
Poor Man.Rich Kid

After that tragic event,Old man Burnok with a child strapped on his back didn't dare to stop and look on other stalls.He walked straight to Consumable Area with post haste thinking about the money he had wasted. Moment later, they arrived at the Comsumable Area.

The place is bustling with people. Many stalls of different products can be see.You can see Pills, Wines, Fruits and etc.You can even find some stalls for Poisons.

"At last, im here. Milk should be on the dairy stalls.Sigh, i wonder how much each pack of milk will cost me this time."

Burnok then proceeded to the dairy stall.They sell different kinds of milk like Goat Milk, Cow Milk , etc. The most expensive milk available here is the Bhubo Fairy's Milk. It can boosts the baby's resistance to magic and strengthen the muscles and bones.

"Sadly, i can't afford it with the only i have in me.I'll just buy the cheapest one."

After talking to himself, Burnok approach the vendor and ask.

"How much for the cheapest milk?"

"Thirty Sosep per pack of goatmilk." The vendor answered.

"Sigh, i'll get three..." Burnok replied.

But before Burnok give the payment to the vendor, he heard someone yelling.

"Thief!! He got my purse! Someone help! I'll give a reward to someone caught that thief."

When burnok heard the word reward, his eyes flashed and turn to the vendor and said.

"Wait for a moment, i'll be back in a minute.Sorry but can you hold my grandchild? Thanks"

Before the vendor can refuse, Burnok and Taba quickly dashed towards the direction where the thief ran to.

Like an agile wolf,Burnok caught up to the thief in just a few breaths.The crowd who saw it looked with shock expression.Who would've thought that this feeble looking old man can perform this? When the crowd saw the wolf beside the old man,they came into realization that this old man was a Beast Tamer.

Beast Tamer can bond with a beast.After the Beast Bonding, it will gain the beast's ability and skills.No wonder Burnok can live on the snow mountain without any problems.Turns out that he got the wolf's immunity to cold.

When Burnok is about to grab the thief, the thief quickly perform hand seals.

"Wind shield!"

A wind suddenly erupt around the thiefs body deflecting Burnoks hand.

Burnok is quite shocked when he saw this.He thought it should be an easy task to catch the thief, but after saw the thief doing hand seals, it turns out that he is a Body and Soul Cultivator!

"I gotta be more serious now,from the aura he emits,he should be only at the Earth Middle Level. I have have to catch him to get the reward"

Silently musing in his heart, he communicate telepathically with Taba.

"You wont escape even if you're a Body and Soul Cultivator kid! Man and Beast Union!"

When Burnok shout those words,a savage aura erupted from Burnok and Taba before slowly merging with each other.

Blue veins wriggling like snakes traveling on Burnok's whole body before expanding.Muscles bulging and finger nails grow longer and sharper like knives.His face and feet slowly turning into wolf's and its and fangs grow sharper and increase in length with red initimiditating eyes.White furr slowly growing on his whole body making him like a real Werewolf.

After the transformation, Burnok is now a four feet tall Werewolf with white furr giving off a savage aura,making the crowd take a step back.Anyone who saw this cannot connect the old feeble old man from before.

It feels like a long time but it only happen for a few breaths.

When the thief saw the transformation,his face go pale before running away at full speed.

But how could a human be fast enough to scape from a chasing human-beast?Specially a Werewolf who specialize in tracking and hunting.

With just a few steps, Burnok caught up as he swung his claws towards the thief.Quickly performing hand seals, the thief tried to defend against the incoming claw using Wind Shield.


After the claw and shield collide with each other, the shield was intantly torn like a piece of paper.

Like a kite with a broken string, the thief slammed onto the wall coughing a mouthful of blood before collapsing.

As a monk, Burnok doesnt want to kill.He retracted his claws right before it hits the thiefs body making his attack non-lethal.After that,Taba ejected from the wolf tattoo on Burnok's back before turning back to his original form like an old feeble old man. He then retrieve the purse from the thief's robe and gave it to the lady.

"Here's your purse madam.As a monk, i cant just watch idly on the side if someone is doing evil deeds." Burnok said it with righteous voice.

The lady then received it and quickly opening it searching for something before sighing in relief.

"Thank you very much. I came here alone without my guards, who would've thought the the soldiers here are so lousy. Okay tell me what you want, im in a hurry so better say it before i changed my mind."The lady said it like she's talking to a junior,not minding her tone.

When Burnok heard this, he didnt get mad.Instead he got excited, he's sure that this lady is a big shot. From the way she talk, it should be that she's from a big clan.He then replied.

"Madam, it's only natural for us monks to do this without asking for any rewards.I can only ask madam for one request."Burnok said.

"State your request." The lady replied impatiently.

"Madam,I only need milk for my grandchild.I hope madam can help me about this."

The lady expected the request to cost her more,who would've thought that the request would be just milk?

"I don't have any milk with me but i can help you buy those.I think this should be enough."

The lady then tossed a rolled money towards Burnok and catched it.

"And this is my identity card.If you have any deciple or kids who want to study in my academy, just show this card and he or she will be accepted directly without taking the entrance exam."After giving the card to Burnok, the lady left.

With a stunned expression, Burnok didn't expect that the lady is an owner of an academy.He then checked the card and and his jaw dropped. Her name is Sonam Uttam, the daughter of Albert Uttam, the founder of Esquire Academy.

Esquire academy is one of the three largest martial academy in Sea Five Kingdom.The requirements for entering those kind of academies are sky high but once you passed, you'll be getting benifits you can't get on other lower level academies. Thinking about his only disciple, he smiled brightly.

"Child, you are really lucky.Once you enter the academy soon, It's all up to you.Make this old man proud."

Clearing his mind,he unrolled the the money the lady tossed to him. Burnok's eyes bulge like its about to drop.

"Holy Lord! She gave me five Thousand Sosep and a free entrance to a large academy just by catching a thief?! Rich kid. Trully rich kid"

Not long later,the Guigat City soldiers arrived and arrested the thief.Clasping their hands towards Burnok before leaving.The crowd also scattered and leave moment after.

After celebrating for the fortune he gained, he walked back happily towards the dairy stall

where he left the child.

When he arrived at the dairy stall, he can see the vendor sighing helplessly with a child sleeping on his embrace.

"Thank so much for watching my grandchild.To repay your kindness, ill buy all your Bhubo Fairy's Honey in stock."Burnok said before taking the sleeping child to his embrace.When the vendor heard this, he looked at him with desdain.Earlier this old man can only afford to buy three packs of Goat Milk, and now he's saying that he will buy all of the Bhubo Fairy's Milk in stock? What a nice joke.

But before the vendor can answer,Burnok put down Four Thousand Sosep in front.When the vendor saw it, his personality turned three sixty degrees.

With a kind and humble smile, he packed all of the Bhubo Fairy's Milk gently and put it in front of Burnok.

"Due to the Bhubo Fairy's Milk rarity, i only have these eight packs in stock.Rest assured that these are all high quality.Four Fifty Sosep for each pack so the total is Three Thousand Six Hundred Sosep."The said excitedly

"Okay,ill get them all.Since you help me watch the child, keep tha change."Burnok replied and left.

"Thank you very much generous sir!Have a safe travel."

After that, Burnok with the child strapped on his back and Taba on the side walked slowly towards the exit of Palar Market and began its journey back to the snow mountain.