
Revenge Blood

Drake the 1st Demon knight of the 12 Demon knights, First vampire (Dracula). He was betrayed by his father Lucifer Morningstar and his body was destroyed and his comrades were banished during the escape to earth. But Drakes soul was sent to earth and was accidently imprisoned in a 10 year old boy named Michael. Michael and his little sister who have been bullied by Society for being poor and not being able to cultivate for in this land only the strong have a safe in the week are left in the slums. all Michael wants is to protect his little sister from the world of cultivators and Drake with a mission of Revenge. Drake and Michael bounded by Faith team together for revenge and blood. So the question is, will they save the world and defeat hell or will they destroy both with No Mercy?

DevilsDead69 · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
37 Chs


While Michael and Hollind have a stare down. A news helicopter came and shined a spotlight between the two.

"ladies and Gentlemen. I'm here to show you another show down for the night.

On one side is Hollind Yu. He is one of the instructors for the Warrior Sect. In his status, he should be Beginner-level-King Realm but judging him now. He rose his power to Mid-level-king-realm.

On the other side is One half of The Akuma Duo. But now we have recently discovered that they are now The Akuma Trio. As you know demons have being going around the city. Hiding in the shadows and creating havoc within the City. Since then two people know as The Akuma Duo have hunted them and wiped them out within a few years since there appearance.

Earlier the night The Akuma Bunny has already Defeated Lou Meng of Sword Sect. In just two moves.

Now let us see who walks away the victor."

" What?... Are you so scared that you're just going to hang there or run away." Hollind said Arrogantly.

" hahahaha.. How can I take to heart about what a Brother killer would say" Michael said sarcastically.

This enraged Hollind and he powered up and took out a king level sword. It's thin double edged blade is red and its hilt has red vines witch attached itself to his hand.

Michael, using the used the Dragon Dagger to instantly flip himself up. Both feet placed against the wall.



Hollind jumps down towards Michael with great speed.

Michael pulls out the Dragon Dagger and instantly jumps towards Hollind. Creating a crater on the wall he launched himself from.

The two Clash in Mid air and the shock wave shattered the building's windows between them.

The two are pushed back. Hollind land inside and building. On the opposite side Michael crashed through a building wall. He rolled a bit till he used the Dragon daggers to stab the ground to stop him from going though the other side.

In the time Hollind had already jumps over to Michael's side.

(Quick step)

Hollind sped up and Attack Michael while he is still on one knee.


Michael disappeared from where he stood. Hollind Missed but when Michael appeared to give a strick. Hollind blocked his attack.

Each attack they give each other. It would be blocked or countered.

'damn how is this guy so relentless? Each time I think I have him. He would counter and instantly attack.' Hollind thought to himself.

(Warrior Art/Justice stick)

Hollind's sword lit up and a red aura grew stronger. The attack shot out a large sized ray of red aura.


A blood red aura emitted out if Michael in the shape of a Spartan with Shield and spear. The Spartan blocked the attack easily.

Hollind is stunned by this.

"Hey, how do you know a warrior art I've never seen before." Hollind asked but Michael just gave him a smirk and said.

"You think that your warrior art is the only one in this world…hahahaha..well mine is better and it has a two stage attack."

"two stage attack?" Hollind said confused.

"it doesn't just bock you're attack but adsorbs it…" the Spartan warrior the points it's spear though the gap in it's shield.

"it fires your own attack straight back towards you."


A larger ray of red light fires out of the building and at the end of it is Hollind. He was unable to take its power and is pushed through buildings.

Hollind is suck on one side of a building.

'dame that was my attack but it was at least triple it's destructive power.' Hollind thinks to himself.

Hollind fall off the side of the building.


Michael quickly comes from the direction Hollind was blasted from. He ricochets from building to building on his way down to Hollind.


'What… How could he have mastered Natural Law. Only those of at least Emperor level cultivation can practice such art… And his.. No. Noo..'

Michael had already caught up to Hollind while he was still falling. Michael superman punched Hollind. He was at least 7 stories high and was sent to the ground in a split second. The force was so strong that the sound barrier broke and a wave blew every window in for a 2 mile radius. The news choppers could barely keep under control.

Michael lands on the ground. He walks over to the large Crater he made using Hollind's body. Michael looks down to see Hollind still standing. His gasping for air and his clothes are torn.

"I'm actually surprised that you still conscience. Although I had to hold back because I have no intention of killing. Your brother is already dead and I have no reason to kill you." Michael said and turns around to walk away.

"hey, we are… Not done.. Yet.." Hollind shouts.


