
Rewrite The History

After having a terrible nightmare, the princess of British Empire Alice wakes up in the middle of night. In the nightmare she has seen her own cousin was the murderer of her and her husband. She is scared. She is trembeling. She suddenly notices that someone is going to stab her with a knife. Quickly she grabs his hand. After great fight when the lights become on Alice notices that this person is the person who gave her poisoned water after tourtering her in the jail ( in nightmare) Soon she comes back to England from France in order to inherent the thorne. She realises that she was reborn. She knows well that her cousin brother Aaron is going to be her most dangerous enemy and she is also waiting for her husband Richard whom she saw in her nightmare. Will She find her love? Will she able to save the throne? Will she able to use this second chance to make everything better??

Magnificent_Star · Fantasy
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19 Chs

The Engagement Ceremony

The most waiting moment of the royals, the engagement ceremony has come. Today is the day of engagement ceremony of beloved Prince Aaron. The venue is decorated very beautifully with flowers, multicoloured lights, Chandler, shinny silky curtain, gorgeous patterned carpet. A beautiful fountain is in the centre of the palace. Crystal clear blue water is falling from there. Princess Cecilia is really pleased with the beautiful decoration.

Orlando House.....

Everyone is excited. The heiress of Orlando Empire Urvashi Orland's engagement ceremony is today. The costume designer is fitting her beautiful sky blue Cinderella dress. Whenever she is moving the dress is moving like wave of ocean. Make up artists have come and start to make up her. Mrs Orlando is also getting ready. Jasmine is totally absent minded. She is still not ready to accept this engagement. Always one question is repeating in her mind, in her brain how can Princess Cecilia accept Urvashi as her daughter-in-law? When Jasmine's mother and Princess Cecilia were good friends. Out of the blue she starts to think something different. The character of Princess Cecilia is not like that she would befriend with poor people. Her mother was the mistress of her father. And Jasmine also witnessed difficult financial crisis with her mother so it can be said without any doubt that her mother was not from a rich family. Then how did they become friend? Don't know why suddenly she is feeling like something is fishy. She maybe doesn't know the whole truth. She has to find out.

" Mam Mam mam " the make up artist is calling Jasmine. Jasmine suddenly becomes conscious.

" Yes what? Sorry I was out of my mind "

" It's ok mam. Kindly look into the mirror and see yourselfe. You are looking beautiful in this red dress. "

Jasmine looks on the mirror and find herself really beautiful. The make up is beautifully perfect on her.

" Is it ok? Or should I..."

" No miss this is absolutely perfect. I love it. Thanks. "

" You are most welcome mam "

Jasmine comes out of the dressing room. She comes to the ground floor. Mr Orlando and Mrs Orlando is egarly waiting to see their little princess.

" You are looking beautiful Jasmine " says Mr Orlando.

" Thanks dad "

" Yes the red dress suits you really well "

" Thanks for the complement Mrs Orlando "

The little princess has come out. She is looking absolutely stunning. Everyone is surprised with the beauty of Urvashi.

" Oh my god! Look at my daughter. She is looking like the queen of ocean. Blue fairy "

" Thanks mother. How am I looking sister? "

" What should I say? I am speechless "

Urvashi starts laughing.

Mr Orlando becomes emotional.

" My daughter has all grown up now. Time really flies away fast "

Hearing these lines Jasmine stares at her father. Her father left her mother and her in the street. He never loved them. Her mother died and she stayed beside the cold body. Today she has become a successful businesswoman. She has to sacrifice a lot. Her father never looks into her eyes and feel the pain. He only cares about Urvashi and she is just a grave mistake.

After that they all get in the car for the ceremony venue.

Royal William Palace....

Princess Cecilia is in dark green dress. Prince Aaron is getting ready in the dressing room. He in beautiful black and blue combination. He is looking very handsome. Prince Andrew comes to talk with him.

" Omg son you are looking really very handsome. "

" Thanks dad "

" Are you nervous son? "

" Not really. Yeah actually a little bit nervous "

Prince Andrew tells him that It's ok to be nervous. He was also nervous when he was getting married with his mother. His mother was more nervous than him. It's Alright. It's natural.

