
Rewrite The History

After having a terrible nightmare, the princess of British Empire Alice wakes up in the middle of night. In the nightmare she has seen her own cousin was the murderer of her and her husband. She is scared. She is trembeling. She suddenly notices that someone is going to stab her with a knife. Quickly she grabs his hand. After great fight when the lights become on Alice notices that this person is the person who gave her poisoned water after tourtering her in the jail ( in nightmare) Soon she comes back to England from France in order to inherent the thorne. She realises that she was reborn. She knows well that her cousin brother Aaron is going to be her most dangerous enemy and she is also waiting for her husband Richard whom she saw in her nightmare. Will She find her love? Will she able to save the throne? Will she able to use this second chance to make everything better??

Magnificent_Star · Fantasía
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19 Chs

Finding a secrect informer

Williams Royal Palace, England.....

Aaron is studying some files. He is actually not that excited about his engagement. In his head, he is only thinking about the throne. But he is also thinking about a great battle in his evil mind. Battle between his own father and him. If Alice died then Aaron will prove himself more worthy than his father. And after the king Charles, the next king will be he.

He makes a call. The call is received by a man. They start their evil conversation.

" Mr Voldermart I think you don't take me seriously. Do you? "

" I understand Prince Aaron. You are really angry "

" Shouldn't I be? I have made a beautiful deal with you. And you promised me to finish our enemy. Your brother is the assassin to kill Princess Alice. But what? Look at the situation Alice is roaming around freely and safely. On the other hand your stupid brother is missing. He is not even picking up his god damm phone. You all are making me crazy. "

" I got the news that he is missing. And it's very strange. No matter what happen, he always messages me about his next move. But this time he didn't do it? "

" So what do you think about this matter?.... Wait wait please don't tell me that you are thinking.... "

" Yes you are right. He is got caught "

Hearing this Aaron becomes numb. He is getting more angry but also becoming nervous.

" Shit nooooooo. No no no. If he really get caught by Alice. It will be really bad bad bad. Alice is not a stupid woman. She will try her level best to destroy us. You have find out where he is. Find him. Find him. "

Alice comes back to the palace. She deicides to share this matter with her grandpa. She enters the study room of her grandpa and finds that he is in meeting with het uncle Prince Andrew. Seeing her uncle Alice doesn't say anything to her grandpa.

" Alice dear, what happen? " asks grandpa.

Prince Andrew is staring at Alice sharply.

" Nothing grandpa ha ha ha. I have just come here to have a little chat with you. About my little brother's engagement "

" Oh sounds good. You can tell here " says Prince Andrew.

Alice says with excitement that she wants to give him a surprise and also forbades him to tell anything about this surprise to Aaron.

She comes back to her room. Governor Elsa is waiting for her. She asks her about where does she go without telling her. She needs to be more careful. Alice understands her and tells her not to be worried. Elsa gives her files about royal financial, rules and regulations, about changes and unsolved problems of England. As she is going to crowned as future queen so she needs to know all these things to become a better queen. Elsa is leaving at that time Alice says,

" Elsa wait. "

" Yes your highness, do you need anything else. "

" I want to give you some impotant work "

" What is it? Tell me your highness. I am always with you "

Alice tells her about the work. Elsa actually gets surprised. Because It's a job of finding a maid of Cecilia who will give her information about Cecilia. Alice can't hire a new one. If she replaces or add someone new. Cecilia will be alert. She will definitely suspect on Alice. So Alice can't this risk at all. And also Cecilia is angry and cruel woman so there will be at least one maid who hates her. And Alice tells Elsa to finds that maid who really very hate Cecilia and will becomes their informer.

Paris, France...

Jasmine Nemesis is in a business meeting. After completing the meeting, she goes to a jewellery showroom to buy a diamond necklace for her step sister. After buying the necklace she gets into the car and thinking about her past.

( It was cold. The snow was falling. Jasmine and her mother was starving. There is no food. Jasmine's mother wass very ill. She wass suffering from fever. She is trying to call her father but he didn't picking her phone. He didn't send expenses for them about 3 months. Suddenly Jasmine's mother remembered that she had a diamond necklace. She went to a nearby jewellery shop and sold it. With that money she bought some hot foods for them.)

Jasmine knows the pain of poverty very well. That time her mother had to sell her necklace for food. Now Jasmine is millioners. She has to scarcity of food. She can buy diamond jewellery as much as she wants. But now her mother is not alive. This emptiness is making Jasmine vengeanceful. A monster in raising in her head. Her heart is broken.

Glasgow, Scotland.....

Leon gives information to Evan that they are unable to unlock the notebook. There will be three trial. If we fail to give the right password, then the information will be auto deleted by the system. Evan asks that if there will be any alternative way. But the answer is no. Suddenly at the time of diging Evan notices something shining. Evan clean the dust and find that It's gold bar. Everyone starts shouting with excitement. Everyone is happy. After doing so hard, diging so deep , at last they found the gold bars. The golden shine of the bars is just like rays of sun. The manager immediately informs about it to the real master.

Royal Palace, England.....

Cecilia is getting ready. She really maintains herself well. Always keep touch with beauty to make herself more beautiful and keep herself young. A maid is bringing a cup of green tea for her. Stylist is doing her hair. Cecilia tastes the tea and calls the maid.

" What's your name? "

" Lily "

" Little lily the tea is a little bit sweet. And I don't like it. Don't you know I don't like sweet? "

" Oh no. Please forgive me your highness. I am sorry. I will make another tea for you "

" Come here little lily "

Lily is very afraid to go near to Cecilia. As she is not coming. Cecilia stands up and goes to her. She pours the hot tea on the right hand of Lily. Lily starts to scream in pain. Governor Elsa is passing though the corridor of Cecilia and she hears the loud scream. She stops there to see what's happening. Cecelia tells Lily to get out of her room and make another tea for her. Lily comes out and quickly goes to the kitchen to make another tea. She crying. Her eyes are becoming red asif she wanted to kill Cecilina with her hand. That the anger, the vengence which are clear in her eyes will be gone. But she can't do anything. She doesn't even apply ointment on her wound as she doesn't have that much time. After making tea she gets scared to mix with suger. Elsa comes to the kitchen and tells her the exact ratio of suger. Elsa even apply ointment on her wound. Lily thanks Elsa and quickly serves the tea. And this time Cecilia is fine. Lily comes out and talks with Elsa.

" Thanks for helping me. "

" Oh it's ok. Don't thank again. It's also my duty to help my people, my colleague. You are a very young girl. Where are your parents "

Lily says that her parents are in debt. She is from a village of Ireland. She is here to make money and help her parents. Hearing this story Elsa feels very bad for her. She even notices many wound marks on the body of Lily.

" You are really tortured by Princess Cecilia "

Lily is silence. She doesn't want to talk about it.

" Thank got I am with Princess Alice. She is very kind hearted. "

" Sister Elsa, can I ask you a thing? "

Elsa says yes. Because she knows that what this little girl actually wants to ask.

" Can I get any chances to work with Princess Alice. I really can't bear the torture anymore. She is a cruel monster. "

" I actually don't know that Princess Alice will take you but I will talk with her and try my level best to convince her. "

" Please please Sister Elsa. Help me please "

Elsa now finds the informer for Alice. Though she is younger than Alice but she is the one who hates Princess Cecilia most.

>>>>>>>>End of Chapter 09<<<<<<<