

everyday when maliah went home after school hours, she would always see a man who seemed to be stalking her and say nothing while following her til she reaches the doorstep of her house, until one day she had enough and decided to confront him, little did she know that what she sees in him is more than what meet the eye......... @alishawalker2022

AlishaWalker2022 · Fantasía
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25 Chs

The legend

Maliah sat on her bed as the man stood looking at her with her hands crossed.

"who are you?"

Maliah asked.

"Am Troy"

"what exactly are you?"

Troy looked at her, he could see the curiousity in her eyes and the will in finding the truth from him, he sigh and told her

"you first need to trust me Maliah"

"am sitting here doing nothing to a stranger like you ain't that supposed to be called trust"

Troy smiled and said

" Alright, am a therianthrope"


"am serious"

"what's are therianthrope? "

" Am a shape shifter"

" a shape shifter"

" yes, I can transform to any terrestrial animal"

"you're playing with me"

" do I look like am messing around with you? "

Maliah looked at him, he was serious.....

"oh my god your serious....."

troy rolled his eyes and answered her

"of course am serious"

"then..... why... why were you following me and why were those demons after me"

Troy leaned down and looked at her with an innocent face. then he started explaining

"Maliah, am not from your realm, nor those things you saw today at the park. we're from another realm, another world other than the earth. you.. Maliah, you're one of us as well... "

" no wait a minute, what do you mean am one of you,,, listen you are mistaken, since I was born I've been living in this world with my parents moving from one city to another til I got here to New York, an not a demon nor whatever you just said now, am just a normal human being..... "

" Then can you explain why those demons were after you? "

" I can't because I don't know why but am surely not one of you people or whatever you are ok?! "

" you wanted to know the truth so listen... for centuries, I've been searching for you all over this realm with the intentions of protecting you and find you before Zeon does"

" Zeon? "

"the warlock who's after all realms that ever existed in the universe, he has taken over half of the realms by defeating all the emperors and empresses of the realms..... including mine.

he turned everyone into stones and killed some of my people as well Maliah..... and now he's after your realm. "

"but.. but why is he doing this? "

" there's a legend which existed for centuries now about a light fae who'll destroy the warlock and put an end to his reign, and that's why he has decided to take over all the realms in the universe in hopes of finding you Maliah..... because you're the light fae. you're the one who's destined to out an end to his reign."

" no, you're wrong? "

" if I am wrong than can you explain why his demons were after you to kill you Maliah? can you explain that? Maliah, I know everything is hard for you to understand now but you have to trust me... you have to trust my words Maliah, that's the reason why I've been following you for weeks now because I wanted to protect you from them.... from Zeon"

" then... how did you know that I am the light fae? "

" when you were young Maliah, you used to see those demons in your dreams and you drew them.... you drew Cazelle, my home city in my realm and when you were asleep, what you dreamed about came to life.... you don't remember any of those do you Maliah? "

Maliah shook her head as she tried to remember, Troy went closer to her and held her shoulders and told her

"Maliah, I know this is too much for you to take in all at once but I need you to believe me, I need you to trust me, you are the light fae and me, my realm, your realm and all the other realms are in need of your help Maliah please,,, please help us, help me save my realm, help me save other realms, because if Zeon gets to take over your realm as well, your mom, dad, and everything, all the people you ever loved will be destroyed, your world will turn into a blood realm.... please, help me prevent all these disasters that are coming in the future Maliah, please,,,,,, help me.. help us Maliah"

Maliah breathed as her head ache while trying to take in all the informations that she just heard from troy... she didn't know what to do nor what to say

"am the light fae.....am..am"

she recalled how the faceless demons were after her and how they tried to kill her with their dark bolts.....then a blurry memory of her childhood rushed in her mind,she saw herself singing a song at the age of three while drawing a beautiful magical city and Sha herself named it..... "Cazelle" she called outloud. she looked at troy in disbelief and stared at him......

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love you ❣️