
Chapter 2

Two weeks after the death of my parents and siblings, my father's family came to pick me up and some of his properties.

I started a new life entirely, I thought my schooling would continue but it turned out to be the other way round.

My dad's aunt made me hawk everyday and gives me little food to eat at the end of the day, she started beating and maltreating me to the extent that I started having scars on my body.

I would sit alone every night crying my eyes out.wishing my parents didn't die.

I didn't even get to enjoy any of my father's properties.

Life was becoming hell for me, I couldn't continue my writing anymore since I didn't even have time for myself.

It got to a point, I couldn't hold it in anymore,I had to speak out.

I confronted my aunt and asked for my father's properties, " aunt mirabel,pls can I get some of my father's properties?, I really want to return to school and focus on my career, the life I'm living here isn't okay for me ma, just give me little and let me start my own life".

Instead of receiving sympathy or care, A hot slap landed on my face…she started beating and cursing me and asking when I grew wings.

She accused me of being a prostitute and all manner of things….

Next thing, she threw my things out of the house and asked me never to return to her house again.

I felt like the ground should just open up and swallow me. There was nothing I could do and there was no where I could go.

It was dark and very cold, I had only spent three months at her place, i haven't been able to identify places .

I started wandering about aimlessly, I was tired and hungry, weak and frustrated.

I found a path and decided to follow the path to wherever it leads me, I hadn't walked a mile when I bumped into a group of men.

I was scared but I decided to mind my business and pretend like I didn't see them at all.

I walked past them, only for one of the men to pull me back and slap me hard.

I started crying. They took all my belongings including my cell phone and the little money I had with me.

I started screaming and yelling for help if anyone would help me, but none came.

I cried and cried till I could cry no more…. I dragged myself into an open shop and slept there overnight.

I found it very hard to sleep over the night, different thoughts crossed my mind, I was scared and alone

I couldn't cry anymore cause my eyes were already sore and swollen.

I picked up a stone and started writing on the ground to keep myself company.

I remembered when my parents would take me and my siblings to the beach and the amount of fun we usually have.

I prayed overnight and asked God for help cause there was nothing else I could do and there was no one else to turn to.

Then I fell asleep around 4am in the morning.