
Rise of the Multiverse Family (Hiatus)

After an endless amount of eons has passed since he reincarnated in the new world, staring at the infinite void of nothingness, countless corpses filled the void, he felt envy rather than anger, every supreme god either has a family or an alliance enough to support them to the supreme position. I envied them, I envied them that I created an artifact to make my own family, yet, here I am, and before I could start, I was besieged by the gods. Never would I have known that the artifact I made would surpass the Supreme God Grade, and cause heavy fluctuation in the endless void, which every God senses after I finish it, Gods fluck in with everything they got, to take the opportunity to ascend beyond the Supreme God. “Give it up to the Space-Time Deity, Hand over the supreme artifact to us!” A Supreme God shouted at Liam. Liam heavily injured knows he can't last any longer after these supreme gods make their moves, Liam nearing his death, sighed and looked at the artifact he just finished creating. A tree with countless branches that look like galaxies and endless leaves like the stars, Handing the artifact that took him hundreds of eons of years to be made, just to be taken by others was not something he could let happen. "If you desire it so much, then no one can have it!!" gathering all the fragmented godheads in the corpses of the gods onto his godhead, reaching the very limit of the godhead, overflowing with Primordial Force compress to the very limit of the Primordial Force, the godhead of space-time glowed, at this moment, a light appeared as if the big bang that started a universe appeared. “Noo!” The gods shouted, but before they could even start their escape, an overwhelming light enveloped everything in sight. Boom! As the light passes through the countless universes, time reverses the destruction of the universes, some reversed to the beginning of their birth, nothing escaped time…

ExtraBliss · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
10 Chs

Parents and Marriage

Looking at the mansion in front of him, Liam can't help but feel a sense of home. after countless eons of fighting and ascending to the Supreme position of a god, he was finally home.

Walking up to the door, can't help but take a deep breath before knocking on the door.

Emily seeing this can't help but ask.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, just miss home I guess"

Liam proceeds to knock on the door.

*knock* *knock*

After a while, the door opened, and a woman with chestnut brown hair, elegantly styled with her warm hazel eyes which exuded a sense of wisdom, almost a look-alike of a mature Emily.

"Mother! We're home!" 

Emily quickly moved towards to woman and hugged her.

"Emily! Young master! You're back home!" 

the woman was shocked to see both of them back home from the territory.

"Were back head maid Seraphina, glad to see you doing well" 

Liam smiled as he spoke to Seraphina

"It's also good to see both of you still doing well, but I thought the young master sent a letter that he was not going home after reaching the Novice Level and wanted to reach higher levels?"

"Well, a change of mind came to me, staying in the academy might not be the best choice. Anyways, where are my parents? I wanna speak with them."

"The master and madam are at the garden at the back of the mansion, ill guide you to them"

"Alright let's go"


Walking under the shade of the pergola, I can't help but take a good look at the garden, all kinds of diverse flowers and vegetables growing, very comforting to look at.

"Waah, this garden is so beautiful, when did the mansion have this kind of garden?"

Emily asked with curiosity in her eyes

Liam nodded and also asked the headmaid.

"Yeah, I have to say, this garden is full of vitality, who planted all these? Did my parents hire professionals to take create this kind of garden,"

"It a bit surprising for the both of you, but it is the master and madam who planted everything in these gardens"

"" Eh?!""

Liam and Emily were shocked at the same time, unable to believe who made this beautiful garden.

"After the both of you left, the madam was a bit depressed for a while, so she decided to take a new hobby which was gardening which she has taken liken into, she also forced the master to take care of the garden together, and the master was a bit reluctant at first, but also grew to like it"

"I see, it's good to see that they're in good health and taking on new hobbies to dedicate to"

After walking for a while, they saw a Victorian-style gazebo surrounded by flowers by the side, with a couple sitting together and drinking tea.

"Mother! Father! I'm back!"

Liam walks towards inside the gazebo.

""Liam! Why are you here??""

