

everyday when maliah went home after school hours, she would always see a man who seemed to be stalking her and say nothing while following her til she reaches the doorstep of her house, until one day she had enough and decided to confront him, little did she know that what she sees in him is more than what meet the eye......... @alishawalker2022

AlishaWalker2022 · Fantasía
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25 Chs

the ocean

Troy was losing his breath under the waters, he couldn't transform into a sea animal, and so as quickly as Maliah could think, she transformed into a large whale and swallowed him whole. and kept him in her mouth.

troy inhaled and took as much air as possible and told her

"thank you Maliah... you did it"

the whale started moving and head to the north

"we're heading to the north I believe.... now we need to find a way to find the blue stone."

troy sat on her tongue and wondered as he recalled what the map wrote

"we're already in the ocean but... it will take us forever to find the blue stone in here.... only the eye of a true king can lead you the way and be your guide...

eye of a true king deep in the waters....that's it!!!!!!"

troy stood and yelled

"Maliah!! keep heading to the north, we're going to Atlantis!!! "

the whale clicks and kept heading north.....

deep in the waters was cold and the water felt refreshing as it touched the bare skin of Maliah, the heat she felt while she was trapped underneath the ground was now cooled by the waters, she moved with the water carefully and flourishing as she head north.... she was also amused by the creatures in the waters, the creatures were of many colours, some green, while others yellow and some resembled flounder in the little mermaid tail, and this made Maliah smile with in, for once she moved under the deep oceans without fear of what the warlock would do next, and with in her mouth, she felt troy asleep due to the half an hour trip to Atlantis. the trip was heading smoothly until something woke troy up

"Why did you stop? "

the whale remained quiet, and then out of nowhere it started moving beneath the ocean,

"hey where are we going?"

troy asked but Maliah gave no response and kept on moving beneath the ocean, the more it went, the darker and colder it got,

"Maliah, I hope you know what you're doing"

he sat quietly in her mouth and waited for Maliah to take the next step.

Maliah and Troy travelled through the dark world, and this world to him, was the world beneath the ocean, where no light ever reach, and perhaps that's why they felt cold and darkness took over them, but this question ran in Troy's mind, why did she take this route, what happened up there that she had no choice but to take this route?

he desired answers, and as soon as she transform back, he'll get his answers.

then out of no where, Maliah turned and head north again. and slowly by slowly, light started to show and the cold atmosphere was slowly overtaken by the warm atmosphere.

"we're heading north again"

the whale said nothing and moved forward, then suddenly, it stopped again.

"Why did we stop this time?" Maliah transformed back to her human form without a warning.

troy saw what stopped Maliah..... it was a large massive caves held together and formed a large maze. troy looked at Maliah and looked at her as he held his breath... then, she transformed into a whale again and swallowed him again, troy I hale again and told her

"there's no other way of passing, and that's why you stopped here"

the whale. remained quiet

" and even if you decide to take that route, it's a suicide mission for me... but there's Also no other way.....

ok, Maliah, I want you to transform into the fastest animal you can think off so that we an swim through this maze before I lose my breath..... I don't know why you'll think off but please... do just that"

Maliah was now panicking as she heard him saying that... the fastest animal under the sea..... she thought, then, she knew exactly which she should transform into, and so troy took a deep breath and Maliah transformed into a sail fish, a large sailfish, the Sailfish in Troy's realm resembled those in Maliah's realm,the only difference is, they were large compared to the Sailfish in Maliah's realm.

then,troy held her tail and Maliah started swimming in the maze of the caves,looking for the safest way in which they would get out as quickly as possible.

maliah moved in the maze, she moved here and there trying to look for the way to get out of the maze before Troy looses his breath... but no matter how fast the two of them moved, it was as if impossible to get out of the maze, and that's when she felt Troy's hold on her tail loosening, she knew troy was starting to fade now as he was running out of air, and so she stopped, she turned and looked at him, seeing him slowly shutting his eyes and his grip letting her go, she knew what it meant. she transformed back to human and held Troy's cheeks, derp in her mind, she begged

"please.... please wake up troy, please"

but there was no response, troy was fading as he almost was heading to die. that's when something unexpectable happened...