
Rise (An Avengers Story)

Agent Taylor Holmes is a SHIELD Agent with superpowers such as Invisibility and Night vision. Loki falls in love with Taylor. This will follow Avengers and Age of Ultron (but I am gonna make small changes to the story).

MrsLaufeyson002 · Película
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16 Chs

Chapter 10.

The Next Day

I was once again on babysitting duty as the Avengers had a mission. They know where Ultron is heading to next. Loki and I were sitting in the living/common area (he was reading) and I was bored out of my mind. I was wearing (the outfit above/don't pay attention to the glasses) and just wanted to get back to painting. Loki would look up every once in awhile, but never said anything. I decided to watch a little tv since I might be here for awhile. I picked up the remote and went onto Netflix and selected, Pretty Little Liars. Loki finally looks up after awhile. He quietly watched for a few short moments and then gave me a disgusted look.

"Why do you watch this?" He asks after the theme song plays.

"I find it enjoyable." My voice doesn't show emotion (it's lifeless almost), not caring about his opinions and wanting him to shut up.

"I don't understand humans. I would never torture myself with watching something so insufferable."

"I wouldn't either, but this is the second time I have to watch you." Loki glared at me. I just smirked knowing I shut him up, for now. I watched about the first three and a half episodes, before he started talking (whining) again.

"Could you at least be decent enough to put me out of my misery? I just want to read my book in peace, Taylor." He complains and sprawls his body out on the couch as if he's dying.

"Stop your whining. You are currently reminding me of a toddler and I am so close to putting a pacifier in your mouth." He glared at me once again, before he turned his attention to the book in his lap. I continued and finished the third episode, but Loki stopped me from going to the next episode. "What do you want, Loki?"

"Could we at least do something else besides watching this? We could play Hide and seek, watch something we both will like, or just anything else besides this." I considered this and only because Loki was so close to begging and it broke my heart to see him like that (I'm not always heartless).

"Ok, but I have rules." He nodded as a sign to go and that he is listening. "No leaving this building, No causing trouble, No flirting with me, No whining, and No lying. Now, what do you want to do?"

We have been playing Hide and Seek for almost three hours. we got in about eight to ten rounds. He was hiding and I was seeking. I had been looking for Loki, for what feels like an hour, when the Avengers come walking out of the elevator.

"Hey Taylor. Where is Loki?" Steve asks me and I know he can see right through me, so there is no point in lying to him.

"We were playing hide and seek. I didn't think it was such a big deal after the first few times we played and I found him, but now I can't find him." I mutter under my breath, but Steve and Tony heard me.

"We will find him, then we got to have somewhat of a team meeting." Tony reassures me. "Thor will you do the honors?" Thor walks in front of us and nods.

"Loki! If you're in here, come out or I will take you to Asgard to serve the rest of your sentence." Thor slightly yells out. Nothing happens, but after a few minutes, he appears.

"Where were you?" I ask him (almost growled).

"I was in the kitchen." Loki answers with a shrug. He saw my look of confusion (I checked there) and clarified, "I was made an illusion, so you couldn't see me."

"That is cheating!" I yelled as I punched his arm as hard as I could (he didn't even flinch). We all walked into the kitchen and Tony looked at Loki and I.

"We need to lay low for awhile. Clint knows a safe house. We cannot continue going after Ultron right now." He took a couple of minutes before continuing. "You guys will need to pack your stuff."

We all walked up to a farm house after a long plane ride. We started climbing up the stairs to get to the front door. "What is this place?" Thor asks looking around at the place. "Safe house." Tony pipes in before Clint says anything back. "Let's hope so." Clint opens the door and allows all of us to come inside. He looks around for someone or something when he says, "honey? I'm home." A woman walks in and looks surprised to see the rest of us. "This is an agent of some kind." Tony says as Clint's wife hugs and kisses him. Clint looks back at us, "Gentlemen and Lady, this is Laura."

"Hi, I know all of your names." She chuckles nervously at the end as we all just stand around awkwardly. "Ooh, incoming." Clint says as two little kids come running from around the corner. He picks up the little girl and hugs the little boy. "These are smaller agents." Tony says eyeing the children. The little girl speaks in a small voice, "Did you bring aunty Nat?"

Nat looks up with a smile at the mention of her name. "Why don't you hug her and find out." She says and the child runs into her arms.

"Sorry for barging in." Steve apologizes like always. Tony continues with something sarcastic. "Yeah, we would have called ahead, but we were busy having no idea you existed." I just facepalmed myself at how rude his statement sounded. "Yeah, well Fury helped me set this up when I joined. Kept it off of SHIELD files. I'd like to keep it that way." Clint explained to the group. "I figured it's a good place to stay low." Laura then whispered something into Clint's ear that I couldn't hear due to the distance I stayed back away from the rest, watching Loki as always. The little girl looked up at Thor with either confusion or accusingly, because he stepped on some legos. Thor walked towards us and left out the front door, Steve following him. I walked outside to find Steve. I needed to talk to him, because I just wasn't feeling it anymore.

"Steve, can I talk to you for a minute?" I asked him quietly, but loud enough that he heard me. He stopped and looked towards me. "I am not sure if I want to continue our relationship." I paused for a moment and couldn't stop thinking about the good time we had. "I have loved every second with you, but lately I have been noticing how you look at Peggy's picture and I know you still love her." He tried to speak, but I cut him off. "I am sorry, but please let me finish." He nodded his head to let me know I could continue. "I also know you still love me, but I don't want to be in the way of you two. If I can find a way to bring you back to her, I will help, because I believe she is your one true love and I can't stand in the way of your happiness." I walk up to him and wrap my arms around his torso in a hug. "I hope that we can still be friends though." He smiles and nods. "We are still friends."