
I just need a mother. Not a wife.

I sit in my study looking over kingdom documents, outside I can hear the noble guest arriving for the royal wedding. I'm Christopher White, also known as the ice king of Friawin; soon to be wedded to a noble lady that I have never had any contact within social settings. As I was signing proposals from my minster, I heard a knock on the door.

"Enter," I announce while not looking to see who arrived.

"What are you doing in here? Don't you have a noble lady to wed." A familiar voice said.

I looked up to see two of my closest friends in the kingdom, Marcus Nor, my most trusted minister and Henry Voswell, the knight general. Putting down the proposal I was reading I let out a sigh.

"You two should know that this is not a real marriage, just a position I need to get filled," I said giving them a serious look.

Henry let out a dark chuckle and sat in the chair across from my desk, "My king, I hope you'll be nicer when you meet your bride."

"Being nice is not the problem, we should be careful he doesn't kill the poor lady after finally spending some time with her," Marcus said sitting in the other chair.

I looked at the two and gave them both dark glares, "What nonsense is the both of you spouting."

They stopped laughing and looked at me with confused glances, then Marcus finally broke the silence.

"You must not have heard the rumors going around the court. It's said that Lady Locklow is a cruel-hearted person, who doesn't have a kind bone in her body." Marcus said with a sigh.

"Personally, I worry about her becoming Snow's stepmother. What if she harms the young princess?"

Henry spoke up as well, "My king, I know that Lady Locklow was the only choice because of her age but honestly speaking what will you do if this mistake."

I gave them a hard look and stood up and walked toward the window, looking down and seeing the different carriages enter the courtyard. "If I made a mistake, as a king I'll fix the problem. I might have not said it but everyone knows I need a mother for snow, not a wife or a queen." I said.

Marcus and Henery share a look and stood up as well, "Well let's hope for the best, my king. You might not need a queen but the little princess needs a mother, I pray that Lady Locklow will do the position honor."

I turn and stare at the two, 'Snow only has one mother but I also pray that Lady Locklow can help heal my sweet daughter's heart.' I thought with a heavy heart.

Grabbing my coak and walking toward the door, "Come along you two, it's time for the kingdom to gain a queen." I said while walking toward the door.


I looked at myself dressed in a beautiful wedding dress and I couldn't keep the smile off my face. If I was back in my world I'll have my mother with me and she would have put on the family veil, but now I will become a mother. Marisol was grabbing my shoes so I had to resist the urge to spin and admire myself.

'I can kind of understand how this lady fell in love with her looks, she is really a pretty lady.' I thought with a smile.

Lost in thought, I didn't see Marisol bending down to put on my shoes, "My lady?" She said while looking at me.

Giving her an embarrassed smile I put on my shoes and waited to be escorted to the wedding hall. In this world they don't have the custom of a father walking down the bride, instead, I will be lead in by a noble saint blessed in the church. Since I will be the queen I had four noble saints who have served the kingdom and was very wise.

As the wedding hour slowly approached my heart started to pound, 'What is going on with me, I'm not really getting married. This is just pretending, I'll be returning to my world.' I thought while I watched the doors open.

Four ladies came in dressed in black and white dresses and bowed when they saw me. Shocked I stood up to stop them but was interrupted by the oldest looking lady, "My lady, it's time to go to the wedding hall."

I nodded my head, "I understand, but can you all rise this is quite embarrassing." I said with slightly flushed cheeks.

The same lady spoke, "My lady, this is the way we should behave when meeting you. Remember, you are the soon-to-be queen of Friawin, and should be treated as such in every occupation."

Knowing that they won't stop I give up on persuading them and walk toward the door, "I suppose you are right, I will just have to get used to this treatment. Shall we leave?"

The ladies gave one last long crustie before positioning themselves two in front of me and two behind me. Then we proceeded to the wedding hall, it was also a chance for me to look around at some different scenery. I wasn't allowed out of that room since waking up in this world so I was really curious at exploring the castle.

'I know I might have some restrictions as queen but hopefully, I can get a full rundown of this castle, maybe I can make a day of it with Snow.' I thought with a smile.

Before I knew it we arrived at the wedding hall's entrance and I could hear the music playing and different guest talking. The older noble saint turned me around and placed a veil on my head, "My lady, once you walk pass these doors you'll no longer be Lady Locklow, you'll be Queen White of Friawin.

Giving her a nervous smile before the veil covered my face, I turn and face the door and take a deep breath. 'I can do this! I can change the fate of Lady Locklow and have a happy ever after. Then I can return to my world.' I thought while walking through the doors.