
Returning From Hell After Hundreds Of Years

Lycaon Oberon woke up in his room on a seemingly normal day. However, he couldn't find his family anywhere in the house, his phone had no wifi or signal, and the electricity in his house was not working either. He went outside to see what was going on, only to find that there were no signs of any people in the houses on his street. Not only that, but all the houses were in a state of ruin, and the sky was red. After standing outside for around five minutes, Lycaon saw something that he thought was a human digging through his neighbours bin, until he noticed the green skin. As soon as he noticed this, a screen appeared in front of him.

L_6 · Fantasía
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9 Chs


*One Year Later*

In the very centre of a lake, Lycaon hovered around ten metres in the air with his now adult King, who was 5 times bigger than he previously had been, standing at the side of the lake. As he had expected it to be, Scotland was very quick to clear as he was much stronger than before. He mostly rode around on King and destroyed everything in his way, as all damage to the environment would repair after an area was cleaned. Luckily for him, he had not died even once while in Scotland, which made him very happy as, despite not meaning much, dying still hurt him.

He was now in the last area in Scotland that was corrupted, and he assumed the monster would be in the lake as there was nowhere else for it to be hidden. He had started to realise after the tortoise Boss that some areas only had Boss monsters and not any smaller enemies, and they were normally stronger than average.

Now he was ready to take on the last Boss in Scotland with the levels and skills he had obtained during his time in Scotland.

*Flashback Of Last Year*

Once Lycaon reached Scotland, he immediately got to work on cleaning it, and thats where he came across the first new type of monster. It was a fish-man type of creature with the ability to go on land for small periods of time before having to go in water for a while. They were very physically strong and could spit boiling water streams at high speeds. Lycaon named this monster the 'Boiled Fish', in relation to its signature attacks and fish like body. It was by killing an abundance of these monsters that he had reached level 200 which meant King became an Adult, and His Star offered him a new skill. The skill he was offered was called Appraisal, which allowed him to see enemies statuses just like he saw his own. He accepted the skill as it was important to see how strong his enemies were and the abilities that they had.

The second type of monster he found in Scotland was a solely underwater enemy that looked similar to an eel but much larger. It could control the water around it for both attacking and defending which made it quite strong. By killing a Boss version of one of these, he obtained his tenth skill, All Terrain Combat. Each rank of the skill increased his ability to move and fight in every possible terrain which Lycaon thought would be very helpful for him as he could fight underwater better, and in the air better as well.

The third and final type of monster he found in Scotland was very disappointing as it was a simple slime which Lycaon had never encountered before. However, due to their weak nature and abilities, Lycaon absolutely decimated them whenever he came into contact with one. These monsters did however lead to his Conjure Earth Sword skill becoming Master rank which caused all of the parameters of thew sword to become three times as strong. This was paired well with his Lion King's Swordsmanship skill becoming Master Rank as well, which caused all of his attacks to be more precise and more powerful. These monsters also made his Super-Human skill reach master rank, which meant his body was 20 X stronger than someone else at his level. Lycaon's barrier skill also became master rank, which greatly increased the defensive properties and range that it could be used at, but the most interesting thing was that the barrier now had the ability to make anything behind it invisible, or act as a mirror.

*End Of Flashback*

Lycaon dived down into the lake, and swam down to the bottom, which was where he found the Boss monster. Before attacking it, he appraised the monster.

Species: Leviathan

Age: 437

Level: 235


Water Control (Master)

Enhanced Senses (Intermediate)

Fear Inducement (Intermediate)

'Should be easy enough, my level is higher than it, and my skills are better as well. Time to hunt.'

Lycaon immediately made a barrier around the Leviathan to restrict its movements. He left a small gap that was big enough for his sword to fit through, and he proceeded to throw it as fast as he could through the hole.

The sword pierced through one of the fins of the leviathan which caused it to shriek in pain and start frantically splashing around. Lycaon unsummoned his sword and threw it again which cut off another fin. However, this caused the Leviathan to become enraged and start bashing into the barrier repeatedly. This did not do much damage to the barrier itself, but Lycaon did have to put a lot of effort into keeping it active due to the constant attacks it was receiving.

