
Rise of the Reincarnated Hero

The main character, Alexander Nakamura dies tragically in his mundane world and is unexpectedly reincarnated into the world of My Hero Academia. He find himself in a brand new body with a powerful quirk and an immense potential to become a hero. As they navigate their new life in this world, the MC quickly realizes that being a hero is not as simple as it seems. He must train hard, hone his skills and learn how to use their quirk effectively. He also face constant threats from villains who seek to exploit their power for their own gain. As the MC progresses through U.A. High School, he make new friends and allies, but also encounter enemies who test his strength and resolve. He soon realize that they are not the only one with a powerful quirk, and that many of their classmates have their own unique abilities that could prove useful in their journey to become heroes. However, as the MC delves deeper into the world of My Hero Academia, he begin to uncover a dark conspiracy that threatens to tear the entire society apart. He discover that there are forces at work that seek to destroy the very foundations of the hero system, and that his gifts may hold the key to stopping them. With the help of their friends and mentors, the MC embarks on a perilous journey to uncover the truth and defeat the villains. They face impossible odds and make sacrifices along the way, but ultimately emerge victorious, proving that heroes can come from anywhere and that anyone can make a difference. As the story draws to a close, the MC reflects on his journey and the lessons he have learned. He realize that being a hero is not just about having a powerful quirk, but also about having the courage and conviction to stand up for what is right, even when it is difficult. And as he look towards the future, he knows that he is ready to face whatever challenges lie ahead, confident in his abilities and the strength of his spirit.

OceanTearz · Cómic
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6 Chs

Katsuki Bakuhatsu?

The days passed quickly as I settled into my new life at U.A. High School. I trained hard and tried to improve my quirk, but it was difficult. My quirk was unlike anything I had ever seen before, and I didn't know how to control it properly. I struggled to keep up with the other students in class, but I refused to give up.

One day, as I was practicing my quirk in the training room, a voice called out to me.

"Hey, you!" the voice said. "What's your quirk?"

I turned around and saw a boy with spiky green hair and freckles. He was staring at me with intense curiosity.

"Uhm, it's something like a force shield that I can use to defend against attacks," I said.

The boy's eyes widened. "Wow! That's amazing! My name is Izuku Midoriya. What's your name?"

"I'm Alex," I replied.

"Nice to meet you, Alex!" Midoriya said. "Hey, do you want to train together? I've been trying to improve my own quirk, and I could use a partner."

I nodded eagerly. I was grateful for the opportunity to train with someone else, especially someone as enthusiastic as Midoriya.

We spent the next few hours training together, pushing each other to our limits. Midoriya's quirk was super strength, and he was determined to become the greatest hero of all time. I was inspired by his passion and his drive, and I knew that I wanted to become a hero, too.

As we trained, Midoriya told me about the world of heroes and villains. He told me about All Might, the greatest hero of all time, and the League of Villains, a group of powerful villains who were wreaking havoc on society.

"I want to be like All Might," Midoriya said. "I want to save people with a smile on my face, just like he does."

I was moved by Midoriya's words. I knew that I wanted to be a hero, too, but I didn't know if I could ever be as strong or as brave as Midoriya.

As the sun began to set, we finished our training session and said our goodbyes. I headed back to my dorm room, feeling exhausted but exhilarated. I was beginning to feel like I belonged in this world, like I had a purpose here.

The next day, we had a training exercise in which we had to battle robots that simulated villains. I teamed up with Midoriya and another student named Ochako Uraraka, who had the power to make objects weightless. Together, we battled the robots and emerged victorious.

After the exercise, our teacher, Shota Aizawa, spoke to us.

"Good job, everyone," he said. "But remember, the real world is much more dangerous than these simulations. You need to be prepared for anything that comes your way."

His words struck a chord with me. I knew that the world of heroes and villains was a dangerous one, and I had a lot to learn before I could be ready for it.

As the days passed, I made new friends and learned more about the world of heroes and villains. I trained hard every day, pushing myself to the limit. I still struggled to control my quirk, but I was making progress.


