
Rewrite The History

After having a terrible nightmare, the princess of British Empire Alice wakes up in the middle of night. In the nightmare she has seen her own cousin was the murderer of her and her husband. She is scared. She is trembeling. She suddenly notices that someone is going to stab her with a knife. Quickly she grabs his hand. After great fight when the lights become on Alice notices that this person is the person who gave her poisoned water after tourtering her in the jail ( in nightmare) Soon she comes back to England from France in order to inherent the thorne. She realises that she was reborn. She knows well that her cousin brother Aaron is going to be her most dangerous enemy and she is also waiting for her husband Richard whom she saw in her nightmare. Will She find her love? Will she able to save the throne? Will she able to use this second chance to make everything better??

Magnificent_Star · Fantasy
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19 Chs

The born of Claire

Jasmine is coming to England for attending the engagement ceremony. The plane landed. She gets out of the airport and she notices a luxurious car is waiting for her. She is little bit confused. Her father send the car for her. She never thought that her father will send a car for her as she was planning to book a hotel. So whatever she gets into the car and reaches the house. She is watching this huge mansion. This is her first time to enter this mansion. In this huge mansion she never got shelter for being illegal child.

The servants welcome her very warmly. She comes to the drawing room and her father is there waiting for her. Mr Orlando hugs her welcomes her to her home. This literally feels awkward to Jasmine. The hug From father, warm welcome and telling her that this is also her mansion. Jasmine is really very surprised and confused. She is feeling like something is not right here.

A servant comes to Jasmine and shows her room. The room is very well-furnished. And also decorated with her favourite things. Even there is also hanging a picture of her mother on the wall. This environment is really making Jasmine very uncomfortable.

William Royal Palace, England....

Alice gets a message from Jasmine that she comes to England. She is staying in her father's house. She would really like to meet her best friend Alice. " Best Friend huh! Seriously Jasmine you really know how to act well " Alice says in her mind. Alice then suddenly remembers something. Alice send a message to the Jasmine that she had given her a job to find the assassin of that night of Paris? Why no news of upgrading is coming to her?

" Oh I am so sorry. You don't worry. I really talk with them. They are giving me much information. Don't worry they are the best PI of Paris. And when he will capture I will call you. "

" Ok then. I trust you "

Alice knows the PI. Cause before hired them Alice studied about the Best PI of Paris Mr Kevin. Alice immediately gives a call to Kevin.

Glasgow, Scotland.....

Evan notices that an unknown number is calling him on his another phone. It is vibrating. He goes to the forest area secretly and picks it.

" Hello who is this? " Evan asks.

Suddenly the voice sound familiar to Alice. Asif she knew the voice, this voice is so close to her.

" Hello. Hey are you there? " again asks Evan.

" Yes yes. I am here " says Alice.

" Ok then who are you? Why did you call me? "

" Oh actually I am the P.A of Miss Jasmine. We are in England. And mam is really busy with the arrangement of her sister's engagement. So she has told me to know any upgrade of you case of finding the man. "

" Oh I understand. Yeah we find an important clue that will lead us to find the man easily. "

Alice asks about the clue. Kevin ( Evan) saya that the clue is a notebook. An unlocked notebook. And they need to find the password otherwise the files and information will be deleted automatically.

" Can I get an file copy of the person? "

" Uhhhh. Actually why did you need it? "

" Because Mr Orlando, father of Jasmine mam wants to hire a official government gurd for Jasmine mam and for this the copy of the file is important. "

" Ok my man will send you. You can get the copy to your mail. "

Alice thanks him. And begins her work. Suddenly Elsa enters her room. And says A young girl Liliy is waiting for her.

Alice lets her come in.

Lily enters the room of Alice and gives her royal respect. Alice asks,

" What's your name? "


Alice says that it is a nice name. Lily thanks her and says that her mother named her. Alice notices wounds on her hand and she understands that Lily is terribly tortured by her aunt. Alice asks Lily what does she want from her?

Lily requests Alice to take her as her maid. She doesn't want to work under Cecilia.

" Why? What's the reason that you don't want to work with my aunt? "

Lily says everything to her. Her suffereings, tourter that she always undergoes. Alice understands that this girl has great hatred towards Princess Cecilia.

" Ok then Lily. I will hire you. I will give you the most important work that will save my life. And the work is you have to work under Princess Cecilia for me. "

Lily is confused. She is not understanding what is Princess Alice saying.

" Sorry I actually don't understand. "

" Look Lily. You are very young. You are even younger than me. So it will be risk for you. If you don't want to work for me then I will make you disappear "

" What? " Lily is scared.

Alice then tells her the work. The work is that Lily has to be an secret informer of Alice and she has to keep eye on Princess Cecilia to give information to Alice about every singel move of Cecelia. Now Lily also understands why will Alice make her disappear. Cause Alice doesn't want to risk and it's natural. Alice also tells her why these information she needs. It's a matter of her life and death. Hearing all these things Lily understands everything.

" I will give you 5 minutes for thinking. You will think in my room and give me the answer yes "

Lily thinks about these and after 3 minutes Lily says yes. She will work for Alice. Alice is glad to hear that. Alice gives her a ring with a micro camera and give her a code name " Claire ". Lily takes promise to work for Alice until her death with loyalty. She comes out the room of Alice and says that This is a new day for her. Lily is death, Claire is born.

Prince Andrew is checking some documents of his businesse. Suddenly a message comes to his phone. It's from the manager of the mining work. The manager is congratulating him with great joy that the gold bars are found. Prince Andrew becomes so happy that he begings to laugh. Cecilia enters the room. Seeing her laughing like that Cecilia asks him " Why are you laughing like that? Are you ok? "

Andrew tells his wife the great news. Cecilia is also pleased to hear that.

After sometimes a mail comes to Alice she opens the mail and finds that in the file the sketch is not the sketch of the assassin. Alice understands that Jasmine is planning something. And this time she decides to talk about this matter with Uncle Jason Maxwell and her grandpa. They will really help him.

>>>>>>>>End of Chapter 10>>>>>>>>