

Seeing the knife flying towards his face. Aside from being surprised no hint of fear or panic are showed. With a swift move of his hands, Francis effortless catch it. Remembering the show of attitude and words of his nephew. He feel some fear but this time not because of Ren, instead he feared that his plans will crumbled.

Turning his sight to the left, he see a man in his butler suit. Glaring at this man who has silly smile on his face. 'dont tell me Ryan has already succeed in brainwashing my nephew'

As if reading Francis mind. The man who has silly smile reply with

"Your the one who brainwash the young master" Ryan then turn his head to Ren and ask

"What do you want to with this scum" without even trying to cover his disdain, Ryan gives Francis a mocking smile

"Ryan, shut your mouth no matter what he's still my uncle you have no right to say such thing"

The butler is really puzzled, His young master is lecturing him yet he did not even feel any hint of emotion in his voice, It was as if he did not mean what he said at all. Because of continuous disturbance in his emotion Francis's usual keen observation and reasoning are slowly being muddled. He did not even sense the problem in Ren's word yet he was still happy as he heard his nephew reprimanding the family head butler for him.

With a snort he disdainfully stare at the butler. As if he was saying'your young master still chose me,not you' If Francis is a peacock his tail would already open up widely.

Of course this eye message is well understood by Ryan, Thinking about it he is really frustrated but smart enough not to express it in his face.

Seeing the two adult men starting their eye battle, Ren started to take the initiative.

"But uncle, arent you becoming more and more meddlesome?" Saying this Ren is already walking toward his uncle with a smile.

Hearing this Francis is a lilttle bit annoyed in his heart but didnt show any of it in his face.

"Well im just saying all of this for your own good, whats more how about you show me the little toy hidden in your pocket"

"As expected of my uncle" despite his calm expression Ren is currently cursing this man in his mind. The truth is he already expect his uncle to guess about the knife hidden in his pocket and it was part of the his plan. If not how can his uncle find the knife, it was deliberate act. Trying to make his guard down. He is already less than a meter before he reach his uncle, taking the ordinary looking knife in his short's pocket he silently order his karma system to activate strenghten body.

Yesterday night Ren ask his system about this ability. According to it this ability instantly improve the body without any side effects using the energy stored in the system. Francis, Ren's uncle is a very sly man. Together with his shrewd and crafty mind he also posses a innate strong intuition. So to not give his uncle any forewarning by his intution, Ren wait for this time to activate this ability.

'Activating strengthen body...'

+5 strength

+5 defense

+5 speed

+5 stamina

+5 vitality

'activation complete!'

Hearing this he immediatley kick the floor to accelerate himself, Ren quickly reach his uncle and slash his knife. Sparks flew out as his knife reach contact with his uncle chest and hit the hidden inner armor. Due to his unfamiliarity of newfound body power and resistance of the armor, it only draw a long but shallow wound in his foe's chest. Francis waking up from his stupor quickly jump back to regain some momentum. But will Ren let him succeed, He immediatley capture his uncle's wrist the one that hold the knife

Not expecting his nephew's move, Francis was not able to properly counteract and only try to pull his hand. Not letting the oppurtunity to pass by Ren use his free right hand to pierce his uncle hand.

Francis reply with a small pained sound and dropped the knife from his grasp. Using the pain and danger as catalyst the shrewd man quickly calm himself and analyze the situation. Slightly bending his knee, Francis twist his body and using the inertia he tried to kick his nephew but end up with hitting nothing but air.

Seeing the kick, Ren release the man's hand and step to the right evading his foe's attack. With a quick hand he quickly throw his knife accurately land on his uncle's heart cutting of major arteries.

Confusion appeared in Francis's eyes as he miss his target, but then a burning pain appeared in his chest, lowering his head he see knide embeded too deep that he can only see the handle. The moment he realize that the pain originate from his pierced heart and not only from his chest he quickly lose conciousness and few seconds later sleep eternally.

But before he died he still did not know how his nephew manage to achieved that kind of physical fitness, even the titanium alloy inner shirt he wear was rendered useless by that "ordinary knife".

Seeing the man he extremly hate fall to the floor as he lose his life, Ren cannot help but to heave a sigh of relief as his shoulder lighten up. This battle only last for more or less 20 seconds not waiting for the audiences to react.

Tap tap tap

Rapid footstep are heard as Francis subordinate and bodyguards quickly reach the scene after seeing their master being attack. They hastily check their master's injury and tried to apply pressure to stop the bleeding but it was futile. Not long after several figure of human with mask appeared silently in Ren's back.

They then kneel on one leg with their head looking below, patiently waiting for an order. Actually Ren can just order one of the shadowblade and they can easily kill his uncle, but Ren doesnt want that. He wants to personally kill that bastard and if by chance he also wants to torture him. Sadly Ren is currently anxious and afraid that the *villains halo will became true. Being a lilttle bit more careful wont hurt you. So he just decided to kill him with his own hands to satify his heart. Trying to calm his heart, he was interrupted by a woman's shriek.

The woman could not accept the daylight murder and the victim was her master at that. With trembling hands she then point at Ren

"You....you how coukd you ki....kill your own uncle, do you even have conscience!!!!?"

Staring at the woman questioning him, he coldly look and smile

"Ask that to the bastard, and if you really insist ill make you join him...…in afterlife of course"

Hearing Ren's reply and looking at his creepy smile, the woman cant help but tremble and pwoosh~ lost her balance and drop on her butt.

Satisfied with his act he then examined the other subordinates of his uncle, he just frown as he remember one of them. Recalling his memories if he's not wrong then the bald 2-meter man was the famous Iron fortress fame for his powerful defense and his uncles best warrior. "Ask the giant bald man if he wants to join me, as for the rest just let them go" Ren ordered, if he can recruit that man then its good if not then okay its not as if he will lacked that kind of talent in the future. With his plan and preparation he will surely create a powerful army for himself.

*im talking about those situation the villain will cause more damage (killing or hurting the mc love ones) before the mc kill him immediatley for good or being save and becoming more powerful in the future.