

everyday when maliah went home after school hours, she would always see a man who seemed to be stalking her and say nothing while following her til she reaches the doorstep of her house, until one day she had enough and decided to confront him, little did she know that what she sees in him is more than what meet the eye......... @alishawalker2022

AlishaWalker2022 · Fantasía
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25 Chs

The map

Cazelle wasn't as how Maliah and Troy thought it would be, it was dark, scary, the buildings were destroyed, many of it's people were now turned into stones and some of them were slaves, and only one fortress was still standing , the warlock's fortress.

"this is not how I hope I'd find Cazelle to look like"

the eagle landed down behind the fallen buildings to hide and he transformed back to normal.

" it's worse than how I left it last time , I didn't know he would stoop to this level in destroying my city."

" hide"

the two of them hide behind the buildings as the warlocks guards passed by, as soon as they by pass them, Troy looked at Maliah and told her

" stay here, I'll be back"

" no you can't leave me here, what if they spot me? "

" no one will spot you if you hied very carefully and remain calm, am only going to take something from a friend of mine and come back as soon as I can..... ok? "

" Troy... "

" I know you're scared Maliah but I won't let anything happen to you, just stay here safely... ok? "

Maliah nodded, Troy smiled and he left quickly heading to the fortress. Maliah sat behind the buildings and waited for him quietly with her heart pounding with fear.

Troy ran behind the buildings and hied whenever he spotted warlocks guards.... then he went to a broken hut and entered inside. as soon as he entered, one of his friends, Kai went to him and called out as they hugged


"Kai, am glad to see you again"

"me too buddy, the warlock has taken over everything"

"I saw Kai, he had destroyed my city and now his heading to another one, we need to stop him but I hope you have it"


Kai turned back and went through the papers on top of the small table behind him


"give it"

"here it is, this map will guide you to the location of the 5.stones,this map is kinda blank and I got no idea how to use it"

"I'll figure it out by myself but for now I have to go..... she's all alone there, she's scared and afraid"

"you found her"

troy looked at him with saddened eyes

Kai sigh and told him

"Don't let anything bad happen to her this time nor do anything like last time troy, I don't want to see you in that state again"

"I won't allow her to face that again, and this time, as soon as all of this is over, I'll send her back to her realm and forget everything"

"will you be alright"

"I'll be then, but for now, I need to go to her.... I'll see you again Kai,,,,, please don't die"

" can't keep a promise"

troy hugged him again and told him

" Good bye brother"

" til next time "

they let go of each other and troy quickly left heading back to Maliah.

" don't get hurt brother..... please"

Kai said as he shut the door and locked it behind him. troy ran through the buildings again and got to Maliah.


"oh thank God"

"come on, let's get out of here"

troy held her hand and the left Cazelle and head somewhere else.

in the night, the two of them hid in a building outside of Cazelle. Maliah stood at the window and stared at Cazelle.

"That fortress"

"that's were Zeon lives for now"

"So m closer to the danger than in my world now?"

Troy looked at her and told her

"Zeon believes your in your realm, so this realm, would be the last place where he could ever look for you"

"I see"

Maliah went to him and sat beside him

"so what's that?" she asked

"this is the map, it'll lead us to the five stones"

"I see"

troy opened the map, it was blank, a blank sheet.

" it's blank"

" no, it's more than what meets the eye"

" meaning? "

troy stood and placed the map at an angle where the moonlight shone bright on it, then, magical blue words started appearing on the paper. Maliah couldn't believe her eyes, she stood and went closer to it

" it's a secret map"

" yes, to keep warlock away from it"

" so what does it say? "

" the red stone is located in a place warm as the beam of light but ralph as the thunder, and if you look deep inside, you might find a game being preserved"troy read outloud.

" it's a riddle" she said

" yes, warm as light, game preserved... game preserved.... "

Troy thought for a while and then it hit him

" Evermoor!!"

the map. showed tracks to Evermoor

"not bad troy"

troy smiled as he looked as her. the two of them looked at the tracks to Evermoor and said.

"we'll leave this place tomorrow at dawn,so we won't be spotted."


" we'll have to transform of course"

"we? I thought I told you I don't know how to do that"

"then allow me to teach you"

"Troy I can't..."

" I can't carry you on my back forever, or else will be spotted, sometimes, we'd have to change to small creatures to keep us hidden, so you need to learn Maliah"

" fine"

" so how are we gonna do this"

" think of any thing you want to transform into and calm your inner mind and be one with what you want to be, don't hesitate nor doubts on who or what you want to Change into, just concentrate"

Maliah let out a breath, she shut her eyes and calmed down, she became one with her thought and made up her mind on who she wanted to be, then suddenly....... a phoenix!!!!

troy was impressed on how quickly she learned on how to shape shift and then .... he told her

" Now do the same so you could transform back Maliah"

she flapped her wings a few times and transformed back to her normal state.

" I did it"

"Nice Maliah, Ain't you a fast learner"

Maliah chuckled and this made troy to smile brighter.

" now come on,let's rest,we have to travel at dawn.we need enough sleep for this"

" alright"

he transformed into a white wolf,and then,she also transformed into a silvered wolf and the two of them cuddled together and rest,waiting for the adventure on the next day