
Revenge Blood

Drake the 1st Demon knight of the 12 Demon knights, First vampire (Dracula). He was betrayed by his father Lucifer Morningstar and his body was destroyed and his comrades were banished during the escape to earth. But Drakes soul was sent to earth and was accidently imprisoned in a 10 year old boy named Michael. Michael and his little sister who have been bullied by Society for being poor and not being able to cultivate for in this land only the strong have a safe in the week are left in the slums. all Michael wants is to protect his little sister from the world of cultivators and Drake with a mission of Revenge. Drake and Michael bounded by Faith team together for revenge and blood. So the question is, will they save the world and defeat hell or will they destroy both with No Mercy?

DevilsDead69 · Cómic
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37 Chs


Drake now face to face from Detective Jane. Her wounds had just healed but still lying on the ground. Her head felt dizzy and her heart kept pounding. Drake smiled as if he has evil intentions for her.

"Detective, my blood is very special and enables you to use some of my abilities. One of them being ( blood memory). This ability will allow you to look into the memories of your victims blood but you have to drink from there flesh." he said while he knelt down and placed his hand on her cheek as if it was to comfort her.

" but because i gave blood to your flesh. You will die if you don't feed on human blood within the hour."

Detective Jane eyes opens as she has never killed anyone in her life.

I can't do that. I don't want to become a murderer." she says while tries to get up.

"don't be a fool. The man that's crawling before you knows what happened to your little brother and you will die soon with out his blood. Do you really want to give up on yourself and brother for him?" Drake said and walked over to Detective Wou. Detective Wou struggled to get away but Drake picked him up and throw him at Detective Jane.

"make your choice foolish girl or die in vain. The choice is yours."

Detective Jane stair at him and the smell of blood mad her feel hunger that she has never felt before. Her heart pounded even more so. Her k9's grew to the point where they became fangs. Her eyes turned from blue to a bright blood red.

Detective Wou opens his eyes to see to see Detective Jane.

"hey Jane, help me out here. This guys a monster." he said but Detective Jane stayed silent.

"hey what's wrong with you. We have to get out of he here." he said, reaching and grabbed onto her jacket but she stayed silent.

"tell me what happened to my brother? " she asked in a cold manner. Detective Wou was shocked at what she had said.

"hey let's talk about this when we get out of here."

"TELL ME NOW!!!" she shouted in a Demonic voice that would send chills down your spine. Detective Wou was frightened and tried to crawl away but Detective Jane grabbed his leg.

"What are you doing you bitch... Let me go."

Detective Jane's Rage grew more and more. Making it harder for her to control.

'when becoming a vampire. You're emotions are high tend. Making it almost impossible for someone to resist her rage but she holding onto her humanity. Just how long can she hold on.' Drake thought to himself.

"Detective. You don't have much time left. It's either you accept becoming a monster or die never knowing what truly happened with your brother." Drake said

Detective Jane fell silent. Detective Wou kept struggling. Detective Jane pulled Detective Wou closer and closer. She then grabbed him by the head and tilted it to expose his neck. Detective Wou kept struggling till but could not overcome her strength.

'my brother, he died and the department just brushed his murder into a cold case file. Now i have the power to avenge him....even if it means i become a monster.' Detective Jane thought to herself.

She opens her mouth a her fangs grew longer and bit into Detective Wou' s neck. He scream as she drained his blood. As she was draining him. Drake knelt down on one knee and whisper a simple sentence in her ear.

"my slave... Open your third eye."

Once she heard those words. It was as if she had unlocked a new ability. A small light on her forehead and a red magic crest appear.

(Inside Detective Jane's mind)

"what's... What's.. Happening?" she said. Slowly opens her eyes to realize that she is free falling from a black sky.

"what's happening!" she shouted. She turns head to look behind her to find that she is falling towards a blood like ocean. She turns to face the blood ocean.

(Drake's voice)

"detective. You are now using some of the ability's that i gifted to you as becoming my blood Slave. Now you are falling to what is called blood sea. In this ocean of blood, contains memories of your victims blood. Opens your heart and your third eye. Dive into the blood and find your brother. Trust your Master. I will never lead you astray."

Drake's voice disappear. Detective Jane closed her eyes and trusted the words of her Master. Her thrid eye opens within the red magic crest on her forehead. The eye can only be described as a green cat like eye. It emitted a flow of green and black energy that covered her body. As she dives in the blood with her eyes closed her used her third eye to search through all Detective Wou's memories.

"oh my God... He has committed so many crimes. His even raped and murdered witness for crime lords for money."

Seeing all the crimes that he committed made her more angary.

"big sis"

A familiar voice spoke from the distance.

"Big sis"

Detective Jane heard the voice and knew it was her brother. She flew towards the sound still it became louder. Her tried eye shined brighter and when she opened her eye, she was standing in the NSPD. She stood in the Captains office and he sat in his office chair. His a large muscular middle aged man with a general's hair cut and smoking cigarettes. Across from him was Detective Wou.

"Captain David Yu"

"so tell me. Why is a cultivator looking for kids?" the captain said just as blows out smoke.

