
Chapter 1

My name is Daniella, but people prefer calling me Ella. I'm 20 years, born into a family of 5. My mum, dad and two brothers.. Aaron and Kingsley.

I'm the first and oldest child of the family.

I lost my parents alongside my two brothers in a ghastly car accident . It was a terrible day.

They had gone to d amusement park for fun while I went for my soccer practice at school.only for me to be informed three hours later that my family are all dead.. I wished I was dreaming

And I knew my life would never remain the same again.

I was in the high school at that time. I had always wanted to become a writer

I wrote lots of books at home and even published some of them….I loved picking up books, reading and sketching out facts.

My parents were not too rich, but we were very comfortable.

We lived in a storey building, my dad had a car and we were all fine.

My dad works as an engineer at a construction company, while my mum was a teacher at a secondary school. My immediate brother,Aaron was ten years and he was in the lower form in school while Kingsley was the last child, he was four years of age and he just started school at that time

My mum taught us a lot of values, cultures and morals. For example: being kind to people including strangers,being generous and loving in all we do

She taught us to accept everyone regardless of who and what they are.

And these morals had been the ones helping me till I got into high school.