
Rewrite The History

After having a terrible nightmare, the princess of British Empire Alice wakes up in the middle of night. In the nightmare she has seen her own cousin was the murderer of her and her husband. She is scared. She is trembeling. She suddenly notices that someone is going to stab her with a knife. Quickly she grabs his hand. After great fight when the lights become on Alice notices that this person is the person who gave her poisoned water after tourtering her in the jail ( in nightmare) Soon she comes back to England from France in order to inherent the thorne. She realises that she was reborn. She knows well that her cousin brother Aaron is going to be her most dangerous enemy and she is also waiting for her husband Richard whom she saw in her nightmare. Will She find her love? Will she able to save the throne? Will she able to use this second chance to make everything better??

Magnificent_Star · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
19 Chs

Hidden Truth is now Open Secret

The Orlando House.....

Jasmine is watching news of Prince Andrew on television. After watching news she immediately calls Princess Cecilia to know about Prince Andrew.

Princess Cecilia and Jasmine are having great conversation. Jasmine also wants to know about the plan. If the investigators really get to know something about it. As they were suspecting Prince Andrew for attacking on Princess Alice and even of illegal gold mining. Cecilia ensures her that everything is fine. The doubts goes on Benjamin Walter. That's now the situation. And Benjamin can fix this matter. Hearing the situation Jasmine feels relief. Suddenly Urvashi comes near to Jasmine. Jasmine notices it. Urvashi sits the next couch beside Jasmine.

" Seems like you really have good relationship with my would to be mom-in-law. " says Urvashi.

" I have relationship with the whole Royals before you. Don't you know that? My mother's friend is Princess Cecilia as well as my best friend is Princess Alice. I have amazing relation with them my little sister. Even your marriage to family is happening because of me. " says Jasmine proudly.

" Because of you 🤣🤣🤣🤣 seriously. Who are you to Orlando family? You are illegitimate child of my father. You are Jasmine Nemesis. Not Orlando "

" Oh yes. I don't even want that tag surname Orlando. Orlando is nothing to me. I have made my own name, my own fame. I am not like you daddy's Princess. "

" Yes you don't have that beautiful luck to be daddy's Princess. You are daddy's mistake. "

Hearing this Jasmine seriously gets angry. Jasmine tells Urvashi to stop this nonsense bullshit. Jasmine stands up and wants to leave the room.

" Where are you going Jasmine Nemesis? Are you angry? You have made your own name and fame. A huge clap to you. Who knows how many sugar daddies you have to make yourself at that high."

" What the hell did you just say 😡😡😡😡😡 " Jasmine gets angry and she immediately slaps on her face.

The sound of slap is seriously loud. Urvashi feels pain and starts to scream. Mrs Orlando comes real quickly after hearing the scream. She understands the situation and asks Jasmine to know the reason for slapping her daughter like that.

Jasmine tells the reason, the humiliation that Urvashi have done to her.

" So for this reason you slapped her like that? You can't do that. You don't have any right to slap my daughter. "

Says Fawzia Orlando. Fawzia approaches Jasmine to slap her. When she is going to slap her, that time Jasmine holds her hand tightly.

" You also don't have any right to slap on my face " Jasmine pushes Fawzia. Fawzia fells down before Mr Orlando.

Mr Orlando asks Jasmine the reason for treating his wife so mannerlessly.

Jasmine seriously gets tired to give explaination. She says she really wants to have relax. That time Fawzia starts to shout and says " You dirtbug I wish you were never born. Your mother was a slut and so you are "

" Mrs Orlando Don't say anything about my mother. You can call me whatever you want. And ya be careful otherwise I will kill your daughter and that time you will definitely regret for my birth. "

" What did you say? " Fawzia wants to grab Jasmine but Mr Orlando stops her. He pushes his wife to the wall and tells her clearly that No matter what Jasmine is also his daughter. His elder daughter, his pride. Even the real owner of This beautiful Orlando House is actually Jasmine. Not he. Cause this house belongs to Jasmine's mother.

The next day...

