everyday when maliah went home after school hours, she would always see a man who seemed to be stalking her and say nothing while following her til she reaches the doorstep of her house, until one day she had enough and decided to confront him, little did she know that what she sees in him is more than what meet the eye......... @alishawalker2022
"at the noon, the sun was shining as bright as it could, no wind, and only the sounds of the car horns were heard..... I was in the school bus heading back home as the school hours were over... am feeling anxious and restless as I know what awaits me right after I get off this bus. I don't know why but.. I feel like am being stalked.. and am sure that iam. everyday when I get off this bus, a man, dark raven shoulder length hairs, white T-shirt and a black jean, hands crossed over his chest, leaning against the wall.... would always be there waiting for me. and right after I walk by past him, he would start following me. the good thing about this is that he never hurts me, talk to me or do anything to me... the only thing he would do is follow me til I reach at my home, and when I turn back to look at him, he would always disappear..... just like the wind or... ghost, and this is the reason why I didn't say anything to anyone til today.... By the way, am Maliah, a girl in the New York city, me and my family arrived here about a month ago after my dad was sent transfered here due to work business..... Am actually not the talkative kind of a girl since me and my family like to transfer to new cities like.....every month, that's why I never bothered to make friends, and by this I mean I got no friends in school nor at my neighborhood... am just me and my phone and my room. and yeah am the only child in my family so .... yeah.
now about the man. today is Friday... I know he's there today... and if I see him today following me like what he does everyday, then I'd knock some sense into him and surely teach him a lesson..... if..... I'd be brave enough to do it "
the bus stopped at the bus station, this was Maliah's stop, she took a deep breath and went off the bus. she didn't look up as she got off the bus and prayed that he wouldn't be there. then, she slowly raised her face and looked up, she looked at the side where the man likes to stay and damn it... there he was, his hairs covered his face as he was facing down, his arms crossed on his chest with his white T shirt and black jeans.
then, Maliah moved ahead towards the direction of the man, where Maliah's stays, led to the direction where the man was and this what Maliah hated the mist because he had to pass him and head home, and since she was knew to this city,she had no choice but to pass there since she didn't know any path to take other than this.
so she went closer to him and by pass him, when she did that, the man did nothing, it felt like as if he didn't notice that she passed there. and for a moment, even Maliah thought the same. but then.... she knew she was wrong..... because the moment she looked behind, he was following her.
God what is going on? what exactly does he want? why does he keep on following her like this, what does he wants from her?!
these questions ran in her mind and made her mad about it, then, she speed up, she did this because she wanted him to stop following her but the more she fastened her speed, the more he fasten up as well. every turn she took, he took as well, every corner she pass, he passed as well..... til she reached an alley which led straight ahead, she walked through as her heart pounded,she feared what might happen to her in this alley where she was all alone with him and no one around them,she couldn't stop praying and fearing because if his attention was to kill her, then this would be the perfect place for him to do so.
but nothing happened, he didn't do such a thing, the moment she reached her home and entered inside, as always, he disappeared and no where to be seen. this shocked her because that man, for sure wasn't from this neighborhood, the only time she gets to get a glimpse of him was when she comes out of the school bus and sees them there, and he disappears as soon as she enter her home. this made Maliah fear him and think maybe his a killer.
Maliah hugged her mom the moment she entered in her home, her home wasn't that huge, it was only a simple house beside the road which Maliah was sure tht this house was only a temporary home for them. so she smiled at her and went to her room.
in her room, she said to her self as soon as she sat down on her bed
"I knew I wasn't brave enough to face him. and this makes me feel like a coward, but.... seriously, why is he following me, was he sent by my parents? but my parents never did this before, na.... am sure it isn't them. it's someone else, now I make up my mind, if I see him tomorrow, I'll ask him who he is and why, I wasn't able to do it today, but tomorrow, tomorrow, I'll make sure that I'll ask him and he'll give me the answers that I deserve... "