
Revenge Blood

Drake the 1st Demon knight of the 12 Demon knights, First vampire (Dracula). He was betrayed by his father Lucifer Morningstar and his body was destroyed and his comrades were banished during the escape to earth. But Drakes soul was sent to earth and was accidently imprisoned in a 10 year old boy named Michael. Michael and his little sister who have been bullied by Society for being poor and not being able to cultivate for in this land only the strong have a safe in the week are left in the slums. all Michael wants is to protect his little sister from the world of cultivators and Drake with a mission of Revenge. Drake and Michael bounded by Faith team together for revenge and blood. So the question is, will they save the world and defeat hell or will they destroy both with No Mercy?

DevilsDead69 · Anime & Comics
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37 Chs


Outside The Lee residence. Miss Chu barges in the house. Looking around for Drake but finds Principle Lee in the living room chair watching the ordeal on the news.

"Principle Lee where is Master Drake?" She asked.

"Miss Chu, I see you're in a hurry. So I'll take you to him." Principle Lee said guiding her through the Manner.

Miss Chu knew she saw Principle Lee watching what was happening on the news but she couldn't figure out why his not afraid for his foster children.

"Principle Lee, are you not worried about Amy and Michael? I know Amy Defeated Lou Meng but Hollind Yu is on a another level."

Principle Lee Laughed but Miss Chu still couldn't figure out why.

"Miss Chu, do your remember the fight on your first day at the school?" he asked he is leading her to large double door that leads to the basement.

"yes I remember Michael intervening with that fight" Miss Chu said as Principle Lee opens the large door. When a open you can see a set of stone stairs going down into darkness. Lights on the walls, light up one by one.

"Now remember when I blocked Michael's Punch with my hand" he said while guiding Miss Chu down the stairs. She began to feel scare. The further you go, the stronger the feeling.

"yes.. I remember" she said.

"believe it or not but that punch broke every bone in my right arm."

"what? Aren't you Beginner – level- king-realm?" Miss Chu asked with a shocked look in her face.

"hahaha.. No my dear.. I'm Mid-Level-king-realm.." Principle Lee said laughing like an old man.

He lead her to a single large metal door. He opens it and the sound of the door creaks so loud it echoes thought out the passage.

Miss Chu walks in bravely but Principle Lee stays behind. Inside is a large pitch Black room. It so dark you can't even see your hands. As she walked further in she heard the door behind her close, witch frightened her slightly

'fuck.. Why am I so afraid.. I've defeated so many monstrous men in my life but when it comes to Master Drake…' as she was going through her thoughts she once again of what happened between the two. Thinking of this made her blush but she shacks it off.

"Miss Chu… Just the person I wanted to see."

Drake said but did not show himself.

"Master Drake?... Where are you?" she asks.

Suddenly fire light lamps, light up the very large room

Inside the room has a mid evil style concrete walls and double king sized bed with blood red covers.

At the wall at the end of the room. Drake sitting on a thrown like chair with his legs crossed and both hands onto of his leg.

He wore his long red leather coat and red hat.

Next to him is a small, round table with red wine and two cocktail glasses on.

Most of all his smile. It was as if the Devil himself had an idea and badly wanted to executed it.

"Master Drake. I know about the mission of Sue Mo but Heavenly Deity College is involved now…"Miss Chu said but Drake just kept smiling.

" not every plan goes smoothly and Michael, Amy and Jane can take care of themselves but what I want to know is more about Heavenly Deity College.. "Drake said in the most evil way.

(Penthouse /Trinity Club)

Hollind Yu jumped inside, off the sword.

"Lady this doesn't have to get ugly. I know this is being broadcasted live. So I'll make this easy. Let my brother go and leave or I can just break your legs." He said in a cocky manner.

"Since you know about the broadcast, then you know what you're brothers been up to.. So..What will happen to him" Michael asked

"You Ant.. I wasn't talking to you." Hollind said


Suddenly closed the distance between him and Michael

(maximum 1500kg punch)

He punch Michael stomach so hard the rest of the windows in the penthouse broke. Michael fell down to his knees and coughed blood through his mask.

Hollind looks back at Jane and takes a few steps.

"Little Lady, I said let my brother go." He demanded.

"How can you just be okay with what he did?" Jane said chocking him harder.

"Lady, it doesn't matter what he did. If you can't do anything about it." He said


'oh no.. I can see where his going to hit but I can't dodge it in time.' Jane thought Closing her eyes but nothing happened.

When she opens them, she sees Michael already by her and is holding Hollins's Wrist. Stopping Hollind from punching Jane. With his back facing Hollind

" That's an interesting thing to say…."

Michael said like he never got punch earlier.

' what? Why is this bastered grip so strong. I can't even take my hand back.' Hollind thought.

"when you said.. If we can't do anything about it. So what if we can?" Michael said and turn his head to look Hollind. When there eyes meet Hollind jump back away from Michael.

"hahahahaha.." Michael began to laugh in an evil manner. He walks to the short side of the desk.

