
Rin Scott

Rin Scott is the only child in werewolf history that has been born with out a wolf. Coming from a good and affluential family she has never been abused or neglected just ignored. Rin holds a secret talent that anyone would pay to get their hands on. A chain of event leads to nothing but blood shed and tears. Rin must decide if she is going to accept her fate or change the future. This book does contain dark themes. All rights are reserved for the content of the story itself effect 8/30/2020 at 2:46am. I do not own the rights to the cover art.

queenofspace1217 · Fantasía
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38 Chs


Everyone went their separate ways after that day. Mitilda worked on rebuilding the pack house and implemented a training regiment that all pack members will have to follow. She wants all of her people to have the knowledge and skills to defend themselves incase another attack occurred. Her mate still hasn't appeared but she hopes that she gets to meet him one day soon.

Alpha Foster recovered from his injuries and took Dean who would need to be in a rehab facility to fully recover back to California. He was so moved by Keegan's bravery he gave him and Elixer a full year off to travel the world fully funded.

Elixer and Keegan adopted Willows child. Willow knew that she was going to be serving a lengthy prison sentence for her involvement in the Verner Tragedies and with Grant deceased her child would have been an orphan. They renamed her Violet.

Dana was cleared of being a willing participant in Verners plot and returned to Dragon Blood with Felix. They are assisting Blake and Addison who are now the reigning leaders of the territory.

Ash and Sam returned home to take their rightful places as Alpha and Luna. Ash freed all of the girls that were being held captive and with the help of the council they were reunited with their families. All soldiers that remained loyal to his father are being held in their jail pending trial.

As for my family the second that we secured Jackson a passport we hopped on a nineteen hour flight to Icheon. Ba Ba was over joyed to have us back in Korea. She welcomed Jackson into the family with open arms. I made sure to fill her in on all the events that took place back in America. She nodded and smiled very enthusiastically. Ba Ba called her daughter who is now a resident at the hospital to get us in for an appointment to check on Seoul to make sure that he doesn't have any long term hearing loss and to check on our the baby. Jackson and I decided to stay in Korea until after the baby was born.

Six months later I gave birth to a little girl that we named Valerie Elizabeth Manroe. Seoul was beyond overjoyed to be a big brother. I'll hate to see the poor boy that falls for her. Seoul will give him nothing but pure hell.

Keeping to our original plans we bid my family farewell and returned to America. We settled down in California on Deans territory, had a traditionally human wedding and started the process for Jackson to adopt Seoul.

I use to see my gift as a curse. I had a lonely childhood. I made some careless choices that got me into several bad situations but I met some great people that taught me a lot about life. I learned how to be a mother. I learned what it was like to be apart of a real family. I learned what true love is. Looking back on everything that has happened I realize that during the times that I felt the most alone was when I was being cared for the most.

I had to go through all of those hardships so I could have the happiness that I do now.