly again. she's not guaranteed to survive another blow like that, but she doesn't know anything about fighting or strategy. so how is she to make the punch? she tries to enter herself a little bit closer to see what he'll do, but the annoying kid stuff moves a bit closer to her getting ready to swing. she backs up knowing what will come of it. she thinks about it a bit more. if she lets an opening come he's going to get her. if she goes straight in he's going to get her. the only thing she can think of is baiting her which won't leave her on scaled. she thinks about it and thinks about it some more. the consequences of her action seem fairly simple. either she gets hit or she gets hit. if she manages to get hit a minor bit, she might not only be able to pass in Kenji's eyes but Kenji might even praise her for being brave enough to take risk. but she didn't like the idea of pain. so she tried to put off the idea for a bed. she had a few quick movements with their feet trying to get him to faint. she jump in and out of his line of attack when he gets ready to strike she back off then. then when he lets go of the tension she would jump in again. trying to go for a punch but he would push her backwards and then go for another swing but she wouldn't eventually recovered quickly enough to dodge the strike. the teacher unsure of what to make of it continued hoping that this would result in the powers manifesting. the rest of the crowd were excited at first but haven't really said anything after seeing as this was more of a game of chicken and less of a actual fight. still interesting to watch but not worth cheering about Rihanna. looks to the ground. she sees a stray rock. she picks it up and holds it in her palm. she then goes for another round of chicken jumping in again and then jumping out. when he tries to strike she would back off then wait for the tension release in order to go for the punch. he would then try to push her away again but this time she would dodge the push didn't even close to his face. he would then need her in the gut pushing her back even more, but you wouldn't fall off the fetus time. the recovery was great but he was already ready to swing again going for the swing. she would page the left but he would then elbow her to the right. when she tried to go for the punch she backs off again and at that point she's got a strategy but it will definitely hurt more than those other you blow. she took it. she looks over at Kenji to see what his response was to her earlier attempts. he sat there not giving any expressions. the most stoic of stoic was his approach she was feeling a bit nervous not knowing where she stood so far as grading was concerned but you know at the end of the day all he was really looking for was the punch so she was getting ready for it. now having a feel for the rock she had kept in her hand for this duration of time. she knew how hard to throw. she tried to get in for another faint but this time he was prepared. he didn't swing right away and was instead looking for an opening to strike within her tricky movement. he gets his group nice and firm and ready to strike. but before he could get in for a swing, she throws the rock at his head. he dodges of course. it's knowing that that's what she wanted, but what he didn't expect was she jumped for he arm. that was wielding the sword she had gripped it tactly with both arms restraining him so that he couldn't swing it. he tried to use his wrists to see if he could nick her with the blade but it was just a little bit too out of which he tried striking her with his legs but she would block it with her knees. she was prepared this time. she then loosens up her arm closest to his face and then tries to go in for a punch. but when moment she tried to loosen up, he would tighten up his muscles to go in for a strike with a sword. she grew up a nervous and tighten back up her grip. in order to get in for the punch she would need to connect to one of her fists to his face but in doing so would leave her vulnerable. this was the thing she was most concerned about. it was apparent that her only option was to get hit she panicked knowing what was to come but she had no choice. she losing up to her arm again but this time she didn't go straight for the punch instead before he had completely tensed up his muscles enough to swing the sword. she grabs around his waist and then tightens her grip again, restraining the arm completely giving him less movement of the sword but enough to but enough to potentially strike her in the waster leg. he tries to aim for her leg with the swing but the restraint was just good enough that she barely even was great. she read it herself knowing what's to come. she tightened up her fist while grouped around his waist and went for an uppercut to the face releasing her grip. the blade had enough momentum to actually scratch her thigh. the blade was dull due to training purposes so at most it was a minor scratch and a blunt whack from a heavy object. but the punch did land to his face. she fell behind him losing her balance. he quickly turned around for another strike but you're not moment. Kenji had stepped in launching himself into her chest from the distance. a Black flame formed around her shoulders. the flames begin to morph into a coat and her long hair began to hover a bit before black flames formed onto her head, creating a hat. both the hat and coat both began to shine golden gold metal plating formed on the top of the bill of the hat and a gold chain formed on both sides of the collar of the jacket linking around the neck. her hands were also consumed in black flames, creating gloves and finally her skirt was consumed in the black flames creating a longer skirt and her regular school loafers turned into black boots. the link of the bill of the hat for him to shadow covering her eyes giving her an aggressive look and her pupils turn golden. she let out an anch ory look and an even more angry roar as she yelled at the top of her lungs immediately. she stands up in a mix, a golden flame. she continues to yell at the top of her lungs as she swings for a punch. the rude kid dodges instinctively but Golden flames run off her fist creating a path that grazes his spiky hair and destroys the rectangular field that they were sparring in the boy falls over from his quick Dodge while wielding a heavy sword. she immediately walks up to him with a very angry look on her face. she mounts him while he faces upwards and begins punching him repeatedly with both her fests. the teacher called for her to stop but she wouldn't listen. she didn't seem to understand any form of words right now. the teacher accused in for the guards to restrain her using their shields they run in shield first. trying to get her boxed in to limit her movement but the moment they got within a perfect inch of her radius, she swung her arms outwards in a fit and the golden flames blasted them all backwards hitting the walls surrounding the training field. she looks around seeing if there were any other enemies before continuing powering him with both her fists. at that point the flames start to admit from her body more and more. the golden radiance was consuming her body but she could still be seen within them as she swung at the boy's face more and more. the boys face was bleeding. his nose had blood coming out of it and his mouth was filled with the stuff. even his tears went less watery and more bloody. it was a violent onslaught. one of the students had started to have enough of the matter that particular student had long silver hair and carried a sword on his person it's still holstered in its casing on his hips.