Hollind instantly jumps out the crater and is behind Michael's back. Hollind is mid air and is about to kick Michael against the neck. As his foot is about to touch Michael, it stops.

Michael caught his foot with one hand. Grabbed his ankle. Michael swings him around and throws him one side. Straight into A department store as if he was a rage doll.

Hollind walks out of the store again. His forehead is bleeding and his gasping for air.

"Hey, you….. get back here.. I'm not done yet."

Michael looks back at him and tilts his head.

"Hollind.. You just don't seem to get it."

Hollind Charges his power.

(Forbidden Warrior Art/ Bizzerker mode)

Hollinds Power dramatically rises. His skin turns dark red like dried lava. His hair turns from white to red but it flowed like fire. His eyes go blank. His face showed nothing but complete rage. Using this technique, if your can't Master it. You won't be able to tell from right and wrong. You literally embody rage.

"Hollind, why did you use that move. Do you plan to destroy this place comply…I can clearly see you haven't master that move." Michael said.

Hollind instantly closed the distance and Michael


Michael blocked the punch with his arms. Michael was sent through an Ally, building and straight into a construction site. Michael skipped along the way till he slowed down.

"Shit.. If I didn't use Tampering body technique. I would be in trouble." Michael said to himself.

He could hear Hollind coming by large thumbing sounds for each foot step he took.

In a matter of seconds Hollind appeared in Mid air and kicked Michael against the head. Michael blocked it by using his left arm to cover his head and his right hand to absorbed the blow but the force still threw Michael aside.

Michael dodged a few kicks after each other but one kick got through. A kick to the mid section but Michael lifted his knee and brought down his right arm's elbow. Crushing Hollind's ankle. The force of the kick still sent Michael down the street but Michael stopped before crashing into anything.

The helicopter is still keeping track of the fight.

"To our viewers it doesn't look good for The Akuma. His being forced to take guard and is being pushed back. It really doesn't look good." The news reporter said reluctantly.

"Sue Mo, Amy, Jane.. One of tell you him to run or he'll be killed. I've read about Hollind Yu's file. When ever he used Bizzerker Mode he killed hundreds of king-level-beast on his own. He can rage for a week straight." Yuri said with concern in her voice and shock on her face.

" it's okay Yuri…I've only met him just in this week and seen him do so many things…Something is just telling me that he will win." Sue Mo said whole heartedly.

" Miss Mo, can I call you Sister Sue?" Amy asked sincerely. Sue Mo was taken by surprise because she always felt that maybe Amy didn't like her.

"why now so suddenly?" Sue Mo asked out of Curiosity. Amy smiled at Sue Mo.

"Because you have Faith in my brother and he trusts." Amy said truthfully

"okay…" Sue Mo said nervously.

"hey stop having ideas with my sis.. Ouch!"

(Explosion, explosion, explosion)

With each hit Michael took from Hollind sent him through different streets and area's in the City.

"Viewers I have to ask you to please evacuate the area because they way the fight is look. It heading to New State City CBD.." the news reporter said

Before people realized it Michael was sent flying through one of the buildings into a open area.

This is a large open area. That has three large monitors that cover nearly the entire side of a building. People are running away and some are watching from far. The news Chopper is still producing a Live feed of the fight and showing it on the monitor.

Hollind looked around at the people and felt enraged. Hollind look in front of him and saw a young women. She fell down on the ground but was too sacred to move. Hollind looked her with intent. Hollind then tries to kill her.

Hollind's hand is just a few centimetre from the girl. She closes her eyes because it is all she can do




A purple magic crest appears and one magical circle around it. Out came black chains with spear tips. The chains pierced his hand, arms and legs. The chains wrapped his waste and neck forcing him down on his knees.

When the girl opens her eyes. She see Michael standing in front of her. Protecting her from Hollind.

"thank…. You" she said while going though some shock.

"No need to thank me.. Just get to safety." Michael said she aggress and runs off.

Michael can now out his full potential on Hollind.

"Hollind, you piece of shit. How dare you involve innocent people in front me!!" Michael said angerly.



Everyone watching could feel the air become colder and shadows become darker. Suddenly all shadows in from around the CBD gathered around Michael. Michael's body is now covered in shadow.


The shadows clear. Michael cloths have changed. His hands and four arm has black gauntlets with shape finger tips and sharp knuckles. He has a long black coat that seems to be made out of black fire. His chest has chest plate armour that runs down till his belt. His mask has shadow like horns.

"HOLLIND!!!!" Michael shouts in a dominating manner

Although Hollind is in Bizzerker Mode. He starts to feel intimidated by the pressure Michael is giving off.

