
Chapter 14: Blood Fields

After receiving word from a surviving soldier the earth-calamity quickly mounted his horse and charged forward ready for battle however instead of a deadlocked battle like he had predicted what greeted him was a field full of bloodied corpses that were inhabited by hundreds of small flys and insects

The smell alone was enough to make even the most battle tested veteran gag

Each of the bodies were covered in dried blood with nost of it centered around there mouths this scene frightened the few guards who had accompanied there lord to the battlefield even the earth-calamity himself couldn't keep his usual cold and slack face

"What caused this?" Be quickly shouted turning his horse around to face his subordinates, but none seemed to have an answer to there lords questions as such none decided to speak

Frowning the earth-calamity rode his stead closer twords his few guards however before he managed to move even a few inches a bloodied hand from below shot up grabbing the horses white leg quickly staining its majestic fur a dark crimson color

As the movement had been so sudden the mount was quick to fright and quickly tried to run away throwing its master into the mountain of bodies in its attempt

Quickly getting to his feet the earth-calamity pushed a few bodies aside thinking nothing of it while he quickly scanned the area ready to pull out his sword at a moments notice

But no threat revealed itself, taking in a deep breath the earth-calamity calmed himself but soon afterward the sweet metallic taste of copper quickly coated the back of his throat

Spewing up a mouthful of blood and vomit the earth-calamity fell to his knees with sharp breaths and a stabbing pain near his heart

His aides quickly rushed over but soon met the same fate and fell off there horses vomiting fourth everything in there stomachs before a torrential downpour of blood rushed past there clenched teeth

Seeing this the earth-calamities face quickly turned pale while he looked desperately all around him, but again all he see was a sea of bodies nothing more nothing less

Cursing to himself lightly he quickly realized it must have been the air causing this, as such he quickly covered his mouth and nose and pulled in his last bits of strength to stand up

"What poison could act this fast? And why isn't effecting the horses?" He questioned to no one in particular

[Mist Mutation Achieved - Walking Corpse]

Feeling his danger senses flare up the earth-calamity quickly drew his blade, but unfortunately he was too late

The body he was currently half standing on shifted and threw him to the floor once more

Desperately trying to find his bearings the earth-calamity removed his hand from his mouth inviting the mist to once again invade his lungs sending sharp pains down each of his air channels and into his rapidly expanding lungs

[Mist Mutation Achieved - Body Modification l]

Fear quickly overtook the earth-calamities mind, every fiber of his being was telling him to leave this area immediately, despite this instinct he couldn't move..

No matter how much he desperately tried to move his tired limbs they just wouldn't listen

His head became fuzzy and distorted before he fell onto his back staring up at the sky with red and bloodshot eyes, he could feel his body giving up on him

However a sharp pain on his ankle quickly snapped him from his delusions

Struggling to move his neck even an inch the earth-calamity groaned in pain once more however what he saw next would haunt him all the way into the after life

There chewing on through hid ankle was one of his once loyal soldiers covered in blood with rotten skin and a monstrous appearance

Elongated teeth, bone claws jutting through his finger tips, caved in chest with ribs piercing through the skin, on the creatures back its spine broke through the skin with large spikes while many blood coloured boils festered on the skin

Noticing its pray moving the creature stopped what it was doing and moved in an insect like way

As there eyes met panic had long settled in the earth-calamities heart, at this moment one of the great and all powerful beings were reduced to a parlayed sniveling brat

'If only I came more prepared! If only I paid better attention!' He yelled inside of his mind as the creature before him.stood up on two firm and bone plated legs

Seemingly taking in a deep breath the creature let out loud petrifying screech

As soon as the creature did this many of the bodies that littered the fields sprung to life each one of them morphing into a different kind of monstrosity with only a few being exactly the same

Rushing over like a pack of starving wolves the creatures quickly began tearing apart the high quality meal infront of them while avoiding any vital organs in order to keep there prey alive longer and maximize the suffering


Meanwhile on Okamis side the girls had long returned to the Inn and had put Okami in a free room to rest

Since all of the villagers had evacuated to god knows wear there was no need to be subtle anymore, as such Lilith and Kir sat down stairs in the restaurant part of the in talking away

It had been a few hours since Okami had fallen asleep and she had no signs of waking up any time soon so the two of them were extremely bored, they had already made sure she had fully recovered and was properly fed and could only wait


After a full day had passed Okami finally sat up in bed with red droopy eyes and aching body

Frowning Okami quickly began checking over her entire body

"Somthing feels off.."

Sure enough Okami was right, on her inner thigh a mark around the size of a fist fell under her gaze

It was the same mark Okami had placed on Kir except this time it was pure black in color

"The hell?" Okami mumbled fingering over the mark, however her investigation was cut short as Kir walked into the room with a bowl of clear soup and a small glass flask filled with blood

"Ahh Okami your awake!"

LISTEN theres a reason I didnt release this on time yesterday or was it the day before?


Alright you caught me I was just being lazy af the last 3 days

Asari_Arccreators' thoughts