In the palace everyone is waiting for Prince Andrew. King Charles is watching the TV. To get to know the news of Prince Andrew. The prince is coming out from the hospital in a wheel chair. Princess Cecilia is helping him. Prince Aaron is standing beside him. Whole crowd is waiting for them. To greet their beloved Prince Andrew. At that time Military Officer Robert Alson comes with Cheif Investigator with a honour and announces Prince Andrew an Innocent and release him with royal respect. And of course all officers bows before Andrew and ask for forgiveness. Andrew gives a nice speech that blows everyones mind.

" I, Prince Andrew really proud of our judicial system. The officers really proves themselves great, punctual, brave and loyal to their duties. They really are promising to bring Justice, to bring the light, to bring the truth. They will punish the criminals no matter who they are. I am proud of them. Because of them we, the people of England can really sleep in peace. Please my nation give a big applause for them "

The whole crowd become pleased to hear such heart touching kind speech. They give really big applause. Everyone is happy to see their beloved Prince free and fine. They are giving flowers to the Prince. The bodyguards and officers hardly make a safe way for Prince to get on the car. The Prince with his wife and son get on the car and reaches to the palace. Everyone is waiting for them. General Jason Maxwell gives royal respect to them amd welcomes them. Everyone gives him bouquets of flowers. Even Jasmine gives her beautiful bouquets of red calendula flowers which are Prince Andrew's favourite. Prince Andrew really feels good to see his favourite flowers. King Charles comes to him. He hugs him warmly and congratulates him for coming back palace with huge respect and love from people. Princess Cecilia takes Andrew to their room. King Charles gives them order to take good rest. Even they have a jod to do. One day is remain for the engagement ceremony.

Glasgow, Scotland....

Evan gets the news of the release of Prince Andrew. Evan with his group are really becomes unpleased. The first move of them is just failed like that. Evan is even feeling bad for something else. What is it?? His heart is beating recklessly. He is actually feeling bad for Princess Alice. He is feeling guilty. Why he can't able to do this important work for Alice. Out of the blue he is feeling hopeless.

In the night...

In the studyroom of Prince Andrew. The lawyer Necho Ronn has come to meet the Prince. Princess Cecilia orders Lily ( Claire) to bring tea for them. The tea has come. And with the sip of tea they start their evil conversation.

Prince Andrew tells them that he was really gets scared when he was captured. But he kept remain himself calm. And did amazing acting to show himself as innocent victim.

Princess Cecilia also tells her feeling about that day. She was about to brust into tears. She was nervous.

" But you know one thing. I was damm sure that my plan has been exploded by them. Even the stupid Nate was appeared before me. But but but when they didn't take the name of my son that time I was sure that I am already winner of this game. " says Andrew.

" Yes of course dad. When they arrested you that time I quickly call Voldermart and Lawyer Mr Necho Ronn and come out with a beautiful master plan. Throughout the squad bracelet Nate got the news of his family abduction. The life of his wife and son was in my hand. To save them he has to sacrifice his low life. And he got ready to sacrifice himself. But before that her has to represent the innocence of you dad. " says Aaron.

" After the death of Prince Alfred and before starting the mining of gold Andrew you very wisely made the fake documents with the amazing real signature of Prince Alfred which proved your legality of illegal gold mining. And even the manager of the mining area gives us information of replacement of the blue print and contract. " says Cecilia.

" Yes you are definitely right honey . But the Nate was actually trying to double cross us. He was almost about to tell the most hidden and important truth. That will ruin us. " says Aaron.

" Yes you are right " says Necho Ronn.

"What it is? " asks Cecilia.

" That brat was going to tell that Voldermart is Benjamin Walter. The blood suck enemy of our Royals. " says Andrew.

Cecilia gets shocked. She also feels relief that before that spell the bracelet blasted just in time. In this time Prince Aaron tells everyone to be aware of Princess Alice. He is damm and absolutely sure that Alice is the main reason who knows everything and she us targeting them. She is truly dangerous like wounded tigress. Otherwise why suddenly this allegation will come on Prince Andrew and even arrested him with much proves. Alice is the master manipulator. Everyone is seeing each other and thinking about Alice. Alice has a dark destruction evil face behind her beautiful fairy face. She is truly dangerous. She knows everything. She is the calm before the whirlwind. Now they have to be more careful. The plan is not hidden anymore. It's now open secret.

>>>>>>>>>End of Chapter 17<<<<<<<<