

Inside the gazebo after the fight with less than 10 minutes the messy broken shards of glass table and foods have already disappeared. His uncle corpse was taken by his subordinates. Aside from the maid's corpse everything else is cleaned.

Sitting weakly in his comfortable chair, Ren closed his eyes as he savor his newfound sense of relief. Currently Ren is still having bad stomache after killing a human, he used his hate and anger to push his conviction to kill. Then he remembered the maid he stabbed earlier "Ryan bring the corpse of the maid here"

Aknowledging his young master order, Ryan order 2 of the butlers to bring the corpse.

With blood still trickling from the "corpse" the two butler carry the woman, one of them hold the arms while the other holds the foot. Reaching their young master's front they then put down the corpse. Looking at the masterpiece he create, with holes where blood is still oozing signifying that the murder happen just a moment ago. Remembering his sadistic action, Ren did not know whether to laugh or cry. Sighing he then said "Stand up!"

Maids and butlers including Ryan cannot help but to glance to each other, trying to identify who does their young master referring to.

"I said stand up" hearing his order again while looki at the corpse, they then finally realized that Ren is ordering the corpse. Bewildirement filled their eyes and their heart started to feel uneasey, their young master telling corpse to stand up is enough evidence of having mental problems. Looks like killing his own uncle is a bit too much, The head butler decided to call a pyschiatris later.

Feeling the weird gaze of his servant and Ryan, he started to frown and irritably talk to the corpse again "keep pretending and I'll make sure you really die"


A moment of silence aside from breeze and chirps of the birds outside no other sound can be heard, this last for 50 seconds. When they are about to ask the head butler to talk with the young master. Ren once again talk to the corpse. "Ryan, i want her body chop into ten thousand pieces, ill see if she could still regenerate"

This time the corpse give a reply. Red strings started to wiggle out from the wounds as they combine and weave and repair every damage in the body. From the organs, blood vessels to the skin within 5 minutes all injuries have healed. The maid then weakily stand up with her knees trembling, its hard to say if its a side effect of her healing or because shes terrified.

Once again people in the surrounding feel their common sense shaken as they personally see a badly wounded corpse heal herself. If not for the blood in the floor and the blood stain left in her clothes and skin, no one would asscociate her from the corpse earlier.

The same time the corpse shows action, the hidden shadowblade started to appear one by one surrounding Ren. Holding a silvermoon gun and silvermoon dagger in their hands they are ready to fight this monster to death. They are no stranger to supernatural creatures like ghost and zombies thats why they have this gun armed with bullets and dagger that is crafted from metal found in the moon which is fairly letal to almost supernatural being they encountered.

"How do you know" the maid weakly asked

Ren does not reply to her question. "Victoria Celes right?" Not waiting for a answer he just continue to talk " A mutant with the ability to regerate any part of your body, with your background as ex-disciple of Li school. You truly have the ability to fake your death and cheat your enemy"

"So heres the deal, I will rescue your brother from Mr. John and you will from now on work for me. Of course there is a second option that is to refuse me but you know that you cant leave here without a punishement right"

Her body slightly quivered from hearing her identity exposed. 10 years ago she was just a normal disciple of Li school, a mediciore martial art school which taught her some tricks and normal knowledge like in a mortal school. She just need 2 years to graduated from that school and satisfy her dream. She will then live normally as college student in a mortal school, but unfortunately her dreams shattered when her bestfriend Anna learned about her secret as a mutant. Anna sell her to Mr. John who killed her parents and kidnapped his younger brother. But her miserly doesnt finish at that, he forced her into becoming a assasin by using her brother's life as leverage. If it was only that she can barely cope with it but Mr. john has weird hobby to collect fingers of young boys. The last time she see him 4 of his fingers are already cut off. Working as a assasin for nearly 3 years, Mr john gives her a oppurtunity to redeem her younger brother and her freedom back. She just need to become a undercover agent for 10 years in the Garcia Ancestral mansion and work for Mr. Francis.

Closing her eyes, Victoria is truly suprised from how much information he knew. Remembering her younger brother and her current situation, tears start to fall from her emerald eyes Thud! With a loud sound she fall into her knees, clenching her hands with her eyes looking straight and determined to Ren she loudly said" If you can truly rescue my little brother from that demon, I will be your servant for 10 yea- i mean for a lifetime, willing to do anything for you"

Victoria wants to say 10 years but when she remember Ryan's identity she is not confident if her being a mutant and a 10 year contract will be enough as leverage. Afraid that she will displease the young boy she can only bit her teeth and hope that her new master will treat her and her brother better than the demon.

Looking at the woman kneeling on front of her, Ren cant help but to smile. Victoria Celes, the future Blood witch. Different from the iron fortress, blood witch is a true expert and powerhouses. The bald man are only known in surrounding region while Victoria will be known throughout the whole world. Gaining this follower, he have much more reasurance for the future and his plans. He then order one of the shadowblades in his side.

"14, i want you take some of other shadows to save her brother. And another thing you know what to gift her, right?. Thats all you can disperse."