

Syn is just your normal DJ at a night club enjoying life until she lands herself in another world with no idea why or how. Even if the new world is magical and the supernaturals are beyond hot... She needs to find a way to return and fast! PLEASE NOTE: The first installment/book is free. The second installment/book will take place and can be read as a stand-alone or a continuation. YOU DON'T HAVE TO READ BOTH BOOKS BUT YOU WON'T BE DISAPPOINTED IF YOU DO ^^ The second book starts at Chapter 131 Willow is comfortable in her life and in her world but when her familiar demands an adventure and runs off, she can't just turn a blind eye and leave him. She follows him and demands they go back but what happens when the portal is gone!? Does this mean she's stuck in this new world!? This new world is unlike her old world, they have power but it's different from her magic! They call it cultivating and gradually they become stronger but when they call her trash, she decides to unleash her Magic to set them all straight! Only... by her doing that, she attracts the attention of very powerful people and dangerous men who wish to claim her and tame her as their own. Wanna talk? Find me on Discord! Blissfullrage#3336 ___________________________________ Would like to donate? paypal.me/Blissfullrage Cash App $Blissfullrage

Blissfullrage · Fantasía
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162 Chs

Fig's Day

I couldn't find Leon so I decided to leave him a note on his door before leaving with Fig. I also stopped by and let Rune know that we were going off to play with the fairies again. He wasn't thrilled but he seemed to like the idea of me taking a break from Leon and I promised we'd stay close.

Fig crawls up to my shoulder as we make our way back to the cave but I couldn't help but feel like someone was watching us. Was it a shadow guard? I stop and turn to look around us but I don't see anything. Fig seems to feel it too causing him to stiffen. He perks up looking around as well and smells the air looking for a sign but he gets nothing.

We share a look but stay quiet to keep an ear out. We make it to the cave with nothing happening and decide to go in where we'll be safe. Once inside we were greeted by the same sight and we decide to put the whole thing on hold. Fig quickly jumps down and takes off running calling back "Last one to the pool is a troll turd!" Giggling I take off after him.

After hours of playing and eating we decide to head back and we're both happy to know that the feeling of being watched has disappears. It was probably a guard or an animal of some kind. Once back Fig declares that he's hungry once again and I start to wonder if he has a black whole for a stomach. How can something so little eat so much?

I suddenly remember when we first met and even though he was hungry he gave me all the berries and nuts he found so I wouldn't go hungry. My heart warms at the memory and I decided to cook him whatever he wants. Fig became so excited his little body was shaking. So cute!

After he finished eating he was practically rolling and I couldn't hold in laughter. "We'll see who's laughing in the end! Winter is on the way and it's good to be prepared!" He says as he struggles to walk. I try my hardest to stop laughing and scoop him up saying "You're right Fig! You're truly smart. I must learn from you."

He puffs out his little chest which causes him to burp! I lose it and bust out laughing again and this time I'm in tears. Fig pouts and says "Yeah, yeah laugh it up. I'm going to bed!" I try and fail to stop my laughter as he waddles away. I love the little guy so much I don't know what I'd do without him. "What's so funny?" Rune says from behind me causing me to jump. He's always sneaking up on me!

This is the last of the extra chapters and whew... I'm beat! My eyes are blurry >~< lol I'm super happy to do it though and I want to thank everyone again. Starting tomorrow I will be going back to two chapters a day (Nothing on Sundays) Unless I decide to do another mass release ^.~


I'm sorry if I made a bunch of mistakes.. everything's blurring together @.@ I will go back and re read everything to see if I missed anything!

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