
Chapter 12: Shattered Reality

Okamis focused vision zoomed in on the approaching army

She could handle the main force by herself with only a few difficulties, but the true problem lay in the calvary that was speeding there way down the tall hill

Soon they overtook the main force and reached the mouth of the village

"Lilith, Kir can you take care of the calvary for me?" Okami trusted Lilith could handle the task but she wanted to make sure and sunt Kir with her aswell as she didnt know either of there current levels it would be a simple matter to just check Kirs using the Mark and then just ask Lilith but Okami didn't believe she needed to

The beast charmer class is one of the most powerful summoner classes anyone had ever obtained and Lilith was a pure-blood who had access to whatever kind of training she wanted as a noble

Kir nodded immediately while Lilith was a bit hesitant to agree at first, but after Okami reassured the vampire of her safety Lilith finally agreed and dissapeared through the streets with Kir following close behind

"That makes things much easier... though not having a weapon is still a major problem as I doubt I can get away with just a pair of ice daggers this time. What an annoying situation to be in, I guess I'll just steal one no big deal" Okami mumbled as she stripped off her top

"It would be annoying to damage my only shirt.." As Okami placed her shirt inside of her Inventory she shivered feeling the cool breeze brush against her tone stomach and ample breast

Okami straightened out her back as she spread her wings as far as they would reach and then proceeded to retract them once more

After she shrunk down her huge wing span to a miniature size a thin layer of crystal ice sprouted from her skin and covered her entire body, once the armor was in place a cloudy black membrane formed underneath shielding everything important from sight as the ice armor slowly thickened and shaped itself into an elegant battle-dress that was flexible and easy to move in

Okami didnt bother making a mask/helmet as the king most likely already knew her face and it would only serve to hinder her eyesight

"Let the massacre begin" Okami muttered while she taking a single step forward and then another then yet another, soon Okami broke out into a full sprint as she charged through the calvary men Lilith and Kir were currently keeping busy

A few soldiers noticed her presence and readied there spears in an attempt to impale there target

Okami refused to spare them even a glance as there spears immediately snapped when coming into contact with her body, a few of the mounted soldiers lost there balance from the reverberating force and fell backwards off there steads

Each of them desperately tried to stand up as quickly as possible but were stopped short when a ferocious screech/roar echoed through the newly formed battlefield

Everyone's eyes left Okami allowing her to pass but the soldiers didn't care as there bodies shook with fear, a few even wanted to flee but they knew if they were ever found they'd be executed on the spot under rhe name of treason

"Nin-nin dont scare them to much or they'll take off and we wont get the Exp!" Kirs childish tone twords the large large greyish wyvern made the soldiers even more fearful and confused as they didnt know when the beast had arrived it was as if it appeared from thin air

The wyvern in question was about half the size of an adult dragon and was comparable to a large building, its scales were an ash grey in color while the beasts large eyes were two different colors, one being a purplish blue and the other was the species natural golden color

The creature lowered its head and nuzzled Kirs cheek softly as if it were apologizing for its actions

"Its okay Nin-nin you didnt do anything wrong" Kir continued with her pampering tone of voice while she gently pet the lizards large head

"Nin-nin I hope your hungry mother master prepared all these delicious knights for you and me! Arent you excited?" The wyvern lifted his head and looked over the crowd of mounted soldiers then back down at Kir seeking some sort of permission or conformation

Kir smiled and gestured for the wyvern to do as it wished while she simply seated herself on a nearby tree stump with a bright smile

Lilith who was watching the entire situation unfold from a nearby rooftop sarcastically applauded the girl and her pet before she returned her gaze twords Okamis location

"Miss Lilith are you not going to fight aswell?" Kir said with a bored expression as her dearest 'Nin-nin' enjoyed his fill of the armies calvary

"Is there a need? I'm sure your little wyvern friend there has the situation under control.." Lilith rolled her eyes without looking towards the annoying human

"Is that so? But wouldn't my lady bee upset if she found out you did nothing to help?" Kir replied matching Liliths sour attitude

The vampire hummed to herself for a moment as she thought. Sighing heavily Lilith looked down over twords the the small group of reinforcements that were steadily approaching

Liliths eyes narrowed and seemingly shone with a dark light, Kir was confused by this but when she settled her gaze on the spot Lilith glared at she couldn't help but shiver

An entire section of the forest was engulfed in a dark black flame just from a simple glance Kir was glad she chose to work under Okami as she didnt want to imagine what would be done to her if she were caught by this frightening woman

"There is that sufficient contribution?" Lilith grinned glancing over twords her, Kir didnt speak after that and only offered the vampire a few glances

Back over on Okamis end soldiers were falling left and right with only a few being able to take more then one attack the merciless demi-god like being infront of them

Dodging another blade Okami twisted her body and slammed her shin into a soldiers helm crushing it and the mans skull like they were made of gel instead of steel and bone

Picking a free sword Okami landed back on her feet and blocked a spear aimed for her back, grabbing the area just below the spears point Okami cut the shaft of the weapon in two, After dodging and blocking a few more attacks Okami kicked the nearest soldier in his chest before throwing the severed spear tip into his chest at full strength

