
Revenge Blood

Drake the 1st Demon knight of the 12 Demon knights, First vampire (Dracula). He was betrayed by his father Lucifer Morningstar and his body was destroyed and his comrades were banished during the escape to earth. But Drakes soul was sent to earth and was accidently imprisoned in a 10 year old boy named Michael. Michael and his little sister who have been bullied by Society for being poor and not being able to cultivate for in this land only the strong have a safe in the week are left in the slums. all Michael wants is to protect his little sister from the world of cultivators and Drake with a mission of Revenge. Drake and Michael bounded by Faith team together for revenge and blood. So the question is, will they save the world and defeat hell or will they destroy both with No Mercy?

DevilsDead69 · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
37 Chs


Captain Yu had just arrived at the Trinity Club.

The Trinity Club, nobody really knew who the Clubs real owner is and it was none other than Kyle Yue's. The club is the first 2 floors of the 14 floor high building. Kyle Yue's office

Is in the penthouse top floor.

Captain Yue just came though an elevator, that takes you directly into the penthouse.

His making phone calls sounding angary while beautiful women poured him a drink.

"What do you mean? The fuck do you mean all my properties ownerships is in someone else's name. It's my fucking houses….what do I pay you for? Fix it."

"Mr. Yue, we have a problem.." Captain Yu said but Stopped talking when he looked at the women.

Kyle Yue noticed and told her to leave.

"if you're going to tell me about what happened at the Harbour.. I'll already know." Kyle Yue took a large gulp of wine from the glass and threw it against the wall.

"That fucking Bi better hope his dead before I get him."

"Don't worried Mr. Yue. I'm still the police captain. I can get the guns and Mr. Bi out in a few months." Captain Yu said.

Kyle Yu sat down and rubs the temple of his head.

"I want those women dead before they talk and tell that Mayer if he doesn't want what happened to his daughter to happen to his wife. He better get the media under control and how the fuck did the media get involved?"

"I check that out apparently it was an anonymous call and we can't track it. This tells me that someone is behind everything."

"it's that fucking Akuma Duo. "Kyle shouted.

Captain Yu's phone rang and he picks.

" what is it?.. I'm busy?" after a minute Captain Yu got out of his seat.


" WHAT'S GOING ON? " Kyle Yue asks.

(A 10min ago)

New State City CBD. It's a place where you can go shopping, watch a movie or go to a theatre. The side of the building have large digital monitors and billboards.

Sudden all the monitors screens turn blank and including the everyone's cell phone.

On the screens words appear, reading.


Then Michael in his Akuma Mask Appeared on screen to give a speech.

"people of New State City. You may know me as one of the Akuma Duo but before I become one I was just one of the out cases in old down town City. We have been forgotten because we are weak and bullied because we are weak. I am here to show that we can not be taken for granted because the people that you think are protecting you are more evil then anything villain you know.

I'm going to open your eyes to help see who is truly protecting your city. "

On the monitor played and recording between Mr. Bi and Kyle Yue talking in the club. Organization a hit on Michael. It

Showed how the deal went down in the Harbour. Pictures of women kidnapped and Mr. Bi and other Heroes doing other criminal acts.

" you see those of the Hero association use there power to bully others and commit crimes. While working for a gangster name Kyle Yue."

He then showed all the evidence of Kyle Yue making deals and hurting people for fun.

"how is this man being protected?.. It's because his sends funds to the Heroes association. So he can do whatever he wants. The only person that stood up to him was the Mayer of New State City but he payed the ultimate sacrifice for this."

Then showed how the Mayers daughter was kidnapped by police officers and showed a video of Captain Yu personnel delivering her to Kyle Yue. Then showed pictures of how she looked after wards.

" Mr. Mayer.. I am truly sorry that you and you're family had to fight this battle alone but now its over."

Then showed a live steam video of Captain Yu and Kyle Yue talking in the office. After a few Minutes of Captain Yue stood up from and shouted


" WHAT'S GOING ON? " Kyle Yue asks.

(Present time)

"what's going on?" Kyle Yue asked. Captain Yu drops his phone to the floor and breaks.

"apparently the Akuma exposed everything to everyone to the entire City… And showed everybody evidence of all the things we did. Soon people will come looking for us.." he said depressingly.

"what!? How is this possible?" Kyle Yue said angary.

Then a sound of a single person clapping there hands. They look behind them to find Michael with his Akuma Mask on.

"you Akuma Pieces of shit. Do you think just because you told everybody our business you think changed anything? This world works different. Power and Money rules all and no one. Not even a Demon like you can change that." Kyle said, standing up.

Michael finally stopped clapping his hands.