silver haired boy: I'm sure we can both agree that that is enough. retaliation for his rudeness is understandable, but what you're doing is more barbaric and less retaliation.

the boy tried to reason with her but she still couldn't understand anything. she was punching away at the annoying one who had been unconscious on the ground and was starting to soak the dirt with his blood as she continued the silver head. boy assessed that she wasn't within the realms of reason and wasn't even worth reasoning with. at this point he draws a sword and begins to rush in towards her at some point, she detects him moving in and reacts by striking his direction emitting a large golden flame, but it's blocked by the shield of one of the guards would recovered and rushed from the wall to protect the student. the overhead student advances past the guard going in for a strike. he swings his sword in her general direction but she blocks it with her skin. there was neither a cut nor even a sign that the slash had wounded her she immediately countered with her free hand aiming for his vulnerable chest area. he backs off reading his sword for another strike. now seeing a new opponent. she abandons her defeated prey in favor of fighting him the boy coats his sword in manner, knowing that this fight would be impossible without he goes in for a fury of slashes then pushes forward. hoping to send her backwards but she meets each/head on with her arms. none of the slashes are affecting her body. it would appears that the golden flames are making her invulnerable or a healing her faster than the wound can be made. he tries to pick up the pace and pour more manna into the blade in hopes of creating any form of damage, but nothing was working at that point. he was just hoping to get something that would put her at a disadvantage. meanwhile, Rihanna had regain awareness while not being able to control her body. her spirit was freed from the rampaging body and she stood there. watching herself fight the silver head student. she asks out loud.

Rihanna: what the heck is going on?

to her right? she could see Kenji watching the fight as well. Kenji looks over to her and responds.

Kenji: this is what you wanted that power that I kept warming you about. this is it. although it's not magic where I come from it's called ki it's one of the many forms of power that I've learned in my time alive. it's a proof of very strong and very weak power, but when an amateur gains access to it on my level it can result in the person going on a rampage due to the difference in level there's so much power. you don't know what to do with it. in short, you're overwhelmed and your mind. can't think of how to handle it being your first time dealing with it. so now you're just trying to let it all out by fighting while the ki leaks out of your body continuously. I was very worried that this was happened which is why I wanted to hold off on showing you this or even undoing the cork until I have at least taught you how to deal with it. you know, letting it out putting it back in controlling it how it works the basics. but since we're already here, there's nothing we can do. you're stuck like that until all of the key that came pouring into your body leaks out of your system, but from the looks of it from all of sun ki pouring out of your body right now. you're going to explode in like 20, maybe 30 minutes. once that happens, giving how much that I was able to put into you. no one will probably die but a lot of people are going to get hurt. then when you wake up I'll show you how to do it all properly.

Rihanna looked at him. very scared at his explanation. she was going to explode. she was not exactly a fan of that, especially the part where it hurts. will she feel it? she's a ghost right now so she's not sure if that means she'll feel it or if she'll feel the after pain or where all the pain goes. she was mostly worried about the pain. well Rihanna watched nervously for the inevitable explosion. her body exchanged strikes with the silver-haired boy. every time the silver hair boy would try to cut her. she would block it by punching sword. at one point the heat her body was generating was enough to melt the blade. the blades melting freaked out this overhead student. he quickly went for the dull blade that the passed out student was using. grabbing it. he goes for a counter but Rihanna's body grabs the blade with her bare hands. at that point her eyes no longer have pupils but were instead pure gold and licking out golden flames. she was even closer to her climax then Kenji estimated Kenji was rather impressed. it would appear that someone's estimation he thought that the ki had stopped coming into her body with neither him nor her being in control of it, but it looks like as it was leaking out the whole that was made from the removal of the cork had been putting in whatever leaked out. she was still building up at a rapid pace higher than just her generating it on her own with so much energy but no place to put it. she stopped moving. the flames began to run away from her body covering the entire training field. nothing was burning. nothing was destroyed but it was all just there and then another point a blinding light of golden energy completely covered the field in ascended into the sky. everyone was engulfed, did it and could barely see anything. Rihanna's body stopped moving completely falling to the ground underneath and then her body connected with the Earth. soon after the silver head boy was blasted to the wall along with the other shield wielding soldiers who had still been unconscious. the students were also blasted to the walls as well at that point. Rihanna in her spirit form started to fade and things began to grow dark.

to be continuing