Liam walks in front of them and sits across the table from the couple.

"It's good to see you back, but didn't you say in the letter you wanted to further reach higher levels?" 

Liam's eyes look at the man across the table, excluding a sense of strength, valor, and determination. Aiden Akash, the father of Liam Akash, with black hair red eyes, and a goatee.

""Well I changed my mind about staying in the academy and decided to inherent and develop instead"

"Realy?! That great, the territory can finally develop, with a Novice Level Lord, the people should be willing to listen" 

The woman beside Aiden Akash, eyes glowed with excitement. 

Liam looked at his mother, Aurora Akash, excluding a sense of ethereal beauty like the embodiment of nature, giving a gentle presence to her surroundings.

Liam nods his head after drinking the tea poured by Seraphina.

"Hm, I already made plans on what to develop in the territory, from agriculture, settlements, population, and the forces I'm gonna develop."

"Seeing that you already have a plan in mind, I'll transfer the territory ownership to you, and I'll retire" 

Aiden looked at Liam with eyes of approval.

"Father you just want to use retirement as an excuse just to spend more time with Mother"

Liam's eyes rolled looking at his father, knowing his true intentions for Liam inheriting the territory.

*cough* *cough*

Aiden coughs trying to hide his embarrassment from being exposed and tries to change the topic to Emily.

"Anyways, since you withdrew from the academy, the academy should have had you sign a contract to never use the academy techniques again, what compensation do you want Emily? After all this just cut off your chance of transcending to higher levels"

But before Emily could think of a way of getting compensated, Liam spoke.

"I'm marrying Emily, I'm the one who prevented her from transcending, I should be responsible for it, I already conveyed this to her and she accepted."

"" Eh?! "" The head maid Seraphina and Emily look at Liam in shock.

"Oh my! Emily gonna be my daughter-in-law" 

Aurora who was listening from the side, became excited to hear that Emily was going to be married into her family, this was a girl she watched grow up and approved of her being married into the family.

"Ah, I" Emily blushed and was not able to speak a single word of denial, Liam did tell her this in the academy, but unable to look at anyone's eyes, Emily stayed silent and looked at the ground as she was embarrassed to face everyone.

Seraphina looked at Emily surprised that this was the compensation she was going to receive.

"Seraphina, how about it? Emily is going to get married to Liam, your her mother, what's your opinion on this"

Aurora asked Seraphina with excitement, knowing that her future daughter-in-law was already in front of her.

Seraphina thought for a while before answering Aurora, she then looked at Liam and bowed a bit.

"Please take off Emily young master"


"Alright alright no need to bow, your gonna be my mother-in-law"

Liam ignores Emily and looks at Seraphina bowing and feels it is wrong for her mother-in-law to bow, so he grabs her to stop bowing.

"Alright! It's decided, Emily will be my daughter-in-law from now on!" 

Aurora hugged one of Emily's hands

"Uhm, Don't I have a say in this?"

Aiden from the side looks at his wife.

"Huh? You got a problem with this marriage dear?" 

Aurora releases a kind of authoritarian aura on Aiden, making Aiden sweat from his wife's suppression.

"No, no I agree on this marriage" 

Aiden quickly denied his problem with the marriage.

"Alrighty then, Seraphina come with me and Emily to look for a wedding dress that fits her"

"Yes madam"

Seraphina agreed with a smile on her face and left the gazebo with Aurora and Emily and returned to the mansion.

Liam looked at the back of the woman going back to the mansion, he looked at Aiden with a curious look.

"Hmm, father you still afraid of mother even now?"

Aiden shook his head and told his son deep knowledge that every man getting married should know.

"Listen here son, marriage is a relationship in which one person is always right, while the other is the husband, this is the wisdom I gained after marrying your mother."

Aiden stands up and pats Liam's shoulder.

"Remember this well, it will help your marriage last longer, the wife is always right"

Then leaves the gazebo, leaving the confused Liam.