
I don't want to go to school!

When Mu Nanshen woke up, the sheets on his body were already wrinkled. He touched them and found that they were still warm.

Not long after, Gu Jingchen stood up.

Mu Nansheng slept soundly, lying in front of the rising sun.

So that

Mu Nansheng touched his face and was stunned for a moment, feeling something was wrong.

As expected, I didn't cry.

Yu Yunmu, the southern snake, had swollen eyes and was desperately brushing her teeth.

The family was sitting in the restaurant, and Mu Nansheng changed his clothes and went downstairs.

Worried about Mrs. Gu waiting too long, Mu Nansheng ran downstairs. Her skirt is a bit too long and almost tripped over.

Fortunately, some servants came to help Mu Nansheng.

Mu Nansheng was taken aback and turned around to see who was helping him.

That girl is only seventeen or eighteen years old. Her eyebrows were emerald green and childish, but her face was somewhat pale. Her eyes were unusually large, perhaps due to not having enough to eat.

Mu Nansheng smiled kindly and said, "Thank you!"

The little girl quickly waved her hand, not knowing what to do.

"Are you new here? You look a bit messy."

The girl nodded.

"My name is Xiaoqiu, and today is my first day at work."

Mu Nansheng patted Xiao Qiu's shoulder, telling him not to be afraid.

"Okay, I got it."

Mu Nansheng sat next to Gu Jingche and greeted Mrs. Gu first.

-Mom, I'm sorry for keeping you waiting.

Before Mrs. Gu could speak, Gu Jingchen spoke directly and said, "Be careful, what if you fall!"

Mu Nansheng calmly grasped Gu Jingchen's hand and smiled, it's okay.

Mrs. Gu doesn't mind her staying up late. He agreed with Gu Jingchen, asked him to be careful, and Nanzi ate Congee.

Mu Nansheng held the crystal shrimp dumplings and gently comforted the unhappy Gu Jingchen.

"Alright, I'm fine. I'll take care of myself. Eat quickly, I'm going to work soon."

Gu Jingchen remained silent and silently picked up a piece of pork and placed it on Mu Nanshe's plate.

This is a rude boy.

Mu Nansheng chuckled inwardly and picked up the pork to start eating.

While drinking Congee, Gu's mother suddenly said, "Jing Chen, Nanzi should go to school."

"At the end of this month, I will ask everyone to find a good kindergarten."

Gu Jingchen carefully wiped his mouth.

Mrs. Gu nodded.

Nanzi was sent to school for no reason and was stunned.

I don't want to go to school!

Nanzai threw away the children's plates, stood up from her seat, and extended her hands to look at the poor Mu Nansheng.

Mu Nansheng helplessly picked up Nanzi and gently handed her over.

"I don't want to go to kindergarten, I want to be with my mom."

Mrs. Gu saw Nanzi unhappy and quickly advised, "Good granddaughter, why don't we go? Can we wait until you're four years old?"

"Mom, please don't interfere."

Gu Jingchen said, stood up, took Nan Zi from Mu Nan Snake's arms, and let Nan Zi stand on the chair.

Seeing Gu Jingchen's stubborn attitude, Mrs. Gu felt it inconvenient for her to interfere too much.

Mrs. Gu sighed helplessly and said, "Nansheng, you and your wife can decide for ourselves."

Mu Nansheng nodded and comforted his mother-in-law, "It's okay, Mom. Nanzi is still young, I don't know how interesting kindergarten is."

Mrs. Gu stood up and walked towards the living room.

Nanzai didn't believe it, stood up and looked at Gu Jingchen.

"Gu Munan, why are you making such a fuss?"

As long as Nanzi doesn't make mistakes, Gu Jingchen will also be a kind father.

Speaking of Nan Zai, Gu Jingchen would definitely be unhappy.

Mu Nansheng looked at the father son confrontation and said that if he said he didn't feel sorry for Nanzi, then he was lying.

Let Gu Jingchen use his parenting experience first.

Nanzi pursed her lips and looked at Gu Jingchen with tears in her eyes. "I don't want to go to school, I want my mother," she said

As soon as these words were spoken, both father and son looked at Mu Nansheng.

Mu Nansheng asked in confusion:

One is to ask Munan Snake to help persuade Nanzi to go to school, and the other is naturally to ask Munan Snake for mercy.

Mu Nansheng looked embarrassed.

Sorry, Nanzi, Mom can't help you.

Gu Jingchen leaned forward with a serious expression.

"Gu Munan, do you want to protect your mother?"

Nanzi looked up and said, "I think so too."

As soon as Gu Jingchen became hooked, he felt disgusted with his foolish son and continued, "Then study hard and protect your mother."

——Otherwise, do you want to become illiterate?

Nanzi turned his head to take a look.

"Mom, what's a bit of illiteracy?"


Mu Nansheng touched Nanzi's hair and half bowed with a bitter smile.

"Hmm... when you go to school, you'll know later."

Upon hearing these words, Nanzai nodded solemnly and said, "I want to go to school."

Gu Jingchen extended his fist and said, "The promise of a man."


Nan Zai's little fist collided with Gu Jingchen's fist, which was a man's agreement.

Mu Nansheng looked at his faces, big and small, both moved and amused.