
Chapter 4: Liliths Family

The screams of four different men echoed throughout the camp as Okami happily sipped on some fresh animal blood while watching the sun rise

'I wish Lyn could see this right now..' Okami currently couldn't reamber how she escaped the dungeon or how she got in that village all she remembered was killing a few people then falling asleep, she didnt know why she killed them or who they were and as such she decided not to delve any deeper Into it then that

After a while the blood curdling screams stopped and Lilith came walking up to her covered in blood and other liquids Okami couldn't identify, Okami was happy to see her at first but after seeing her face she immediately got a bit worried


"Calm down you little monster your not In trouble..I am really tired though"

Okami smiled patting the patch of grass next to her as she looked back up at the morning sky

"Glad I trusted my instincts and didnt blame you, though that was a pretty convincing display you put on if not for the fact I watched you almost murder two of them when we met I might have fallen for it"

For some reason Okami felt attacked she was an innocent girl who would never harm a fly...at least that's what she liked to tell herself, in reality though she probably was the most brutal out of her little trio

"I know what your thinking and no your not innocent!! You literally ripped a mans throat out with your bare hands!!"

Okami crossed her arms and looked away in a joking manner that made Lilith smile, "Well at least you aren't like my sister who enjoys "playing" with her victims before she kills them"

Okami immediately looked over at Lilith with a mixture of doubt, curiosity, and disgust she may be brutal but she wouldn't sexually assault someone especially somone shes trying to kill

Lilith just shrugged as she sat down next to Okami while trying to spot what she was so interested in since Okami herself couldn't exactly tell her

"You really like looking the sky.." Okami nodded at Liliths words as she rested her head on her palm

'I wish Sarah could see this she always wanted to see the sky outside of the dungeon'

"Its seems like there just about done packing everything up and disposed of the trash, shall we head out?"

Okami nodded hopping to her feet before making her way back to the carriage with a heavy yawn

After Cleaning herself up in a nearby river Lilith soon joined her while the loaded everything back up


Okami reluctantly opened her eyes as Lilith gently shook her shoulder with a grin, "Time to get up you've been asleep for the past few hours"

Okami frowned as she looked outside to see many different humans walking past the carriage, some of witch were wearing armor while others looked like normal civilians

However to Okami it didnt matter if they were adventures or not as just the sight of them made her blood begin to boil, she had already gotten used to the carriage escorts so she didn't really mind there presence

As they rode through the city streets Okamis sour expression only worsened as the entered the noble district 'Just the look on there pompous faces makes me want to hurl'

'You really arent a people person are you?" Lilith couldn't help but ask after seeing Okamis expression

"Dont worry I have my own small section of the manor so no one will bother you." Hearing this Okami beamed, though humans were the only race she hated she wasn't really looking forward to meeting alot of people

"Ah~" Okami exclaimed happily causing Lilith to giggle a bit to herself

'Too cute!' Lilith thought as she happily watched the excited avian girl infront of her, 'I hope my family doesn't do anything weird to her..'

For the rest of the journey Okami decided not to look outside as to not spoil her good mood with the faces of the snobby human nobles, once they arrived the carriage stopped infront of a huge manor that was bigger then any building Okami had ever had the privilege of viewing

Stepping out first Lilith helped Okami down and out of the carriage who then responded by giving her a polite nod

Once Okami was free of the confined space she immediately stretched her stiff wings in and out before folding them back up once more

"Lilith I see you've returned..and with a guest aswell, please do not tell me you've gotten into your old habits again?" An aged and tired sounding voice sounded out as a well groomed male made his way up to the both of them

"Of course not father this is somone I met on my trip, she was lost in the Dead-zone so I decided to help her out" Lilith quickly corrected the man

Lilith's father raised an eyebrow slightly as he looked Okami up and down, Okami herself wanted to gouge the mans eyes out for staring at her in such a weird way but managed to control herself and not cause any trouble

"I see..and I assume she would have some value then or you wouldn't have brought her here"

"Yes father but perhaps we should discuss this later it is rather rude to talk about matters like this infront of the individual" Lilith put up a rather good fake smile that was easily seen through by Okami and most likely her father aswell

"Very well, she shall stay in your wing of the manor then and will be assigned a maid or two to assist her" Lilith's father waved his hand dismissively as he walked back inside of the house with a few servants following close behind

"Sorry he is always like that..should we go inside now?"

Okami nodded letting Lilith lead the way to the place she would be staying for at least a few days

Sorry for the short chapters they will start getting longer after this one

Asari_Arccreators' thoughts