
Replacing The Former Hero.

The former Hero, Elren, left the planet after erasing his home Kingdom and everyone in it; a replacement is needed. Cayla, feels like she's the only one capable of filling the role he left behind whilst also trying to figure out why he left and erased an entire kingdom.

ltzEu · Fantasía
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2 Chs

Mother can't get rusty.

A month had passed since Cayla had been born.

Kaylan had been absent as a dungeon descent mission was posted in the northern region of the Corrin Kingdom just after Cayla's birth, and no one would miss the chance to get both enchanted items and magical resources. Few dungeons sprouted up and even fewer stayed in one spot for long.

For Cora, a lot of that month was spent in bed with her daughter. Most would probably find this boring, being stuck with a baby in a bed, but Cora loved it. She never had much time to sit down and rest purely for the sake of resting.

Cora would also often find herself staring absentmindedly at Cayla. "Is it because she's just adorable?" she thought aloud as a smile slowly grew on her face, "Must be, look who you get your looks from!" Cora shouted whilst pinching her daughter's chubby cheeks.

"Alrighty, enough cute talk, I need to train. I can feel my muscles getting soft," Cora lamented as she got up and put Cayla in her cot before walking out the room, grabbing a wooden shortsword from the kitchen and heading outside to train.

Once she stepped outside she took in a deep breath and admired the beauty of the Rowan woods. She stood still for 20 seconds just admiring the woods, but she preferred might over beauty and soon got to training.

She spent 5 minutes doing static-like stretches, loosening her muscles and making sure they won't cap out on her during training.

After doing her stretches, she takes a high stance and quickly swaps to a long stance, then to an inside stance and then another stance change. Cora does this repeatedly as she gets faster after each switch.

Her arms and legs start moving at a speed that no normal eye could ever hope to track; she is quite literally a blur.

Although the stances were second nature to her due to the years of training, and even more years mastering them, she didn't want to even think about her skill dulling so it was repetitive stance training for today.

After her stance training came to an end she put the sword on her shoulder and she grimaced after doing so, as the wooden sword felt as heavy as a log.

She stood still, seemingly in deep thought and with a shrug, she walked a distance away from the cottage, stopping after finding a clearing.

Deciding this place to be a suitable one, she positions and readies herself in a high stance, with the sword over her head in a two-handed grip.

Cora brings her sword down beyond subsonic speed and a thunderous explosion resounded a second later, followed by a crater 20 meters in length, 15 meters in width and over 30 meters in depth. Dozens of trees snapped and a few seemed to have been completely vaporized.

"Not too shabby!" said Cora with an enormous grin on her face, "Cayla, grow up quick, I really wanna train you!" she bellowed to the sky, hoping for the gods to grant her request.

Chapters are short for now, they'll get longer. promise.

ltzEucreators' thoughts