
Resurrected Villains

4 villains from different universes get revived and complete missions.

Ghidorah · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
3 Chs


The group climbed aboard and received many stares due to their appearance. Vergo massive size, Obito mask and large weapons, and Esdeath and Bambietta's beauty.

They all got stares from the people around them but none of them seemed to concerned. Bambietta stood at the window and watched the bullhead take off while everyone else sat down.

"So mystery man why do you cover your face." Bambietta asked.

"To hide my identity."

"That's back in your world why still wear it." She said.

"The same reason your wearing your outfit."

"Not the same thing." She placed her hands on her hips.

"Do you two ever stop arguing." Esdeath said.

"That wasn't arguing it was a conversation that was slightly aggressive." Bambi said.

"Stop trying to be a smart ass it just makes you look dumber than you are look." Obito said.

"Obito…" Bambi balled her fist.

"Could you settle down I am trying to listen." Vergo seemed irritated.

"And what the hell are you listening to." Bambi said raising a brow.

"The conversation of people around us to gain any kind of information. I heard a girl say that the test will be in a forest and we are partnered with whoever we make eye contact with first." Vergo said.

"I will partner with Vergo." Esdeath said.

"Yes maybe partnering will allow you two to get along better." Vergo said.

"Listen here Obito if your going to be my partner don't slow me down." She hits her finger against his chest multiple times.

"I would never be worse than you at fighting." Obito smacked her hand of his chest.

"How about this whoever kills more Grimm gets to demand one thing of the other person and no backing out." Bambi crossed her arms smirking.

"Deal." He hand is gloved hand out.

"No skin to skin or it doesn't count." Bambietta said.

Obito sighed and removed his gloved and the two shook hands. With Esdeath and Vergo watching there was no backing out.

"The bullhead will now be landing all passenger please get ready to depart." A voice said.

The walk to the doorway and the bullhead landed infront of a massive building. Stepping out they looked at the huge crowd of people with more ships landing.

"I always hated crowds but loved to slim them down." Bambietta smirked.

"Just stay behind me." Vergo said walking forward and the other formed a line behind him.

Because his huge size he walked through the crowd with ease. They were almost to the building when they heard an explosion.

"Bomb!?" Bambietta turned immediately and was about to walk towards it when Obito grabbed her shoulder.

"Stay with the group." He said letting go.

"But there was an explosion I can't be outdone." Bambi said.

"You really do act like a child."

"Shut up why can't I dim the numbers down a little it will lessen the competition."

"Just wait until we get to the forest then you can 'accidentally' lower the competition." Obito said Bambi just sighed and continued to follow Vergo.

Eventually all the students got to the building and waited for Ozpin to come to the mic. After Glynda introduced him Ozpin gave a speech and left.

"So that was the headmaster and opposing source to Salem." Vergo said.

"Doesn't look that strong to me." Esdeath said.

"Took the words right outta my mouth." Bambi agreed.

"Remember god did say this was a lower level world." Obito said.

"Enough about that weakling we have a bigger issue like sleeping on the floor and in our clothes."

"Oh yeah god gave em me these." Obito pulled out 4 pajamas each had white long pants and a white shirt with a large black V on it.

"What's the V for." Esdeath asked

"Villain." Obito said

"Lame." Bambi said snatching her pair and waking to the bathroom behind Esdeath.

"I didn't think they were that bad." Obito said as he and Vergo went to the mans bathroom.

Bambietta got out first se had on her pajamas and kept her hat on and walked to one of the free corners but on the way there was stopped by a blonde in a blue onesie.

"Hey my names Jaune Arc short sweet rolls off the tongue ladies love it." He said

"Get out of my face before I kill you." Bambi glared at him.

"Haha that was a joke right." Jaune said nervously.

"I can't leave you alone for a minute." Obito said walking up to her he was in the same pajamas as her but kept his mask on.

"I didn't even do anything this beta was trying to hit on me." Bambi point at Jaune

"I suggest you leave her alone." Obito said and Jaune gulped seeing a red shine through the eye hole.

Jaune quickly moved away and the two sat down waiting for Vergo and Esdeath.

Vergo was in his pajamas but kept his shades on and was walking to his group when he saw an energetic red head pointing at him.

"Do you need something." Vergo said.

"Look Nora your bothering him. No we are okay I'm sorry about her." Ren said

"Hey how tall are you your gigantic." Nora shouted.

"8'1." He said walking away.

Esdeath was the last to come out as her shirt was a size to small so she spent some time trying to fit her boobs in. She kept her hat on and had lots of cleavage out.

Walking over to the rest of the group she sighed seeing Obito and Bambi arguing but decided to ignore it and sat down.

"Oh my soul king those are huge." Bambi said looking at Esdeath's chest.

"Thank you." She chuckled

Across the room a yellow haired girl with large boobs and her quirky silver eyed sister were lying down.

"Rubes look at that blue haired girl those are the biggest boobs I've ever seen."

"Yang keep it down." Ruby blushed.

"It seems like they are all together." Yang looked at the matching pajamas.

-Ozpin and Glynda-

"Did you notice that group." Glynda asked

"Yes it would be hard to miss them." Ozpin said

"Each of them looks abnormal and none have an aura." She scrolled through their applications.

"The one I'm most concerned about is him."

"Obito Uchiha. Age 17. Height 6'0. Semblance Ignite allows him to create and shape fire."

"Why him he seems to be the most normal out of them aside from the mask." Glynda said.

"I feel a strange energy around him and it's deep around his eyes which is probably why he wears a mask." Ozpin said.

"Is it just him."

"No all of them have strange energy around them but each of them are different."

"Bambietta Basterbine. Age 17. Height 5'5. Semblance Detonate allows her to turn anything into a bomb. That is very strong." Glynda said.

"Yes indeed next."

"Vergo no last name. Age 17. Height 8'1. Semblance Armament allows him to cover himself and weapons in armor. Looking at his body if his armor strong if we be a force to be reckoned with." Glynda said and Ozpin sipped his coffee.

"Lastly Esdeath no last name. Age 17. Height 5'10. Semblance Ice age allows her to create and shape ice. Another strong semblance." She sighed.

"Ozpin this is not a normal group of people." Glynda said.

"I'm aware all we can do is keep a close eye on them." He said.

-With the group-

The four of them were all laying under a massive blanket. Bambi was next to Obito and kept kicking him in her sleep which made him get up and Esdeath was giving off cold air which made Vergo get up.

"We just can't catch a break." Obito said as him and Vergi went to sleep standing.