
Rhythm of Fate

Aria, a young musician, discovers she’s the last living descendant of an ancient line of bards with magical abilities. As she explores her powers, she’s drawn to Kael, a mysterious stranger who becomes her protector and potential love interest. Aria’s goal is to master her magical music and uncover the truth about her family’s past.

Sylvie_Gold · Combinación de músicas
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20 Chs

Chapter nine: “A Plan Takes Shape”

The group gathered in Aria's cozy living room snacking on some biscuits and treats, the journey back to the human realm was even more tedious than when they were searching for the book. On their way back, they faced a lot of creatures, all trying to take the book for themselves. Seems like her getting the book activated it somehow and now creatures from far and wide knew that the lost spellbook had finally been found and they all sought to claim it for themselves.

While they were all eating and resting, the book lay on the table in the middle of the living room, it glowed with a soft light while the flute floated just above the book humming a soothing melody. Once they were done eating, they became energized again and started talking about how they'll be able to save aunt grace from Riven's lair.

"We need to be careful," Lyrien warned, his brow furrowed in concern. "Riven's lair is said to be filled with dark magic and illusions. We can't trust our senses." Kael nodded, his eyes scanning the room. "I've been thinking... we should split into two groups. One will create a diversion at the entrance, while the other slips in through a side passage to reach Aunt Grace." Aria's eyes lit up with determination. "Let's do it! We can't waste any more time." But before any of them could take a step Sophia spoke up "guys, don't you think we're forgetting something?" Aria, Lyrien and Kael looked at each other with a questioning expression on their faces. Aria turned to face Sophia "I think we got everything covered and we have the flute and the spellbook so we're at an advantage" Sophia shook her head and said "yes the plan is great and Aria you're right, we do have an advantage over Riven with both the flute and the spellbook in our possession but none of us here knows the location of his lair or how to get them and you've also forgotten that different creatures keep on coming for the book trying to steal it, it's like the book attracts them so we can't just start our journey, we need to figure out what to do first."

Lyrien stepped forward and put his hand on Aria's shoulder, "Sophia is right Aria, we can't just waltz out there, if we do we probably won't make it a few steps before we will be surrounded by different creatures who are trying possess the book" Aria looked up at Lyrien, "so what do we do now, we can't just sit around and do nothing, every second we waist something terrible might be happening to her" Lyrien looked at Aria lovingly and said "of course we aren't going to just sit around and do nothing, we just need to think of an alternative first and Aria I promise you, we'll save Aunt Grace and get her back here safe and sound." Aria looked up at Lyrien again, her gaze soft as she scans his face and takes in his beautiful features and wonders how she met such a beautiful and kind person, she then smiled and said "thank you so much Lyrien, for everything you've done, I really appreciate it." Lyrien smiled too, his eyes scanning Aria's face and taking in her features " you're welcome Aria."

The two of them were lost in their own world. Kael looked at them and felt a flash of pain in his heart, Sophia walked up to him, her tone gentle as she said "hey Kael, you okay?"

Kael didn't take his eyes off Aria and Lyrien when he replied, "yea I'm fine" there was silence between the two before Kael spoke up again, "you know, they really like each other, I've seen the way they look at each other," Sophia looked up and said "yea I guess they do" while Sophia looked at Kael, she studied his face and she could have sworn she saw a flash of hurt pass through his eyes. Sophia placed her palm on Karl's arm and asked him a question "Kael, do you have feelings for Aria?" Kael looked stumped by the question and finally looked away from the couple lost in their own world. He looked at Sophia for a second longer before he said "i do but it doesn't matter, she likes Lyrien and my mission is to see the darkness destroyed and that is more important than anything else right now" Sophia looked away from Kael and shook her head in understanding.

Few minutes later, the book suddenly started glowing brighter and brighter and floated in the air, Sophia saw this and called the attention of the others, Aria looks shocked and she asks "what's happening, did something go wrong?" But before anyone could answer the spellbook flipped to a page and dropped back on the table, still glowing but not as bright before. They all came closer to the book and gathered round it. Then Lyrien reached out and took the book, he began going through it when all of a sudden he stooped and looked at the others with happiness in his eyes "guys this is basically a map to Riven's lair." The others looked shock and looked at each other with smiles on their faces. Aria took the book from Lyrien and studied it, then she said in a voice barely above a whisper "it really is a map, Aunt Grace, don't worry we're coming" Aria then closed the book and looked at the others, "we have everything we need now but what do we do about the book and the fact that it literally attracts different creatures" After a few minutes, Lyrien spoke up, "I think I have an idea for that", then he disappeared, the others looked at themselves with confusion etched on their faces but didn't say anything.

After a while Lyrien returned with a very small chest in his hand, he then opened it and brought out a little round object that looked exactly like a button but it had a symbol etched on the surface. He looked at the others and said "this is a magical artifact rumored to dull or nullify magic depending on how powerful the magic is, I always had this but never thought I would get to use it." He then collected the book from Aria, immediately he placed the object from the book, it stopped glowing. Lyrien smiled and said "success, now we can take the book with us without the fear of different creatures trying to claim it" Sophia suddenly turned to Lyrien with a smile on her face and said, "Lyrien you're a genius, now that the books magic has been dulled we can actually start going with no worries on our mind" Lyrien looked at Sophia, the edge of his mouth pulled into a smirk and he said "thank you Sophia, though I didn't really do much, if not for that artifact we would still be wondering what to do right now"

Kael suddenly spoke up, why don't we all freshen up and then meet back here in ten minutes, we've got a long and treacherous journey ahead of us, we need to be prepared for anything" Aria nodded her head and spoke "Kael is right, we can't rescue Aunt Grace if we are too worn out and tired when we get there so let's go frehen up, we have everything we need, nothing can stop us now from saving her" and with that Sophia and Aria went upstairs while Kael and Lyrien disappeared.

Exactly ten minutes later, they were all gathered in the living room looking energized and ready for anything. They each carried a sword and a few daggers on them In case they run into trouble. Lyrien held the book in his hand as he would be the one to lead them there. Lyrien was about to open a portal so that they can leave but Aria suddenly stopped him "wait Lyrien, before we go I have something to say first" she took a deep breath before she continued, "thank you, all of you for having my back and helping me with this, I know it hasn't been easy but you guys have stood by me countless times and saved me too and I really appreciate it." Sophia walked up to Aria, hugged her and said " no need to thank us Aria, what are friends for" Aria hugged her back tightly. Lyrien and Kael looked at each other and smiled. Then Kael cleared his throat, "I think we should get going now and don't worry Aria whatever trouble we encounter, we'll face it together." Aria nodded and said "so this is it, it's time, let's go and save Aunt Grace."

And with that, the four of them stepped through the portal oblivious to what they waited for them on the other side…