"HOLLIND, YOU HAVE SUCCESSFULLY PISSED ME OFF. NOW I'LL SHOW YOU THE GAPE BETWEEN ME AND YOU!!" Michael shouts and release the restraints on Hollind

Once the restraints come off. Hollind immediately punched Michael's face. The impact is strong as it shook the ground and broke the concrete under Michael's feet. Even tho Michael was hit with such great force. He did not move and inch.

"that was your last shot."

Michael speed become so fast that he can't be seen. Michael attacked Hollind on several spots sequence. The finally puch was so hard Hollind that he flew Across the area and before he could stop. Michael was already there. He Punch Hollind into the ground. Dust cloud came up form the impact but Hollind flew out.

Before Hollind could land Michael was already on top of him and used an axe kick to send him straight to the ground again.

Michael created a magic crest in mid air but uses it to give me footing to jump straight down at Hollind.


Dust cloud cover the area. With a wave of Michael's hand, it cleared it out.

Michael has on foot on top of Hollind inside a crater. Hollind is badly beaten and has burses all over his body. His Bizzerker mode is gone and he has regain his sanity.

"please.. I can't fight anymore.." Hollind said but Michael kick him out of the crater. Hollind rolls on the ground in pain.

Michael is already next to him

"You knew what would happen if you used that technique in the city. You could have killed Innocent people." Michael said with killing intent in his eye.

"please.. Please…I'm.. Sorr.." Before Hollind could Finnish Michael stepped on his arm breaking it. Hollind screams in pain but nobody wanted to help.

Michael knelt down to Hollind and said

"the reason you lost is because your far too weak.."

Suddenly shadows surrounded Michael and when it vanished, so did Michael.

"ladies and Gentlemen Hollind Yu has been defeated. I repeat Hollind Yu has been defeated.

After a few minutes Amy immediately called Michael but he didn't answer.

"Michael's not picking up." Amy said with concern in her voice.

"Amy what's wrong?" Sue Mo asked as Amy is giving off a bad feeling.

"it's Michael, that move he used. Michael can't take one if his seals off without masters permission. Using Natural Law, Forbidden techniques and Hell's Chans. Using all of that without taking off a seal will…. Kill him." Amy said reluctantly with worry in her eyes.

" what?... So where is he and why didn't he come to us?" Jane asked.

" Big Brother was always like that.. Every time he got hurt he would hid it from me but I think this time his reflex over took his judgment and he accidently teleported away." Amy explained

"So how can we find him? Sue Mo asked feeling worried

" wait a second… Didn't Yuri put trackers on our body before the mission started? " Jane said remembering Yuri talking about tracking the team while driving the van.

Everyone looked at Yuri and she kept quite with her back facing them.

"Yuri? Why aren't you saying anything?" Sue Mo asked while holding a closed fist.

"hupm… I don't care how much you hit my head. I don't like how he looks you.. He must have lots of girls.. I don't trust him.." Yuri said with attitude.

Sue Mo was too shy to say anything because of the thoughts in her head.

'wait.. What did she say?.. The way he looks at me.. How does he look at me? … In what way? Is it at a friend?... Or is it more?....'

Both Amy and Jane watch how Sue Mo's mind begin to break just by looking at her facial expression.

"You see even Sister Mo has fallen under his dark Magic…" Yuri shouted. Pointing at Sue Mo's brain malfunctioning at the though of Michael.

"crap…the way Sue Mo's Face looks. It might be black magic." Jane and Amy said while shacking there heads.

"so let him die.." Yuri said

"Yuri I hope you can back those words up." Amy said in a scary manner.

Yuri slowly look back at Amy to see her up close with her bunny Akuma mask on.

"aaaahhhh… I'll help you… I'll tell you where he is… Aaahh" Yuri shouted as Amy was holding her leg, up side down on the edge of a building. Skirt up and tiny pick panties exposed.

(Beast forest territory SSS ranked)

Shadows open up and Michael comes out. His back to normal and falls to his knees

"shit I didn't go to the van. Big mistake." Michael said as he could feel his insides begin to hurt. He vomits blood but get back up again.

"I can't give up.. I won't give up." He told himself. As he becomes dizzy and struggles to walk

"Shit.. I've running out of energy."

Michael is able to summing the cabin but after he falls to his knees again. He crawls to the door and reaches out to the handle. He collapses and spits blood. He pulls himself to sit up on the door.

Michael begins to fade. His vision goes in and out. Till complete Darkness fills his vision and closes his eyes.