
Replacing The Former Hero.

The former Hero, Elren, left the planet after erasing his home Kingdom and everyone in it; a replacement is needed. Cayla, feels like she's the only one capable of filling the role he left behind whilst also trying to figure out why he left and erased an entire kingdom.

ltzEu · Fantasy
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2 Chs

The Hero Who Absorbed his people.

Strength, what does it mean to you?

For the Queen, Morana Wolfen, of the Wolfen Kingdom it meant complete control over anyone and anything. To her, if it could breathe, it could be forced to serve.

However, the Kingdom itself was rather weak, small, and ignored by the other neighboring Kingdoms.

Morana herself was weak too, sickly even, but there was a boy, a simple boy from a low noble house, who showed magical potential beyond what anyone, even top-tier magi, thought possible.

By the age of 5, he had mastered Advanced-class spells, multi and silent casting, and even Penta-elemental spells. He was destined to be the hero of the people of the Wolfen Kingdom by the people of the Wolfen Kingdom, the mortal they believed to be able to transcend to Godhood.

As soon as the Queen and her council had seen the display of power from the boy they captured him, experimented on him, altering his memories to forget the torture, and even tricking him into sacrificing parts of himself during rituals for powers that would be of benefit for the Kingdom.

The boy, who would later be renamed Elren, due to the constant erosion of his mind he forgot his birth name, was a hero to the people. He slew any monsters, even those thought to be impossible to kill, and with his power, the Wolfen Kingdom conquered their neighbor, the Iron Heart Kingdom.

Elren, at the age of 28, had reached God-class. He ascended to God in all classes and types of magic, becoming something akin to nigh-omnipotent. Upon reaching God-class the Mage merges with themselves from other timelines, every single of 'them' merges with the God entity.

Elren, after his merge, had learned what the Kingdom, but mainly the Queen, had done to him and the other versions of him.

Enraged, and with his mind broken, Elren used a God-class Spell on the Kingdom.

It wouldn't be a lie to say that everything that was human and man-made and vanished. The entire populace of the Wolfen Kingdom, every person, and even every building was turned into Mana particles and absorbed by Elren. Only the animals were spared.

The Hero, the Human God, the Lord of Combat had erased the entire Kingdom. He then vanished to the edge of existence to never be bothered by human interaction again.


"It's coming, I can see its head!" exclaimed a man, who sported jet-black hair, yellow eyes, and rather a burly build, "c'mon honey! You can do it! If you can kill an A-Class Flame elemental childbirth should be no sweat!"

The woman, Cora, stared daggers at her husband, "I didn't exactly use my vagina to fight the fucking Flame Elemental, Kay!"

Kay looked at his wife with a dumbfounded look, " Aye, true, but ya didn't even use your arms when you killed it!" he replied with a proud look and a wide smile.

"Cora, please concentrate. Stop looking at that moron and focus on pushing," stated the only healer in the room, who had grown sick of their back and forth banter. This was the longest birth she had witnessed and it was also the most annoying too, and these two had never shut up during it. "I think I can see it! Keep pushing!"

And so she did, few tens of minutes later Cora was holding her child, who was now wrapped in cloth.

The baby had a little patch of grey, the same color hair as her mother, and yellow eyes like her father. She's a baby, so other than that there isn't much to say; she looks like a potato currently.

After the healer had made sure that there were no hidden injuries and that the baby was fine, she left to attend to other matters, a Healer is always busy in a village full of fools after all.

"What're we calling her? I think Kaylan jr is a fine choice," said Kaylan, puffing his chest with pride as he thought that was a good name.

Only after he had spent 5 minutes explaining why he had chosen the name did he realize Cora was long gone in her slumber, reasonably as she was extremely exhausted.

"Guess we can save the discussion for another time, eh, Kaylan jr," with a kiss on the head of both Cora and 'jr' did he leave the room, allowing them to sleep in peace.

After Cora woke up, Kaylan shared his idea, for the name, and with a smack to the head and a scolding did they finally decide on Cayla.

The grammar was garbage. It should be a better, smoother read now.

Apologies, Eu.

ltzEucreators' thoughts