
Meeting the King (1)

As I walked down the aisle, I tried to see the king's face but could barely see through the thick veil. I could hear the guest as I walked by and it made me frown from their comments.

"I can't believe Lady Locklow will become queen, poor Snow White." One lady whispered.

"Lady Locklow might be a pretty face, but is she really queen material." A guy said to his neighbor.

"I can't believe my mother made me attend this fake wedding. If the king waited two more years it would be me on the throne." A young lady in red said while looking at me with contempt.

I let out an internal sigh and continued forward with my head held high, 'It seems Lady Locklow has a really bad reputation. I really need to work really hard to change the minds of the public so I don't have a deadly end.' I thought.

As we reached the front, the noble saints bowed to the king and ushered me to stand on the same platform. With a nervous heart I faced the king and waited for the ceremony to begin when the priest came forward and motion for the removal of the veil, I had my first look at the king.

I was happily surprised, the king wasn't old but a man in his mid-twenty, he had a very handsome face. If we were back in my world he would have had the looks to be a popular model or actor. My cheeks became warm as I pictured those images, and I tried to calm myself and pay attention to the priest.


When I saw Lady Locklow I was shocked by her beauty, as the king, I have seen many wonderful ladies but my bride was gorgeous. She looked up at me and I could see her face turn red and I felt something in me grow warm.

'A pretty face but what lies inside could be another story.' I thought with a heavy heart as I recall the rumors about Lady Locklow.

The priest motions me to put the ring on her finger and give her the queen's tiara. When I grab her hand I could feel it trembling and when I looked at her eyes, I could see fear and nervous feelings flying around.

'Being nervous is natural, becoming a queen is a very hard task.' I thought with an internal smile.

"With the light of Su, I announce the king and queen of Friawin, may their reign be filled with light and happiness." The priest declared.

Everyone stood and cheered for our union, I saw my new bride with her head slightly lowered and pink cheeks.

I leaned toward her, "Raise your head and walk proudly, you are now the ruler of Friawin, queen Haily." I told her while we started down the aisle.

Becoming nervous at my words I felt her slightly jump when I spoke to her but she still took my advice and walked with a regal air. After leaving the wedding hall, we entered the side room to take a rest. The guest will be led to the ballroom and we would make another grand entrance as husband and wife, it will also be the first meeting of mother and daughter.

I took off my cape and went to the sofa to pour myself a drink, from the corner of my eye I could see my bride standing by the door.

"Take a seat, it will take a while for all the guest to get situated at the ballroom," I told her with my eyes closed. I could hear her walking toward me and I open my eyes to see her sitting across from me with her eyes lowered.

Letting out a sigh, I put my drink down and gave her a hard stare, "My queen, let us have a talk."

Hailey Locklow now Hailey White, for the first time looked me in the eyes and gave me a smile, "Yes, I believe we are long overdue for a conversation." She said with a sweet smile.

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