"So in this Collage you're saying. No matter what crimes you have committed. If you get in nobody can do anything?" as soon as Michael said that He kick a Desk that it slide across the room and hit Kyle Yue. Forcing Kyle Yue and the desk out the window. Kyle Yue Screamed as fell 14 stories down and landed on top of a car. Before Kyle Yue could take his last breath. The table landed onto of him. He died without warning or second thought.

Michael could see the facial expression on Hollind Changed and he can sence that his feeling intimidated.

Michael took a metal singal chair and drags it across the floor.

"Sister do you trust me?" Michael asked Jane.

With just a few seconds she answers

" Yes Brother"

"good because I would like to play a game." Michael says placing a chair close to the edge of the broken window, facing out side. Michael sat in the chair Backwards. Crossing his arms on the back rest of the chair.

"if you can kill me while im sitting here. You're brother can live but if you fail he will die and if you try to go after My sis. You'll surely regret it." Michael said in a decisively

"You think an ant like you deserve to play with this king. Let me tell you I am Beginning – level-King-realm…"

"So what?" Michael rudely interrupted Hollind.

Hollind felt very frustrating by Michael arrogance.

"who the fuck do you think you are.."

"… And how the fuck does some mere Beginner – king – realm dare to take to this young man's Sister's revenge from her."

"your pushing your limits kid."

"you're brother sold her Brother. She's my sister so he basically sold my little brother. It's a life for a life. You're brother sold orphans off to be killed or worse. Then covered it up by stating that they ran away. For years your brother has been committing evil, looking the other way and taking bribes. It's just sad that we can't kill him over and over again. "

Everyone in New State Heard that and felt sick.

" oh my.. His a monster"

"his done so much evil and now they just want to take him away as if it's nothing."

"what happened to this city"

"you're tell me that after all that he has done just because it's his brother. He can just get away with it?? This is bullshit"

Hollind can hear the people shouting out side and began to get anger.

"so what will it be Hollind?

A-attack me in one move and see if you can kill me

B-attack my Sister and regret it for the rest of your life


C- walk away now like a coward and leave your brother behind and let him reap what he sowed." Michael said

Hollind was so angary that he looked like he was about to lose control.

In a fit of rage, Hollind decided to go after Jane. Before Jane could move. He put his hand through her body. Blood splattered on the wall behind her. Hollind laughed for what he hand done. The people all froze in shock.

"hahahahahahahahahahahaha…." Michael and Captain Yu laughed. Hollind is now confused as to why their both laughing. Captain Yu walks over to stand by Michael's side and continued laughing at Hollind.

"what is it.. What's so funny?" Hollind asked.


Hollins's eyes are clear now. He suddenly see that Jane is standing next to Michael. He slowly turns his head to see that he had put his hand though his own brother and killed him.

"I must say Brother this is a fitting end for him." Jane said happily

"Yes it is. The man that killed our little brother is killed by his own brothers hands." Michael said meticulously.

"aaaaaahhhhhh" Hollind scream and raised his power. The strength of his aura could be felt a mile away.

Michael quickly grabbed Jane and jumped out the window. He leaped as far as the side of the next building and the Penthouse exploded.

He takes out one of the Dragon daggers and stabs the building. Now his hanging on the building while holding Jane.

"Brother Michael, he raised his power. His at least mid-level-King realm now." Jane said with worry in her voice.

"Sister Jane do you still trust me?" Michael asked sincerely.

Michael and Master Drake had kept there promise to Jane and without hesitate she answered.


Without hesitation Michael threw her down. Jane fell and she closed her eyes. Then out of nowhere Amy came and caught Jane in the air.

They fall together into a shadow on the ground and disappeared. They came out of the shadows by the van.

"thank you sister Amy." Jane said to Amy with appreciation in her voice.

"you're my big sister and it's what family should do." Amy said sincerely.

They open the doors of the van and get in. Yuri and Sue Mo are waiting inside.

"big sister Amy. I know your brother is strong but that guy just rose to Mid-Level-King-Realm." Yuri said while eating Chips.

"Yes, why doesn't Michael just runaway?" Sue Mo asked

"it's simple. Ever since I've met Michael while we lived on the street. Michael has been fighting or protecting me from people who are stronger. Even when keeping Masters promise and because of this he was bullied for most of his life. Michael has always stood up no Matter how strong his opponents maybe. He'll never give up and will always find a way. To protect the people he loves and trusts with his life.

Sue Mo suddenly felt something in her heart she could not describe.

'I'm glad I could finally meet a man like him in this ugly world. Most of my life in a rich family I've had to associate and meet greedy power hungry people. Now I finally met someone who has strength but not use it for selfish gain but to protecting the weak and his own. I hope one day he'll think of me in that way.' Sue Mo smiled at this thought. Amy looked at her and smiled as well.

' damn it Michael. How much more rivals do you want to give me.' Amy thought but smiled either way.

Michael is still hanging on the side of building and on the opposite side is Hollind with raging red aura around him. His eyes oozing out red aura like raging flame.

The two stair at each other with murderous intent… And Michael give him a devilish smile