Alex was about to leave the classroom when his phone buzzed with a message from Principal Nezu, requesting him to come to his office immediately.

As Alex made his way to the principal's office, he couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. The tone of the message was rather suspicious and he couldn't shake off the feeling that something was off.

When he reached the principal's office, he saw the principal sitting behind his desk. Nezu , also known as Mr. Principal, is a Pro Hero and the principal of U.A. High School. He is an extremely rare case of an animal who manifested a Quirk. Nezu greeted him with a smile, but there was something in his eyes that suggested otherwise.

"Alex, thank you for coming. Please have a seat," Nezu said as he motioned towards the chair in front of his desk.

Alex sat down, his heart racing with anticipation. He had no idea what the principal wanted to talk to him about, but he knew it couldn't be good.

As Alex stood before Principal Nezu's desk, he could sense the suspicious look in the principal's eyes. Nezu cleared his throat before speaking, "Alex, I have to admit, your sudden appearance at UA High has raised some suspicions. As far as we know, you've never attended a hero school before, nor do we have any record of your quirk."

Alex shifted in his seat and tried to maintain eye contact with Nezu. "Well, sir, I actually grew up in a small town without any access to hero schools. But I have been training my quirk on my own for a while now," he replied, hoping that his answer would be enough to satisfy the principal's suspicions.

Nezu raised an eyebrow, still unconvinced. "And how did you hear about UA High and decide to apply?" he asked, pressing further.

Alex took a deep breath before responding, "I've always dreamt of becoming a hero and I did a lot of research on the best schools for heroes. UA High kept popping up and I knew I had to apply."

Nezu nodded, seeming to accept his answer for now. "I see. Well, I'll have to do some further investigating just to be sure. In the meantime, focus on your studies and training. We expect nothing but the best from our students here at UA High," he said before dismissing Alex from his office.

Alex breathed a sigh of relief as he walked out of the principal's office, grateful that he had managed to cover his tracks, at least for now.


I eagerly accepted Midoriya's invitation and we made our way to the agency together. As we walked, we talked about our dreams of becoming heroes and the challenges we faced in achieving those dreams.

When we arrived at the agency, we were introduced to the owner, a seasoned hero named Sir Nighteye. He was initially hesitant to take us on as interns, but Midoriya convinced him to give us a chance.

Over the next few weeks, we worked hard at the agency, learning about the various aspects of hero work. We went on patrols with other heroes, assisted in rescue missions, and even got to face off against a few villains.

It was during this time that I began to develop a close friendship with Midoriya. We bonded over our shared love for hero work and our struggles to control our quirks. We spent hours training together, exchanging tips and advice on how to improve.

But it wasn't just about hero work. We talked about our personal lives, our hopes and fears for the future, and our favorite hobbies. Midoriya introduced me to his favorite manga series and I showed him my favorite music.

As the weeks went by, our friendship only grew stronger. I felt grateful to have found someone who understood me and shared my passion for hero work. With Midoriya by my side, I felt like I could conquer anything.

One day, Midoriya took me to visit his childhood friend, a girl named Katsuko Bakuhatsu. Katsuko had been skeptical of Midoriya's friendship with me, but when she saw how hard we were working at the agency, she began to warm up to me.

We spent the afternoon hanging out, talking about hero work and our shared experiences at U.A. High School. Katsuko was tough on the outside, but I could tell that she had a soft spot for Midoriya and his friends.

As the day drew to a close, Katsuko surprised me by giving me a small gift – a keychain in the shape of a hero mask. It was a simple gesture, but it meant a lot to me. It was a symbol of the friendship that had developed between us.

Over the next few months, Midoriya and I continued to work hard at the agency and at school. We faced many challenges, both personal and professional, but we always had each other's backs.

One day, Midoriya came to me with a problem. He had discovered a dangerous plot by the League of Villains, but he wasn't sure how to stop them. He was worried about putting himself and his friends in danger.

I listened carefully as he explained the situation to me. I could see the fear and uncertainty in his eyes, but I also saw the determination and bravery that had made me admire him from the beginning.