Prince Andrew gives his son encouragement and leaves.

" Hey hey my little brother how are you doing? " says Alice, " You are looking just wow "

Aaron looks at Alice. She is looking gorgeous in deep purple dress. Suddenly don't know why he is feeling like that he had seen her this look somewhere else.

" Thanks you are looking really gorgeous. If you don't mind can I ask you something? "

" Yeah sure why not today is your day. Ask whatever you want to know "

" Have you wear this dress before anywhere? Don't know why I am feeling like that I had seen you somewhere in this look "

Alice is truly surprised. She never wear this purple dress before. She especially arranged this dress by England's best fashion designer for this engagement ceremony. After all she is the Princess of this great empire. She says these things to Aaron. Aaron understands it and apologises from her. But he still thinks that somewhere he saw her in this attire.

Suddenly the manager of Aaron calls him to get in the car for the venue. All the royals get in the car.

In the engagement venue...

The venue is near to the William Palace so before Orlandos the royals reach. Everyone welcomes them warmly. After just 5 minutes the Orlandos reach at the venue. They are also amazed with the view. They enter into palace and have a warm reception. Princess Cecilia hugs Mrs Orlando. Mr Orlando Hand shakes with Prince Andrew. They all give royal respect to the King Charles. Jasmine hugs Alice.

" You are seriously looking awesome in purple "

" You are also looking amazing in red "

A man enters with her beautiful daughter. He comes near to Prince Andrew and give him a royal respect. Andrew is really happy to see him. He gives his introduction to Mr.Orlando.

" Meet the chief royal gurd of William Tower Mr Raphael Xander. And that's his sweet daughter Lalisa Mary. "

Raphael greets Mr Orlando and Mrs Orlando. Lalisa congratulates Prince Aaron and Urvashi for their engagement. Aaron seems to be surprise at Lisa. Lisa even touches Aaron through giving him champaign. Alice feels that may Aaron and Lisa knows each other very well.

Alice and Cecilia have nice chit chat with Urvashi. Alice finds that Urvashi is actually very exciting. The excitement in her eyes is noticed by all. The way she is looking at Prince Aaron is seriously very bold. Aaron also feels uncomfortable with that. The guests finds it as childish behaviour. " How can a Princess be such childish " everyone is thinking that. Reporters are peacefully taking photographs and covering the ceremony.

Music of violins has starts. The moment has come. The King gives a beautiful speech about engagement and It's importance, It's beautiful feeling. Everyone is hearing it attentively. After the speech everyone claps. Aaron and Urvashi goes on the stage. The rings have come. At first Urvashi is weard diamond ring by Aaron and of course after that Aaron is put on ring by Urvashi. Everyone claps for this future couple. The famous pop singer Melis Minkari has come to sing for the ceremony. She starts to sing in her beautiful voice. Everyone starts to dance. Aaron and Urvashi dance really well. After the dance Jasmine goes for drinking. She holds a glass of rose wine and she just going to drink and that time Urvashi comes to her and takes away the drink.

" What the hell are you doing!! "

" Don't shout today is my day. I want to drink. "

" So what give it back to me "

" Why don't you take another one? Everyone is looking at you"

Jasmine notices that seriously everyone is looking at her. She also knows welk no one will listen to her. So no need to quarrel. It will be better if she takes another one. Suddenly Jasmine hears sound of glass broken. The glass fells from the hand of Urvashi and broken. Jasmine turns around and sees that Urvashi is fainting. She is falling down on the floor. Jasmine grabs her. Everyone Watches that things and comes for help.

Aaron goes near to her. He calls her so many time but no response. Mrs Orlando is afraid. Suddenly what happened to her daughter. She starts shouting " Urvashi Urvashi wake up " Mr Orlando is holding his wife. Jasmine is shocked. Prince Andrew quickly calls ambulance.

Aaron looks at Lisa with sharp stare, with anger. Lisa is also looking at her just like villainess. Like Lisa doesn't care. She is happy to see her in this terrible situation. Alice notices both of them staring at each other. Alice smiles like a devil and says to herself in her mind. Maybe this is a geat mistake and it will give her a new clue.

>>>>>>>>>End Of Chapter 18<<<<<<<<<