" you right. That's why I'm going to play by your rules. I'm going to use my power to kill you, because there is nothing you can do about it."

Captain Yu stand up and Kyle Yue begin to charge there energy.

"hey I'm not done talking yet. This room is surrounded by an array so if anyone tries to leave…." Michael then throws a kunai knife at the window and it turned into a ash."

"so fucking what.. You're just one man and We just need to kill you.." Captain Yu said.

"we'll I'm not alone… I mean… Just think about it, just how did we get all that evidence if not from your computer?.... because now we are not The Akuma Duo,…" behind Michael a women walks out of the shadows. It's the same women that poured Kyle Yue's Drink.

" We are The Akuma Trio.. "

" You bitch.. How dare you betray me.. I've treated so nice over the years! " Kyle Yue shouted

" hahahahaha.. I'll never work for scum like you again." She said. Suddenly her appearance transformed into Jane with her Akuma mask on.

" are you fucking kidding me, Another Akuma." Captain Yu said stunned by this.

" hahahaha.. The look on your face.. You see while you were busy playing with your girls in your room I used a USB device on your personal server room and computer, so that a little friend of ours can download everything you have. We have all the evidence of every corrupt things you guys did together. All your money and property. You have nothing and right now we are live streaming everything that happening in this room right now." Jane said laughing at there reacting.

"You see my sister over here has a special ability that allows her too fool your minds into changing her appearance without psychically changing anything." Michael explained

Kyle Yu look at his computer to see a tine USB in it. He took his laptop and threw it against the window and it turned to ash.

" you fucking bitch!" he shouted in a rage.

"Sister enough talk. Time to get your revenge." Michael said. Jane turned her head towards Captain Yu. His surprised by this and can't guess what for.

"What do you mean revenge. What have I ever done to you?" he asked. Jane walks towards him and her finger nails turn into claws.

"You have destroyed many family. While I kill you, you can try to figure it out for yourself."

She said. She dashes for him but he puts up a barrier


A light shines on the forehead of Jane's Mask. The eye of Ra's symbol shines and Captain Yue is dazzled by it. His Barrier shut down and he can't move.

Jane attacks him with an upper cut and he blocks it with his arms. The impact breaks his arms and send him flying against the ceiling. He falls back down on his face.

"really? is that all you've got?" Jane asks sarcastically

Captain Yu instantly gets back up and stabbed Jane in the heart. He lifts her in the air and laughs.

"you dumb bitch.. Hahah"

"Captain Yu?..." Kyle Yue says

"you think you can kill me?... Hah.."

"Hey Captain Yu…"

"Fucking bitch, I'm going to rip your heart out. Hahahah"

"CAPTAIN YU!!!" Kyle Yue shouts to get his attention.

"WHAT?" he asks, looking at Kyle Yu but Kyle Yue's face is showing a expression that tells you something is wrong.


Captain Yu look back at Jane and realizes that he is the one that is in the air and Jane's hand is in his chest. As soon as he noticed, blood came pouring out of his mouth.

"but… H.. How..?" he asked

Jane pulls him a little Closer to her and whispers in his ear.

" you took my little brother, now you must pay with blood." She said with intent in her voice

"you can't be…" he says as she throws him over the Desk and near the window.

Kyle Yue jumps in for a punch but Michael intervenes. Michael cuts that arm with the Dragon Dagger. Kyle Yue didn't see it coming and Michael hit him with a knee to the face. Kyle Yue's teeth break on impact.

The people of New State City watched and astonished.

(Crowd chatter)

"holy shit.. Our City is filled with such people"

" I can't believe all the things they did and their suppose to protect us."

" kill them Akuma"

"please wait.. I got money…" Kyle Yue begged as Michael walked closer to him.

"I already have all your money." Michael said in a cold manner.

Jane picks up Captain Yu from the ground by the neck. A great amount of Blood from his wound fells onto the floor.

"please… Whatever I did.. I'm sorry…" Captain Yu begged.

Jane took his face and placed it against the array by the window. Captain Yu screams as Jane slowly burns half his face away and whispers in his ear.

"you sold my little brother and all those orphans…now you must pay." She said,

Captain Yu's eye opens in shock as he realised who it is.

Suddenly the Array Shatters and Jane accidentally hits Captain Yu's face against the window.

Then suddenly, all the windows on the one side of penthouse shatter. They look to see a man in the air. Standing on a flying sword.

He wore the casual cloths but has long red robe that he wore like a Jacket. He has a slick back faded hair style and it white.

"You may not know me but I'm from Heavenly Deity College's Warrior's Sect. Instructer Hollind Yu…and little Lady I need you to let go of my brother."