

What would happen, if any boy fan of the movies of the marvel universe, wake up one day in the body of another person in a world that apparently does not know with the phantom powers of what he believed a cartoon. The marvel universe has never seen anything like it. Note: Due to poor command of English grammar, this story will have spelling mistakes. If you don't like reading in these situations, stop and get out of the story. ... ... If you keep reading this it is because you do not care about that problem, if so then welcome and enjoy

Chris_Mayo · Película
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24 Chs

chapter 5 - Clans | Part One |.

Disclaimer Marvel and all its characters belong to their respective creator, as well as Danny Phantom.

Warning: In this chapter, the canon will be separated from the actions added by me within the story. If you are one of the sensitive people who do not like the abrupt change, within the original plot then refrain from reading.


The clan's harmful cancer is deeply ingrained within the heart of the city. Living in the underworld within New York there are currently a great variety of these, operating illegally within the market, base their power on illicit things such as kidnappings, murders, human trafficking, and extortion among other things.

These especially have much more force in the suburbs or slums, because the forces of law and order have very little presence in the place, normally even they work for the criminal clans, it is not a surprise to anyone that the best opportunities live within crimes, many people with no other option have to resort to this life although some do it for their pleasure after all the rulers do not care much what happens to the poor of the lower class and/or workers.

That was about to change for some time I was wondering which option would be the best to start making me known as a superhero despite having fought against the abomination, it's not really as if I had done it, just starting step by step is the best and most logical option, that is why I concluded that my first objective is to destroy the clans.

Naturally, only an idiot goes out to fight without being prepared, the actions that I can take would not only affect me acting without thinking, but they could also bring more misfortune than help that was an undeniable fact. That many superheroes had to learn the hard way, thanks to my previous knowledge of "geek" I had an advantage on this subject the clans that currently rule the underworld are the following;

| Clan | Western Dragon.

Main exporters of illegal arms in the city. Their power is quite enough established more than 90 years ago, they have a long history in the business, their current assets add up to a large number of members. The leader of the clan bears the name of 'Keitaro Kusanagi' aka The Great Dragon his domain encompasses the entire south of the city.

| Clan | Ogre

Dominating the North. The Ogre clan is one of the worst clans that exist for the fact of being the leaders in the trafficking of minors using them to export drugs to other countries, without rules or honor or code, it is a clan where only force is respected with 60 years of trajectory that makes it firmly rooted it is almost impossible for the police to do anything. Adding to the fact that all clans are hidden from view, most people don't even know they exist. The current leader is named after

"Brother Vritarsky" Alias ​​Black Ogrer.

| Clan | Knights Templar.

Established in the east of the city. With a long history of 50 years, this clan has remained strong thanks to its firepower, with heavy caliber weapons and its great variety of members gave it one of the 4 most important places in the city the current clan leader has the name of

"Ah, Zualim Cranel" Alias ​​The Ripper.

| Clan | Aztec Warriors.

Established in the West. With 40 years of experience, their power was enough to seize one of the 4 places within the city, they are the fastest-growing in the market, despite the years less they are on par with the other three in clans in the power its current leader bears the name of "David Herrera" Alias ​​El Chapo.

Each clan has its own rules. They only share one in general as a unanimous rule, always stay anonymous eg off the radar of the police and larger government organizations like Shield. Among other things, he still doubted that the pirate didn't already know everything about them.

It is like a completely new world that comes to life in the shadows, of the total population only a small percentage knows about these that including the members of each one. While I was going through all the information in my head I kept typing on my computer, another of the benefits of getting Peter and Danny's mind was my increase in intellectual awareness, at this time I could hack anywhere in the world I wanted. I would probably dare to say that I am currently the best hacker that exists, that is a dangerous ability in the future I have to find a secluded place where I can do the investigations before a mission, like Batman and his Batcave that would be very cool my mind is I rambled on for a few seconds the name 'Fantas-cave' appeared leaving me with a wooden face.


He shook his head, pushing away all thoughts, I already had what it takes to start, another thing I started to investigate was the girl I saved last time knowing that her last name was Osborn was a total shock to me. What I discovered left me even more shocked.

Apparently, in this world, there is a Cherry Osborn younger sister of Harry Osborn son of the first villain of the arachnid and in some universes the best friend of Peter Parker, I mean or well not at least 100%. This made me smile. I was weirdly excited, I mean, I'm not a fan of gender changes in characters, but an addiction never hurts and it's fucking beautiful too.

"This is not the time to think that!"

Releasing a tired sigh, I stretched my arms in the air, while I got up from the seat little by little I settled in the middle of the bed crossing my legs in the Lotto position. A very important part of the training that many people overlook forgetting is meditation, it is useless to have too much power in your body if you do not know how to take advantage of it, having a weak mind has serious consequences for people who have more power than they can control as in my saucepan. A wise lesson that I learned from the anime that marked my childhood, with a weak smile I closed my eyes calming my breathing.

