
Crying Child

<p>Night. Winter. Alinam Continent.<br/><br/>Wind howling and snow are falling heavy. Leafless trees and the ground are fully covered with snow. <br/><br/>Beside a snow covered mountain, a cave can be seen with an old man sitting in front of the fire while sipping a hot tea. The old man got a bald head,face with wrinkles and long beard draping on the ground wearing a gray robe.Beside him laying was a two meter wolf with shiny white furr with eyes closed.<br/><br/>"Ugh, i don't have any choice but to leave the temple. How could i Burnok continue teaching those deciples if they won't even let me follow my personal belief." Talking to himself while patting the wolf.<br/><br/>"Awooooooo"<br/><br/>Suddenly, the white wolf open its eyes and stand up before walking outside the cave.<br/>"What's wrong Taba? It's just the wolves doing their hunt"<br/><br/>Sniffing the air and looking towards the howl of wolves...He can smell the scent of a human.<br/>The wolf Taba quickly ran towards the scent without waiting for his master.<br/><br/>"Taba, where are you going!? Sigh, nevermind. Just what did you find to ignore me like that?" Sighing while following the path where Taba ran to.<br/>Old man Burnok had a serious look while looking at the forest covered with snow ahead. He can hear a baby crying. <br/>He ran faster worrying that the child would be killed by those hungry wolves. He can hear Taba's growl up ahead.<br/>When Old man Burnok arrived, he saw a child crying laying naked on the snow with Taba on the side covered with wounds,and blood dripping on its mouth. Taba whose nortured by Burnok is naturaly bigger than those wolves. There are 5 wolves with fierce eyes, baring their fangs and growling while sorrounding the child and the wolf whose protecting it.Not far from the child,two wolves with crushed neck laying on the ground twitching slightly.<br/>Taba keep growling towards the wolves as if threatening them saying "anyone who steps forward will die."The leader of the sorrounding wolves seemed to understand that they cant win against the wolf protecting the child. Slowly backing before turning around and retreat in defeat.<br/>Burnok wathching the scene gently smiled and pat Taba's head before praising it."To think that i have a beast companion like you. I'm more than satisfied leaving the temple with you by my side." Taba lick Burnok hands before looking at the crying child.<br/>Burnok wave its hand and a blanket magically appeared. Gently wrapping the child with it before putting the crying child in his embrace.<br/>"Shhh now child,im here now. I guess the heavens doesn't want me to stop teaching after all..."<br/>Feeling the warm,the child stopped crying before falling asleep at Old man Burnok's embrace.<br/>When Burnok is about to return to the cave, he saw a black colored ring on the ground.He picked it up while inspecting it.The ring is black colored like obisidian with unusual patterns inscribed,Burnok didn't saw something like this patterns in the temples record, he only understand the word "Snow" inscribed at the middle.<br/>Looking at the area searching for clues of who left the child in the middle of jungle,he found nothing except for the ring.<br/>"Forget it.From this time onwards, i'm your master now and i'll take care of you instead."<br/>Clearing his thoughts, Old man Burnok kept the ring before walking back to the cave with Taba following behind.<br/>Few minutes later, they arrived at the cave. Sitting in front of the fire, he gently put the sleeping child beside him. After that, he retrieve the ring in his robe doing a second round of thorough inspection. <br/>"This ring is unusual, i can feel that this is no ordinary ring.I once read something in the temple about a storage ring that can only be opened by its clan members.It said that only overlord class clan can possess those kind of storage rings.In Taguig continent, we dont have an overland class clan. Just where did you came from child?"<br/>After wondering about the childs origin, he waved his hands and then a golden threads appeared out of thin air. He then slid it through the black ring making a shiny pendant.Then Burnok closed his eyes while chanting sutras.Specs of light appeared around the pendant slowly fusing with it.Few minutes later, the pendant shoned brightly after fusing with all the specs of light around it before slowly turning back to normal.<br/>Burnok took the pendant and put it on the childs neck wearing it.<br/>"I enchanted the pendant with defensive spells, it will be enough to protect him in case."<br/>He then closed his eye in meditation...<br/><br/>Morning...<br/><br/>"uhaaaaaaa! uhaaaaaa! uhaaaaa!"<br/>Old man Burnok eyes snapped open from meditation when he heard the childs cry.He gently picked up the and put it his embrace trying to make it stop from crying.<br/>"shhh now.shhhh now."<br/>"uwahhhhhhh uwahhhh! But to no avail the child just wont stop crying.He didnt have any experienece in raising child since monks are destined ro be single for life. He felt the blanket is dampen and smells and laugh.<br/>"How could i forgot that child can't clean themselves and only want comfort.Sigh"<br/>He remove the blanket then clean the childs body by wiping it with cloth before changing it to new ones.When he remove the blanket he saw the childs feature clearly.It has googly blue eyes and cute nose and its a male.It also has unusual birthmark in a shape of snowflake at the back of its right palm.But still the child keep crying like it wanted something.Thinking for a while ,Burnok then laughed again.<br/>"And i forgot about feeding it. It needs food to grow.Hes hungry, how could i forget that!Specially milk, its the only food that child can eat.I need to go to Palar market to buy it."<br/>After keeping his belongings, he carry the child and call Taba to follow.<br/>"Its been a while since i came down from this mountains.Sigh, i really hate crowded place.But i don't have any choice if i want to raise this child."<br/>After sighing in his heart, he walk down towards Palar market.</p>