
Rise of the Multiverse Family (Hiatus)

After an endless amount of eons has passed since he reincarnated in the new world, staring at the infinite void of nothingness, countless corpses filled the void, he felt envy rather than anger, every supreme god either has a family or an alliance enough to support them to the supreme position. I envied them, I envied them that I created an artifact to make my own family, yet, here I am, and before I could start, I was besieged by the gods. Never would I have known that the artifact I made would surpass the Supreme God Grade, and cause heavy fluctuation in the endless void, which every God senses after I finish it, Gods fluck in with everything they got, to take the opportunity to ascend beyond the Supreme God. “Give it up to the Space-Time Deity, Hand over the supreme artifact to us!” A Supreme God shouted at Liam. Liam heavily injured knows he can't last any longer after these supreme gods make their moves, Liam nearing his death, sighed and looked at the artifact he just finished creating. A tree with countless branches that look like galaxies and endless leaves like the stars, Handing the artifact that took him hundreds of eons of years to be made, just to be taken by others was not something he could let happen. "If you desire it so much, then no one can have it!!" gathering all the fragmented godheads in the corpses of the gods onto his godhead, reaching the very limit of the godhead, overflowing with Primordial Force compress to the very limit of the Primordial Force, the godhead of space-time glowed, at this moment, a light appeared as if the big bang that started a universe appeared. “Noo!” The gods shouted, but before they could even start their escape, an overwhelming light enveloped everything in sight. Boom! As the light passes through the countless universes, time reverses the destruction of the universes, some reversed to the beginning of their birth, nothing escaped time…

ExtraBliss · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Memory and Development Plan

In a dense forest, a carriage was speeding through the gravel road.

"The surrounding starts to look familiar, we should be nearing the territory"

Emily looking at the window

"I'll rest a bit more, wake me up when we enter the territory"


'First I should recall what happened during this time and plan the development of the territory'

Liam closed his eyes, recalling the memories of the past

In the past, me and Emily struggled and took every opportunity to reach the apprentice level by doing quests commissioned by the academy and then buying potions that helped us accelerate the progression of the technique, after years of struggle we reached the apprentice level. But just after a few months, the demons invaded the Stonehammer Kingdom which was a large island in between the Abyssal Continent and the Main Continent, and fell in just a few days, the world was shocked and sent their major forces into the Great Desert of Siroco that was on the edge of the Main Continent

'I should be about 20 years from now before the invasion, I should I enough time to develop my own forces and improve my level'

Closing his again, and continued recalling.

I recall in the past the Carriela Kingdom sent their weakest of troops including the students of the academy which included me and Emily, this was a way for those nobles and royals to preserve their own forces, after 3 years of persistence 1 Grandmaster 2 Master level appeared in the frontlines of the Carriela kingdom, falling almost immediately.

Liam heart clenched as he vividly recollects the memory of the bloody frontlines, desolate landscape full of lifeless bodies everywhere, a painful reminder of the war. In the aftermath of the battle, his hands trembled as he held Emily's body, a once warm and vibrant hands, was now reduced to a lifeless body, piercing his very soul.


'At that time, Emily's death made me lose myself and throw myself to countless battle after battle to try and move on' Liam sighs as he recalls the moment he was not very fond of. 

After a few moments of calming himself, he continued.

In the 10th year of the war, I received news of my parents' death due to the demons invading the borders of the Carriela Kingdom, this surprised the nobles and royals of the kingdom and led their forces to reinforce their own borders, after a few months after the border issue, the royals imposed a heavy taxes and implemented Nobles Obligation to send their strongest forces to support the frontlines of the kingdom, this annoyed the nobles who heavily invested into their own forces and complained to the royal family.

The royal family didn't even give the nobles a chance to negotiate and forced them to be obedient, of course, this further angered the nobles and caused friction between the royals and nobles, which eventually led to the civil war of the Carriela Kingdom.

'The nobles really just there to defend their own self-interest, and don't even care for anyone but themselves, this kingdom is already a lost cost' Liam eyes squinted, and muttered under his breath, and continued to recall.

After 12 years after the civil war, the Carriela Kingdom was now fragmented into smaller kingdoms, the war with the demons was still ongoing even after a Paragon Level was sent to support the frontlines by the Drakoria Kingdom.

At that time, I started to lose myself, wondering why I kept surviving, without any purpose to live, I kept suffering, never knowing when this war was going to end, after countless contemplation I came to a conclusion and decided that I had nothing left to return to in this world, and decided to focus in transcend to the transcendent universe, I then left the army and secluded myself in some mountain, and after 150,000 years, I was finally about to transcend the Paragon Level and felt that the Universe was ejecting him.

'Transcending at that time was really eye-opening, learning that the universe and the world I was in was just a small universe among the countless small universes orbiting the Transcendant Universe where Transcendants and Demi-gods live, it was like comparing a small rock on the side of the road to the size of Earth, that just how large the Transcendant Universe System is'

Liam eyes still glimmer recalling the memory of transcending the small universe.

'It's still a wonderful memory worth recalling, anyways that all that, we should be nearing the territory, I should plan the development of the territory' 

Just as he was about the plan the development of the territory, he felt something tapping on his body.

Liam opened his eyes to see Emily in front of his face.

"Wake up, we are about to enter the territory"

"Alright alright"

Liam stretched his body and took a look from the window, looking at land that was full of tall grass everywhere, this was undeveloped land that should have been developed into a farms

After some time, the "Farmlands" were becoming less and less, and more wood houses started showing up.

The wood houses these people have been on the brink of destruction, just a light storm is enough to destroy these houses, the territory of Akash is in the far east of the kingdom nearing the border of the Verdant Groove which was beside the sea, which makes storms affect the area.

'I should first use the artifact to produce seeds and develop the farmlands of the territory, establish the Department of Food Administration that will ensure the overall quality of the food in the territory. Then after the food problems are solved, I'll establish the Department of Human Settlements and Urban Development which will be in charge of the quality of housing in the territory, relocate housing for the people living in the territory, and ensure that the development of housing will keep up with the growing population. After this is done, the establishment of the academy in my own territory is a must-have, I'll divide the academy into Transcendence Academy and General Academy, the Transcendence Academy will use the Techniques provided by me and join the Akash forces after their graduation, while the General Academy will educate the populace with simple knowledge like writing, language, writing, and many more, ill also give the General Academy a technique that is enough to transcend to the Expert Level to improve the quality of the most common people. After the territory stabilizes, I'll have the hire the merchants using gold coins to find villages or wandering people to relocate them into the territory to boost the population." 

'After going home, my parents should be surprised, after all, I was persistent in reaching the Apprentice Level, even after the letters my parents sent to let me inherit the territory, just having a Novice Level is enough to have the people to support me into developing the territory, my parents are just normal mortals, and cannot gather the people to help them, but after returning home, ill have them practice the Paragon Grade Meditation Technique I made, and makeup for my regents for not being there for them'


After a while, the carriage entered the small city and stopped in front of the mansion owned by the Akash Family.

Liam stepped out of the carriage and looked at the mansion in front of him, he smiled and muttered.

"Im home"

Doing this as a College student almost leaves me no time to write (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

But I need Graduate ┬─┬ノ( º _ ºノ)

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