
fighting spirit

once there's a strong man who left 150 years honor in those years, he spent as a boncho fighting endless battles until he couldn't get enough in his last year of life. he decided to take a world tour on his motorcycle but fell into an accident which didn't actually kill him. in fact, neither the crash nor the flames from the destroyed motorcycle is what took him out. he survived all the way up to the hospital for which then he saw the hospital bill and knew that neither he nor his family could afford it but his life insurance could and he loved his family. too much to put him through this so we chose to let go thus clearing his family of that debt. he didn't really understand how life insurance worked. now doesn't in hell. he chose to continue fighting on by battling every demon and sinner he crossed password. he grew to be such a problem that all the demons in hell, including the big man himself had gathered together in order to seal him away, thus stopping his journey until recently in another world there was a young noble lady by the name of Rihanna in this world it has come in practice that all nobles have a spirit to protect their family but Rihanna's family spirit s. a mystical and honorable deer had long since the band in them after her father had married into the family. her mother being the last to receive the deer's blessing because this would be a problem. her being the only family member to not have a blessing this became a problem with her mother being blessed by the family gear and her father being blessed by his family spirit because well as her two brothers also being blessed by her father's family spirit, she was the only one without protection which led her to go to the spirit practitioners school her girl was the contractor new spirit. that would then be her own legacy which led her to today it was finally the 6 month and spirit summoning class had started summoning or contracting spirits those that had family spirits were to simply write their name in the family spirit's name on a piece of paper. if the paper were to dissolve into energy and into the person, the contract was accepted. if the paper turned to ash then the contract was rejected. however, for those that didn't have family spirits, there was option b writing their name on a piece of paper and tossing it into a flame. if a spirit responds, a contract will be formed. if a spirit rejected, the paper would eject from the flame turning into ash Rihanna obviously joined the line of summoners versus contractors, while waiting in line she got to witness some of the spirits that were summoned things like objects. such a swords and animals like hedgehogs. they even mystical creatures like unicorns. it was an interesting sight to behold and when it was finally her turn she tossed her name into the flame but something have normal happened a black fire spread around to consumed the floor. erupting out of the pot more fire came until half of the room was gone and what replaced. it was a cave filled with fire on the floor but it only took over half of the room. all of the students and the teacher watch tonight. panicking at the site because this was a normal Rihanna being certain that this was her only option stood firm and tried to impress the spirit in any way she could with super for her was a man a rather well built man. the only thing she had on where a black jacket held over his shoulders by gold chain that circled around his neck and baggy pants being held up on his waist by a rope. he had narrow eyes and spiky hair but two of the spikes on his head resemble demon horns and over his chest was a large scar in the shape of an x he opened his eyes and looked at the girl

man: well, aren't you quite the interesting one? I'm like your friends over there. you don't seem to be scared. I like that so she got guts.

he rubs his head as if trying to scratch an itchy just couldn't reach the girl. tried to speak to him but was a little bit nervous and shy

Rihanna: are you the spirit I'm supposed to contract with?

The man tilted his head as if he was asked a question. he would never know the answer to but he tries his best too anyways.

man: contractor feel like I heard that from the guy in the cell next to mine. yeah I'm down for shaking hands but you think you can handle it? there's a reason why I'm in this cage and it's not because I'm a fan of heights.

The cage he was spoken of was an iron one that was hoisted into the air by four separate chains each having a series of iron tags with words printed on it and demonic language. the cage itself was hoisted over black fire and the cages door was closed. shot and sealed by an iron tag with more demonic writing on it. to anyone with half a brain it was pretty clear that he was a threat to someone or something and they did not want to deal with him

Rihanna: That's fine, as long as you're willing to form a contract, I'm okay with anything.

the way she spoke was very desperate. it was clear that this was her own the option and she wanted to get that point across to him. it was really pathetic in a way the man looked at her with a kind of disappointment, but I kind of interest. he fixed one of his hands through the spaces in between the bars of his cage and points to the iron tag. keeping the cage close.

man: I'm happy to be a service to you if we're going to shake hands, you're going to have to cut out that cowardly stuff it ain't going to roll with me when we fight, it's ride or die when we only fight the strong, we don't prey on the week or at least not anyone who doesn't have it coming if you're okay with that. from what I remember the guy telling me all you got to do is get your blood over this. here I am tag that has my name on it. cross out my name with your blood and my power is yours. sounds simple enough. well it's really nice. they were dead set on making sure that I didn't get out but they consider this option. so only someone capable of crossing through hell's fire itself can get to the cage and free me. it won't run off your skin but it really is hot.

Rihanna looks to the cage and then looks down at the flames covering the floor. she thinks about it for a minute and decides getting that contract is worth a little heat, but she didn't have any way of drawing blood except biting her finger. she looked around for something sharp to puncture to make it a lot cleaner but couldn't find anything. the man notices what she's doing and reaches into rooms pocket and pulls out a blade stuck into a wooden block. some knife of sorts he waves it so that the girl would notice.

man: is this what you're looking for if so, that means you're serious about this and with that I got to get with some respect, but understand that once this contract is sealed, you got to do everything I say. otherwise I won't help you.

Rihanna nods to his demands so he toss the blade over to her feet. she picks it up and then takes a step into the fire. like he said the fire doesn't burn her leg nor does she catch fire. but she does feel the heat and it's very intense. she takes another step the flames influence multipliers greatly and she starts to feel a little dizzy. the heat was not to be trifling with. none of her flesh learned away but it felt like it was. it was excruciatingly painful but she took another step and she started to feel lightheaded. she almost fell over but caught herself underneath. then she took another step. her body was barely staying about the ground and she was sweating more than profusely. her sight was barely there and she wasn't even sure if she was still going in the correct direction but she took another step at some point. she's couldn't see all together because she could barely keep her eyes open so she had to follow the man's voice as he said.

man: over here if you want my power over here.

she took another step following his voice. the man kept repeating the same thing.

man: over here little girl. my power is yours if you come over here.

clearly the man was invested as he was helping her find her way while she traversed the intense heat. I guess he found it. funny that someone that weak had enough guts to push forward and something so intense. soon she stood in front of the cage. she was getting ready to cut her hand as the man guided her.

man: All right, very good now. cut your thumb. that's the perfect finger for the job.

she runs the edge of the blade over the tip of her thumb.

man: That's very good. now a little bit more to the left. come on. you're almost there. more to the left a little bit more up. all right now. run that bad boy down the center and we're good to go.

she forces one of her eyes open so she makes sure she doesn't mess this up and when she finds the center with her eyes barely focused, she presses down on the iron tag, feeling her thumb starting to cook from the heat of the metal plate then she drags her finger down leaving the bloody stain over the riding. once the entire of name was crossed off, the iron tag began to melt falling off into the fire. all the other tags and chains began to melt as well and so do the cage. the fire began to grow out of control splashing out of the controlled zone. where it took over one half of the classroom and onto the desks of the unaffected part of the classroom, burning papers and other things. the man spread his legs as he was free from the cage but then began to shrink in size until he was barely the size of a doll from his body admitted an intense energy that then flew inside of Rihanna. the distorted room began to return to normal with burn marks. generally everywhere there was fire. everyone in the classroom was nervous. what type of contract did Rihanna make?

...to be continued