The sharp object flew straight through the mans chest cavity and into the soldier behind him killing both of them on the spot

"Surround her she csnt take us all at once!!" A few men yelled in witch everyone complied, Okami clicked her tounge in annoyance as she couldn't pinpoint were the commanders voice came from due to the loud sound of clanking armor and weapons

Okami melted the armor covering her hands as she increased the grip in her temporary sword "This is taking to long... Time to make use of my Mp then"

[Touch Of Undeath]

Just as Okami activated her skill danger flooded her senses making her quickly turn around to only be greeted with the sight of brutish man whi stood around 9ft tall wielding a jet black halberd that looked tiny compared to his bulking frame

Okami quickly side stepped the large axe head causing it to bury itself deep into the packed dirt, the man frowned and effortlessly pulled his weapon free to prepare for another strike

However Okami wasn't going to give him the chance as she appeared behind the giant

Okami poured her mana into her hand as she grasped the nape of the behemoths neck and dug her nails in refusing to let go

The bare chested man tried his best to grap Okami and throw her off his back but his arms were to big and wernt flexible enough to reach, this combined with Okamis agility the man was utterly hopeless

Blood began to flow from the mans nostrils as he quickly vomited up a mouthful of blood and fell to one knee

Feeling her instincts flare up once more she quickly used the large mans broad back as a springboard and launched off his back, this was just in time as five or six spear heads suddenly charged forward and pierced the behemoths back exactly were she just was

"Have you all no sympathy? To think you'd be so quick to end your fellow soldiers life" Okami berated as she revealed the large mans halberd in her hand and spunt it around a few times

"There.." She muttered as she found her target sitting encircled a plethora of soldiers

Okami was currently standing atop a large tree limp alerting most of the nearby soldiers including the general she had set her sights on to her presence

"Capture her alive or lord commands I- " Unfortunately the camanders voice was cut short when his head slowly fell from his broad shoulders with a wet thud

Behind his calm stead a blood stained halberd lay planted deep into the disturbed soil

Okami giggled to herself as she soon appeared next to the weapon and pulled it free

"Who's next?"

Her cold eyes scanned the crown as a sadistic and evil grin sat plastered across her face

This behavior was naturally an act to scare the remaining soldiers, however a small part of it was real as she could feel her sanity slowly slipping through her loose grip

"Shit.. " Okami muttered as her world began to spin as she tried her best to seal the lid of the bottle she had been filling for the past years

Her breath hastened, her grip tightened, she could feel the world around her turn grey and loose its color

Her balance became unsteady as her will begin to crumble once more, "Why.. why! why! why! why!!!"

Her words became louder and louder with ear words until she suddenly burst into a hysterical laughter, "Is this fun to you? So you enjoy watching me suffer?!" Okami yelled to no one in particular witch caused the soldier to grow confused as they watched the scene

None dared step forward as they feared having there soul taken from them, without there general there would be no way to counter the Calmaity of Deaths sould and death based magic

"WELL?! IM SPEAKING TO YOU!!" Okami yelled with a demonic grin that showed off her razor like K9s. Okami broke into another laughing causing her shoulders to violently shake

Okami was desperately trying wrestle back what little sanity she held dear but it was to late she had already been submerged into her unending bloodlust and rage

The ground began to fissure and crack beneath there feet with violent tremors. horses abandoned there riders and soldiers quickly began to move away from the dangerous calmaity

[Warning Calamity Of Sin Has Gone Berserk]

The system read out its warning to all nearby creatures, Once Lilith and Kir received the warning they both cursed to themselves and quickly ran twords the commotion

"All shall pay for my suffering!! All shall pay for harming my love!!" Black tears fell from Okamis darkening eyes as her body took a step forward

"I'll make you all suffer just as she did, even the gods wont be able to help you now!!" Okami said between her laughter as blackened tears continued to fall

The halberd in Okamis hand suddenly began to pulsate as if it were alive as the same black liquid falling from her now completely soulless eyes seaped out from her palm and coated the halberd causing its form to slowly contort and bend at a speed visible to the naked eye

"I cant wait to carve up your useless bodies and offer them up to my love!! I wonder if she'll be pleased with me!!" Okami had almost completely lost her mind at this point but as a soft and sweet voice filled with worry and concern fell upon her ears she stopped in her tracks

Her hand trembled as a cold touch rested upon its surface Okamis clouded eyes began to slowly clear as while her head slowly tilted back to spot both Lilith and Kir looking towards her with deep concern

"Okami! Are you okay?" They both asked anxiously


[Authors Note]: Does Okami return from the depths of her own mind? Or will she end up killing the final two supports she has in this life

Find Out Next Time On Dragon Ba-

I mean rise of the blood Valkyrie


Also Overlord s4 confirmed, I'm so happy!!, anyone else excited??


No? Just me? Okay then..

*Sits down in corner to hide embarrassment*

Asari_Arccreators' thoughts