

everyday when maliah went home after school hours, she would always see a man who seemed to be stalking her and say nothing while following her til she reaches the doorstep of her house, until one day she had enough and decided to confront him, little did she know that what she sees in him is more than what meet the eye......... @alishawalker2022

AlishaWalker2022 · Fantasía
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25 Chs

the red stone

The cottage inside was small, but had enough space for three people to fit in, it had a small bed, a table which was filled scrolls and books and one chair, it also had a candles inside since once the door closed, the insides would be dark as the night. the three of them stood and formed a triangle as everyone faced each other. Troy stood as his arms were rapped on his chest. then, they began

"why didn't you inform any of us that the beast would kill us if it gets the chance, do you have any idea how many people died out there died just because of your stupid tournament?"

Maliah began asking Nix, Nix on the hand, didn't even feel fear after she was confronted by the 2 of them. rather she smiled upon seeing Maliah.

"you're wrong, I didn't know that the beast was untrained. just like you, I thought that this was just a normal tournament, but then again, that's why the sign ups was free."

nix wondered while talking to them

"every year, we would hold this tournament but the sign up would cost a lot, and the beast would never be vicious as the one today,"

"What are you trying to say?"

Troy asked.

"I think..... this whole tournament thing is a trap. a trap to kill someone"

Maliah and Troy were shocked upon hearing that, they looked at each other and looked at Nix

" A trap to kill someone, but why would anyone want to kill his people,? "

" I don't think the aim. was to kill it's people, rather the outsiders"

" you mean us"

" yes, I think the warlock knows that you're in Evermoor"

the two of us looked at each other and Troy asked her

"What do you know about us? "

"For the past days, I knew nothing about the two of you, but after what I saw today, I knew who Maliah was.... you're the light fae.....the saviour of all realms, the one who's destined to defeat the warlock? "

Maliah got shocked upon hearing that, she looked at her and ask

" How did you know? "

" by just a one yell, the beast stopped attacking and listened to your commands, and the beast bowing to your feet? I think everyone saw that, and only a fool wouldn't notice what happened "

Troy went closer to her and told her

" if you tell anyone about us you're dead"

" Am not the bad guy here ok? am on your side"

" How can we trust you "

" because I know the reason why the two of you decided to enter the tournaments.... you're looking for the red stone, right? "

" yes we're"

" that's why you're in need of that trophy. but listen, the red stone is not on the trophy, rather it was given to a guardian to protect t

it til the light fae comes to take it"

" what?! but the one on the trophy... "

" That's only a duplicate Maliah, it's not the real stone. listen, everyone believes that the warlock was the one who destroyed the pillar of light and got rid of the stones.... but that's wrong, that's not how it goes. when warlock took over Cazelle, the five stones were still on the pillar, but the stones were too powerful to allow the warlock to get close. the true guardian of the five stones, Hansel, took the five stones away and disappeared with them. he left a map to one of his trustful students, so that when the light fae comes, the map would be given to her and find the five stones. each stone were given to another secret guardian to protect, one whom one would ever think off. even here, in Evermoor, there's a guardian of the red stone"

" who is he? "

Troy asked nix, nix rolled her eyes and looked at him

" it doesn't always have to be a man to be a guardian, even girl can be one? "

" Who is she nix? "

Maliah asked her. nix smiled and told her

" Am the guardian of the red stone"

the two of them were surprised and looked at nix..... nix continued

" Yes, am the guardian of the red stone, Hansel came to Evermoor and trusted me with the redstone, he told me a girl and a man would come to take it and so I would keep it with me til that moment comes, and I think the moment has come."

Maliah and Troy looked at each other in disbelief that they finally found the red stone, and in a few minutes, they would get a hold of it. Maliah turned to nix and asked

"where is it?"

nix smiled. she stepped back and casted a spell. green twinkling dust appeared with a smoke in her hands. and then, the two of them stepped back as well. when the spell was complete, a small dirty box appeared in her hands. then she turned it to them, and opened it.

"the red stone"

Maliah said as soon as she saw the pure bright red light coming from it. the stone was hexagonal shaped, and just by seeing it, one can feel the strong power coming from it. then nix closed the box and extend it to Maliah

"it is yours now...... light fae"

Maliah smiled as she looked at Troy and back to nix. then, she extended her hands and took the box.

"Thank you nix"

"welcome light fae"

Troy smiled upon seeing Maliah happy face due to their first achievement in finding the red stone. then, troy said

"Why play the role of a villain then?"

"you guys portrayed me as a villain not me"

"Well... ok, that's totally our fault, but the seducing part, I surely didn't know that guardians were so seductive"

"only when they see a cute one like you"

Maliah rolled her eyes and looked at nix

"thank you for your help nix, without you, we would have never found the red stone"

" my pleasure light fae, "

" ok, since we already found the red stone we need to get out of here"

" yes.... "

a knock was heard.

" who would that be? "

Nix used her spells again to see who's outside. she was shocked to whom she saw.

"Quick, you need to get out of here?"

"what? why? who's outside?"

"warlock's guards. am sure he came to know about your arrival here and that's why they are here."

the knocks were had again as they said

"open the door nix, we know you're in there!! "

" Hold my hand"

the two of them held nix hand and she cast a spell again and the three of them vanished.

when the door was knocked out, there was no one inside.

" sir, I think they escaped"

" look for them,Don't let. them get out I

I'd these city, close all the gates"

" yes sir!!! "

the guards left and went to lock the Evermoor gates to capture the three of them.

nix and the others appeared behind the building.

"you need to get out of here, before they find the two of you"

Maliah hugged nix and told her

"thank you nix"

"You're welcome light fae"

nix let go of Maliah and told them


Troy nodded at her and the two ran and hied behind the buildings and shops of Evermoor just to get to the gates. When they reached the gates from a far, they saw the gates were closed and warlock's guards were there guarding the gates.

"They locked the doors"

"What do we do now Troy?"

"We do what we're good at......"