The heart rate in my body dropped immediately, my mind was empty, there were no additional thoughts to disturb my mind at the moment when there was not the slightest noise around me. The calm breeze of cold air that invaded the room filtered through the window, gently caressing my face, wagging the black strands of my hair, a faint green aura began to envelop my body filling the room with a soft glow, the clothes in my body moving in time with the surrounding air, little by little the pressure of the place began to rise suddenly causing the gravity of the place to become heavier, this seemed to hurt the old wood of the walls, they began to creak intensely, while my body, despite the strong pressure defying gravity, began to get up from the bed, a strange pure white vapor like snow was released from the edges of my lips on each exhale, the strong currents of air inside the room began to cause a type of tornado.

Time flew by without realizing it, two hours passed when the moment I opened my eyes suddenly a bright green glow shone, if someone else entered the room they would only see bright green eyes in the middle of a dark room I smiled my body left levitate falling on the bed.

"Good! It seems my body is more used to ghostly power!"

Releasing the last sigh of relaxation I gently looked to the side the clock read noon they had arrived without knowing it, jumping out of bed I walked towards the closet taking out a black jacket with a hat along with pants of the same color Something good Having these powers has to do with the superhero costume, I don't have to worry about breaking it or forgetting it somewhere because with each garment I wear it adapts perfectly to the transformation creating a great variety of models.

After dressing, I activated the transformation by going out the window of the room, it was time to do the first phase of the plan from now on the clans would know the name of "The Phantom".

The cold weather of the night made a beautiful contrast to the full moon that rose above the sky. The streets of the city strangely come alive at night than during the day. The nightlife was very active, most of the people who live in it are looking for excessive fun or a secret romance perhaps.

Certainly, it is something sad in my past life I could not get out of being a total virgin, something that I think to remedy in this new opportunity a scream took me out of my thoughts directing my gaze towards the place before my sight appeared a car out of control skidding in the full center without any control, it seems that it is time to be a hero would say 10 well, dropping the body down accelerate into a tailspin.

Without further delaying the situation and avoiding a major accident, I appeared in front of the car, stretching both hands on the hood, the noise of the tire's braking suddenly, was heard, completely in front of the people who kept watching what was happening, their eyes showed disbelief Before what they saw a car stopped by force as if someone were applying pressure in front of it, naturally, I was in front of the car but nobody could see me, an advantage of being a ghost.

Some people were taking videos with their cell phones since the accident began, it didn't bother me, I knew that sooner or later it would be known, even though I would like to see the crazy theories that will be created due to those videos, I left my hands marked on the cassis. of the car.

I returned to the sky with a slight smile leaving the great commotion below, saving people does not feel bad at all, the truth while flying The big buildings were finishing before my sight, a sign of leaving the city, it did not take long for a great mansion secluded from the city to seem before my sight. large structures reinforced with guards at each corner walking with secretly kept weapons was a lot of security for a mansion without a doubt those of the Ogre clan have a lot of power, even though that also influences many enemies while I advanced to an invisible one inside the mansion just Next to the guards as if walking in my house, I immediately arrived at the mansion.

Entering through a wall the immense interior structure left me surprised made of luxury bricks decorated with stains, an atmosphere of royalty was the first thing that I felt without a doubt nothing like I imagined. The furniture in the house was first class, only one of these was worth more than the apartment building where my aunt and I live, continuing with him, he walked into a room from which agonizing screams came out behind the wall, my senses exploded, I knew that what was behind that wall was not going to like anything, in the end, I advanced carefully crossing it to the other side.

I came across a grotesque vision, it was hard for me to think that a person likes this kind of shady thing, a girl was tied up with leg chains keeping her face down naked, her arms stretched out with another set of chains the blood was seeping through the skin torn from her limbs her naked body was dressed with skin artifacts made for sexual pleasure, bruises marked the entire well-groomed and worked the body of the girl who was now nothing but bruises, bloody tears came out of her eyes completely lost broken, just behind her a guy with a sick smile as he penetrated her, burying his nails in the buttocks already with bloody hematomas, my body froze for several seconds a strange feeling invaded my spine almost immediately my gaze landed on a door who was kept in the dark at one end of the room the pure entrance looked extremely gloomy, I immediately advanced through I managed to see what was on the other side.

I have a complete and penetrating feeling of fury that flared in my heart, how is it possible that there are people capable of doing things like that, the teeth in my mouth clenched so much that they rang with intensity before my eyes were bodies piled up like garbage, they were all girls minors their faces full of blood some disfigured, even so, you could still see the tenderness of a girl, maybe no older than 14 years, many of them if not all were naked sexually abused like the girl outside.

A constant debate in my mind about being a superhero was whether I should kill. Not that I cared there was no difference but both Peter and Danny were heroes with values ​​that they would not dare to kill, adding this was the reason why I felt the sentimentality of being a good boy, it is not as if I could not force him to disappear into my other life was a bastard, life forced me to do so, and now in front of this view, I was sure what to do.

I had decided this guy, as the clans are all going to pay in blood, justice does not work against them they can put them in jail, but they leave immediately with the help of their connections. My eyes flashed intensely of a strong green color I had thought to infiltrate and secretly listen to his plans but I had changed my mind, there are other ways to know it without the need to listen to it, from the pressure of the room in the mansion it was shot suddenly, a drum shook the place while looking back where the previous guy was.

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