"how should i know. He paying us money to look away. Besides his from one of the four great family." Detective Wou said as he just lite a cigarette of his own.

At this moment Detective Jane realized that they could not see all.

"so what does he want?" he asked coldly.

"he wants a list of available orphanages that we have to help provide them with fresh kids mouthy."

The Captain smiled and killed his cigarette. He gets up from his chair and walks towards his office window, which over looked all the entire present. He saw Detective Jane's little brother visiting her.

"brother..." she said. After so long she see her brother again. Although she knows its a memory but to her. To see him smile again made tears roll down her cheeks.

"give them the list and add another child. Don't worry about this one I'll take care of everything." the Captain said while grinning at Detective Jane's little brother.

The and flash of light nearly blinded her and when she opens them again. She was in a dark alley. Detective Wou was walking along the side. At the end of the alley a black luxury car with tinted black windows parked.

Detective Wou knocks on the back window and it rolls down. It was dark inside so he could not see who is sitting in the back.

"hand me the papers." the mysterious voice said.

Detective Wou pulled papers out of his jacket and a hand with a spider tattooed on it took the papers. Then handed back to the Detective is an envelope of money. Detective Wou smiled at the amount .

"i was happy that you gave me that child. He had such a pure soul. I gave you a little extra to get ride of the body." the voice meticulously.

The trunk of the car opens and detective Wou laughs. Detective Jane looks inside and falls to her knees. She cries loudly and holds both hands on her heart. As if it had shattered into a thousand pieces. Inside the trunk was her little brothers lifeless body. Beaten, battered and bruised.

Her third eye closes.

Detective Jane lets go of him but he is still alive. Drake looks on to see the look of a women who's whole world had shattered. She sat there with her hair covering her face as she looked at the ground. Blood drops fell from her mouth and her hands covered in blood as well.

"you fucking crazy bitch...you...you bit me." he shouted as he tries to crawl away.

"now that you know part of the truth. What's next?

Forgive them and live on as my blood slave or.... You can follow me and become stronger and punish those who have wronged you and you're little brother for your entire life. All those that betrayed, all those that looked away, all those that made you weak and destroyed your entire reason to be happy. Follow me and become more than just a slave but an avenger that kills those who would kill weaker others that would kill without mercy. Step on those who step on defenceless people like their ants. Revenge maybe not the answer that can heal your heart but it is more than enough for you keep alive what is left in your heart...all i can offer you is a new life and... Vengeance." Drake's speech and laughter echo though out the pit and his words resonated within Detective Jane. She pulls out her police badge and looked at it.

'the reason i became a police officer was to show my brother that even though we don't have the resources to cultivate but have the power to protect those who do. Now that his gone and was killed by those bastered... I can no long hold this badge with pride.' she thought to herself and bent badge in her hands. She looks up at Detective Wou and he looks back. All he see is a Demon of a women with red eyes and fangs, looking at him with evil intentions.

"wait.. Jane... Don't listen to that freak... If we get out of here...we can go to the..... Captain.... and we can froget.... about this..."

"TRASH!" she said in a demonic like voice.

"hey... Come on and help me... I've.. Lost... Too much blood."

"TRASH!" she shouted as she steps closer and closer.

"hey...if you don't listen to me.... I'll... Make your.. Life a living hell.. You.. Bitch."

She stops walking and begins to laugh with her self. She takes her hand brushes her hair from her face. Showing one eye and a evil smile on her face. Much like what Drake would do.

" when you push someone far enough down the pit of pain, suffering and insanity. Something else is bound to come out.

"You want to make my life a living hell... But every since you took money for my brothers life... What more hell can you put me though."

Detective Wou eyes opens with astonishment.

"How... How did you know?"

She step closer and closer.

"it doesn't matter how i know. I just want compensation for what you did." she said

Detective Wou smiled

"i can give 3...no...7 million." he said thinking that it would be enough.

"hahahahaha..." she laughed...

"why are you laughing.... Okay... 10 million. I can't give anymore than that." he said trembling in fear because each step she took he could feel the murderous intent grew stronger.

"hahahaha... What makes you think, money is what im looking for."

"listen to me, you bitc...."

In that moment detective Jane had grew sharp claws and cut off his hand.

Blood squared out like a fountain. He screamed from the pain. Jane took another step and cut off his foot. Each step she took she would cut a body part off.

" please... Please... Stop... Pleas..... Stooop!"

Drake was watching and was pleased, with a devilish smile on his face.

"if i said it once I'll say it again. Revenge is a dish best served in blood." he said laughed as if the screams of Detective Wou was a musical Symphony in his ears.

Eventually the screams stopped and Detective Wou is nothing more than bits and pieces in a pool of blood. Detective Jane fell to her knees and began to cry. Drake stood beside her and put his hand on top of her head to comfort her.

"Detective listen. You may have loss someone precious to you but don't lose hope. You have to hold onto your humanity by using the happy memories you spent with your brother. The road forward is a long and hard road but by only holding onto what matters most, makes it all worth it."

Detective Jane demonic and murderous from dissipate. Whipping the tears away she could only utter a few words

" Yes Master"