
Return of the Hardworking S-Rank Adventurer

This Novel is under Hiatus, for revision. ~~~NOTE~~~ The cover used is for temporary use only and is from Pinterest.

RDream · Fantasía
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27 Chs

What is it That You Truly Desire?

Arturo shot up into the sky—heading straight towards the direction of the Western Forest. During his 'flight', he could not help but glance back at the Kingdom and say to himself, "Something is amiss! The Royal Family is too considerate than how I expected them to be! Not only Princess Anmeerale… But even the King, himself, agreed to 'properly' manage the otherworlders—despite knowing how troublesome it would be!"

"Are you saying that… The Rulers of this Kingdom should have been more ruthless to these people below us?" Void Dragon Igil asked in a serious tone.

Arturo could only glance towards the sea of otherworlders and say, "Obviously… Yes!"

"All of these people… Whichever angle you look at it… Are already slaves of the people of this country! At best… They would be forced to act as 'cannon fodders' by the Princes in their conquest to reclaim the nearby lands occupied by the Demonic Followers!" Arturo explained.

"They might have a simple reason behind their actions, human! So… I think that you need not concern yourself about them!" Light Dragon Wara said in response. Then, she added, saying, "Instead… I advise that you focus on yourself! Know what you really want! What you really desire!"

Void Dragon Igil nodded in response and said, "You want to kill the Demon King, but… We all know… that for you… It is more of a need than a desire that you need to resolve!"

"On top of that… From your demeanor alone… You are too lax and composed for someone who wants to kill the Demons and the Demon King!" Wind Dragon Aba added.

"So… Tell us human… What is it that you truly desire?" Fire Dragon Aypo asked.

Arturo could only stare at the forest for a few seconds, before saying, "My personal desire, huh? I haven't really given that much thought about that! Probably… To live a quiet, peaceful, and happy life with my family?"

"You see… For the past ten years… I have lived with two goals in hand! One… is to survive in the f@cking world! And, two… Kill the Demon King and avenge my fallen comrades! Other than that… I haven't given thought much about what I really want!" Arturo added.

"Well… As long as you still aim to eliminate the Demon King… Then, you won't have a problem with me!" Dark Dragon Milid said in response. "But… I think that you should give more thought about that, human! Unlike us… Humans have a limited life span! And as they say…. You only live once!"

"Thanks, guys…" Arturo said in a weak voice. Then, he added, saying, "I'll make sure to keep that in mind!"

"Hehe… Good! Good! But for now… Why don't you F@CKING TRY WIELDING OUR ANCESTOR'S REMNANTS ALREADY!" Dark Dragon Milid shouted in anger as Arturo safely landed in the forest's grounds—whilst killing a handful of monsters at the same time.

Arturo could only shake his head in response and say, "Please be patient! We're still within the range of the 'eyes' of the Kingdom!"

"THAT LAME EXCUSE AGAIN!" Dark Dragon Milid continued complaining in response. "Why don't you 'speed up' a little bit—deeper into the forest! I can even sense a lot of 'presents' waiting for us!"

Arturo could only sigh in response and say, "On it…"

Somewhere deep into the forest in the southwest direction from the Alvar Kingdom, two guys and a small little girl with a teddy bear sat on top of a crawling gigantic worm. They were all wearing the same black cloak—that was filled with blood on it.

"Shouldn't we leave the attack to the humans instead, Verte?" The thin-but seemingly tall guy asked the 'ordinary' looking guy who was seating in front of him.

"Following the original plan… We should!" The ordinary-looking guy said in response. "But… That is in consideration that we won't be encountering any 'descendants' around!"

"Still…" The thin-but seemingly tall guy frowned in response. Then, he added, saying, "We need to report the invasion's progress to Lord Keitzz before dawn! Things might get troublesome again for us if we won't be able to do so!"

"Aish!!! Stop complaining!" The ordinary-looking guy grumbled in response. Then, he added, saying, "It's not like we're going to actually 'hunt' the descendant in the first place! We'll just check how strong that descendant is, and if that descendant is going to be in the way of our Lord's plans!"

"The two of you! Stop your childish arguments! You guys should not underestimate the power of descendants!" The little girl scolded—consequently making the two guys shut their mouths.

Then, she glared towards the direction of the Alvar Kingdom—full of killing intent, before saying, "Those bast@rds can easily dispose of Lesser Demons like you! So, don't act as if you are NOT the ones who are playing with fire!"

"Then… Should I prepare more of my 'pets', just in case?" The thin-but seemingly tall guy asked in a serious tone.

"Don't ask me! I am not your babysitter!" The little girl scolded in response.

The two guys could only remain silent in response.

A few seconds later, tens of gigantic worm-like monsters followed behind the gigantic worm-like monster that they were riding. The ground trembled non-stop as if a low-intensity earthquake was occurring around them with no hints of stopping.

"Might as well go all out, if that was the case!" The thin-but seemingly tall guy murmured before his face wore a mischievous smirk.

At this moment… Inside the Royal Castle… Ereya was standing on guard at the door of Princess Anmeerale's bedroom.

"Something is coming, your highness! Should I alert everyone else?" Ereya asked.

Princess Anmeerale simply laid into her bed before saying, "Just call Agustin and old man Keihro if you are 'that' worried about my safety!"

"There's no need to call everyone else since all of my brothers are also in the Kingdom!" Princess Anmeerale added. She paused for a second—whilst covering her face with her blanket, before closing her eyes and saying, "They would take care of the 'threats' in the first place!"

"Understood, your highness!" Ereya said before releasing two small flames—closely resembling that of a fly or a mosquito.

Then, the two small flames flew out of the open windows in the hallway, and eventually disappearing from Ereya's sight.

Ereya thought, 'This would be a long night for the Kingdom!'

Back at the western part of the forest, Arturo is currently busy 'familiarizing' himself with the Dark Dragon Sword and the Fire Dragon Sword, whilst hunting monsters to level up.

"Are we really just gonna ignore the provocation of the Demons to our south?" Dark Dragon Milid asked—who was already on her Young Dragon Form. Then, she added, saying, "I mean… It's a bit obvious to us that you are their target, right?"

Arturo simply smirked in response before saying, "There's no need to rush attacking them! After all… The Royal Family won't sit still after knowing their presence! The Royal Family may be tyrants deep inside, but… Their hatred against demons is no less compared to other humans!"

"Let's focus on 'farming' and 'getting to know each other'! We can just take care of the 'stray' dogs, afterward!" Arturo chuckled.

Dark Dragon Milid could not help but to shake her head in disappointment before saying, "Here I thought we'd be getting some 'action'!"

"Soon…" Arturo said whilst continuously hunting monsters after monsters using the Dark Dragon Sword's skills and the Fire Dragon Sword's skills.