As this was getting to be pointless as he could not attack and defend at the same time, Lycaon released the barrier and readied his sword for an attack. As the Leviathan started to charge forward at him, Lycaon used one of the moves of the Lion King's Swordsmanship that he had recently gained when his skill became Master Rank.

A golden energy started to form around his sword, and Lycaon did a simple vertical slash aimed at the Leviathan despite being relatively fa away from it. As soon as the attack was released, the golden energy was sent flying out at the Leviathan with immense speed.

This energy split the Leviathan in two with ease due to the rank being Master, and Lycaon's level being higher than the enemy. This was of no surprise to Lycaon, as he had expected an easy fight from the beginning.

In between the two halves of the Leviathan, a rainbow coloured ball was shining. Lycaon had never seen a rainbow coloured skill ball before, so he was excited to see what it was.

When he picked it up, a message appeared.

'The Skill Humanoid Species Change Has Been Found, This Skill Will Randomly Change The User's Species Into That Of Another Humanoid Species. Once This Skill Has Been Used, The User Will Gain Three Species Exclusive Skills And The Humanoid Species Change Skill Will Disappear. As The User Will Have A Change In Species, There Will Be Species Exclusive Strengths And Weaknesses. Would You Like To Use One Of Your Skill Slots For This Skill?

Accept / Deny.'

Lycaon thought it over, and after about five minutes of thinking, he decided to accept it. Although he was having no issues as a human, there were limitations on human's due to not excelling in anything particular, whereas other humanoid species in fantasy novels and games were more specialised in specific areas, and if he was really lucky he could become a species that was good at everything.

Lycaon clicked accept, and the skill ball disappeared, and a lottery machine appeared before him. There were orbs of light inside, similar to skill balls but not exactly the same. They all moved around at very high speeds, and Lycaon was sure that he saw a pitch black orb and a pure white orb smash together and combine before disappearing from his sight into the crowd of other orbs. A dinging noise occurred after around ten seconds, and a light grey orb flew straight out of the machine and into Lycaon's chest.

He felt a sharp pain in his entire body as he could feel himself changing from a human into whatever species he had randomly obtained.

Once the pain subsided, a message appeared in front of him.

'Congratulations On Your Species Change, Your Previous Human Body Has Been Changed Into That Of A Nephalem. A Nephalem Is A Half Angel and Half Demon Hybrid That Has Properties Of Both Angels And Demons. Nephalem Excel In Magic Due To Their Angel Half, And They Excel At Physical Combat Due To Their Demon Half. The Skills Obtained From Your Species Changing Are Holy/Hell Fire, Divine/Demonic Slaying, and Teleportation.

Holy/Hell Fire: The User Can Create And Manipulate Hell Fire With Their Right Hand, And Holy Fire With Their Left Hand. The Power And Amount Of Fire That Can Be Created Will Increase With Rank.

Divine/Demonic Slaying: All Attacks From The User Will Deal Double Damage To Both Divine And Demonic Enemies. This Amount Will Increase As The Rank Increases.

Teleportation: The User Can Teleport To Anywhere They Have Previously Been Or Can See In Their Eyesight, Excluding Photos Or Images. The Speed Of Teleportation Will Increase With Rank.'

Lycaon could not help himself as he shouted, "Fuck yes, this is an absolute jackpot. This is way better than anything I could have expected."

To make sure he wasn't celebrating about something with a huge downside, Lycaon made a barrier and made it into a mirror.

Lycaon was happy to see that his appearance had not changed at all, except from streaks of white and black in his hair which he did not see as an issue.

He checked his status to see what had changed.

Name: Lycaon Oberon

Age: 16

Species: Nephalem

Death Count: 17

Star: Star Of Endless Growth

Level: 284

Skill Slots (7):

Conjure Earth Sword (Master Rank)

Summon Behemoth (Adult. 284 / 800)

Super-Human (Master Rank)

Barrier (Master Rank)

Lion King's Swordsmanship (Master Rank)

Growth Increase (Master Rank)

Flight (Intermediate. 85%)

Heal (Intermediate. 60%)

Appraisal (Master Rank)

All Terrain Combat (Intermediate. 54%)

Holy/Hell Fire (Basic. 0%)

Divine/Demonic Slaying (Basic. 0%)

Teleportation (Basic. 0%)

After checking his status, Lycaon began back on his journey to clean the Earth.