
Shameless Jiangbei Jia

Nanzi was successfully deceived.

"I want to go to school, I love going to school!"

Nanzai walked back and forth in the living room, disturbing everyone and speaking loudly.

Li Mama and the butler listened attentively, smiling and cheering for Nanzi.

Standing not far away, Mu Nansheng's expression was excited and he licked his tongue, saying, "Jingchen, your parenting ability is really good."

Gu Jingchen raised his eyebrows and did not deny it. He handed the leader's belt to Mu Nansheng.

Mu Nansheng tiptoed up and carefully tied Gu Jingchen's tie.

Gu Jingchen hugged Mu Nansheng's waist, exhaled lightly, and laughed recklessly.

"This is simply unable to compete with Mrs. Gu's control ability!"

Mu Nansheng noticed the teasing in his words, her pretty face turned red, and her eyebrows were shy.

"Alright, hurry up and go to work. Give me money now!"

Gu Jingchen kissed Mu Nansheng and said, "Mrs. Gu, I'm obedient."

Gu Jingchen stood at the door, and Mu Nansheng smiled and waved at him.

"By the way, Miss Gu. May I ask for your help?"

Mu Nansheng was confused and said, "Ah? What's going on?"

Gu Jingchen's thin lips curled slightly. "Bring me lunch at noon, I want to eat the dish you made."

Mu Nansheng didn't think it was a big deal and agreed with a smile.

Finally seeing off Gu Jingchen, Mu Nansheng returned to his bedroom alone and focused on his own design.

"Ringing bell~"

The crisp bell interrupted Mu Nansheng's thoughts. Just as I was about to answer the phone, I saw Mu Nansheng hanging up the contact person in reverse.

"Ringing bell~"

Mu Nansheng impatiently took it over and said, "Jiangbei Jia, are you okay?"

The phone is from Jiangbei Jia.

"If it's okay, why can't I come find you?"

Jiangbei Jia's tone was very casual, and Mu Nansheng wanted to snatch him from the phone and hit him.

"Jiangbei Jia... No, brother-in-law, after all, you are Wanwan's friend, so there are still differences."

Jiangbei Jia was holding her phone in her hand, and her tone sounded a bit like a good friend letting her girlfriend play around: "Nansheng, can you stop playing around? I really have nothing to do with Wanwan."

Mu Nansheng felt a pang of discomfort in his heart and said, "Jiangbei Jia, can't you understand human language?""

"I'll tell you one last time: I have a husband, please don't disturb me."

Jiangbei Jia's tone instantly changed. Just as he was about to hang up the phone, he suddenly remembered something important.

"Okay, Nansheng, please do me a favor." Are we friends after all? "

Mu Nansheng flipped his pen quickly, is it about the Central Building?

"MC plans to choose a partner between Jiang and Lin. I hope you can turn a deaf ear to Gu Jingchen and let him hand over the development of the central building to Jiang."

Mu Nansheng's mouth curled up, with a hint of mockery on his face.

I cannot easily intervene in the affairs of Gu Jingchen Company.

It is absolutely impossible to say good things.

Mu Nansheng has very smart eyes and good ideas.

Anyway, let's hang up first before we talk.

"Okay, let me briefly explain. But ultimately, this matter is still Gu Jingchen's intention."

Upon hearing this, Jiangbei Jia thought that Mu Nansheng was willing to help him, and his tone of voice was somewhat lively.

"On behalf of the Jiang family, I would like to express my gratitude to you."


Mu Nansheng answered, hung up the phone, and continued drawing.

As soon as the sound of Jiangbei Jiahua fell, Mu Wanwan, who was standing on the side, excitedly asked, "Did she agree?"

Jiangbei Jia smiled with a relaxed expression

"How could she refute such an idiot?"

Mu Wanwan and Jiangbei Jiaxing ran to the bar to celebrate their acquisition of the land in the central building.

As is well known, the situation has exceeded their control.

The morning passed quickly. Mu Nansheng glanced at the clock and went downstairs to the kitchen.

Nanzi hasn't seen Mu Nansheng all morning. When he saw his mother in the kitchen, he threw down the toy in his hand and ran into the kitchen.

"Mommy, mommy, do you want to make lunch for Daddy again?"

Mu Nansheng looked at Nanzai, who looked like a tiger headed man, and knelt down and said, "Yes, Nanzai, are you going?"

Nanzi nodded. "I want to go, I also want to go to an amusement park."

Mu Nansheng thought for a moment and said, "Why don't you let dad finish lunch and mom take you to play?"

Nanzi was extremely excited and took the initiative to help Mu Nansheng.