

everyday when maliah went home after school hours, she would always see a man who seemed to be stalking her and say nothing while following her til she reaches the doorstep of her house, until one day she had enough and decided to confront him, little did she know that what she sees in him is more than what meet the eye......... @alishawalker2022

AlishaWalker2022 · Fantasía
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25 Chs

the blue stone

A pillar, held by a seahorse statue on top of it's head,it was a long pillar, supporting the hall of the king's of Atlantis.

"the eye is looking at pillar"

"what does the blue stone has to do anything with a pillar"

"the blue stone controls water, don't you get it Maliah? "

he asked with excitement, he continued as he was heading close to the hard statue made out of hard stone shaped of a seahorse.

"the stone holds the oceans and seas together, it connects them, that's why ...."

Troy looked up and he saw it.

" Maliah, look!! "

in the middle of the pillar, there it was, the blue stone, shining as it reflects the colour of the waters. Maliah smiled

" we found it!!!!! "

Troy smiled as he looked at her happy face.

then they looked at it and said

" so how are we gonna get it? "

" and that's a good question"

" can't we transform into an eagle or something and fly there"

" no Maliah, I don't think it that easy"

" you know you don't have to always make things so complicated"

"am not making things complicated Maliah, it just that, I don't think it can be picked that easily Maliah"

then, he looked at her

" What? "

she asked

" you've got to transform to get up there"

" you clearly said it can't be that easy so what do I have to transform into?

but what if I transform into a whale and take you up there ? "

" no can do Maliah "

" and why can't it be done? "

" look"

Troy bent and read the symbols which were curved on the seahorse.

" this is the ancient language of Atlantis, I think I can read it"

"well what are you waiting for?"

Troy rolled his eyes at her and red them outloud

"only a creature of one among us can take the stone from the pillar and be worthy to take hold of it"

"one among them"

"but they are all dead!"

"clearly that's not what they met"

"then what?"

"one among them, one among the oceans Maliah....."

"okay, so I need to transform into a sea creature that has arms to take hold of the stone".

" Don't think so much, just turn into a mermaid"

" okay I'll just transform into a mermaid then, but why about the worthy part? "

" Maliah, you're the light fae, if you're not worthy enough, than no one is, you passed through all the troubles to get here, you're not giving up when we're so close to it, trust me, you're worthy, worthy enough to take it"

Maliah looked at him and sigh, then she said

"okay, I'll go for it, hold on to your breath, I think the bubble will break as soon as I transform."

"Alright, good luck Maliah"

Maliah nodded. the bubble broke, Troy held on to his breath and Maliah transformed to a mermaid. she looked at the blue stone, her heart pounded, Troy held her hand, she looked at him. he nodded at her, Maliah smiled and nodded as well. then, he let go of her and she swim towards the stone. she stood Infront of it and said

"am worthy, worthy enough to have you..... so please... don't let me down"

Maliah shut her eyes and reach out to the stone, and then, just like that, the stone was in her fingers. Maliah opened her eyes and looked at the stone. she looked at Troy and smiled as she told him

"I did it!! I..."

Maliah felt the danger again, the same feeling she felt when she entered the city of Atlantis.


Maliah rush to Troy when a large octopus came between her and Troy and started to attack her. Troy was running out of time, he needed air or else he'll suffocate and die, the only one who's capable enough to help him was Maliah who was now was ina battle with the largest octopus she ever met in her life.


she yelled as the octopus was attacking her with it's long tentacles. Troy tried to swim towards them, but they were too fast and he was loosing his patience. Maliah felt Troy's situation, then, she ate the blue stone and transfomed to a whale, as soon as she transformed, the octopus attacked again, but when it was coming closer, Maliah hit it with it's large tail and the octopus got thrown towards the statues of the great kings in which two of them broke and landed on it. when the octopus was unconscious,maliah transformed to a mermaid and told him

as he was slowly fading away

"take the blue stone and wait for me on the dry lands, if I don't come back, then go on without me"

Troy as he looked at her and heard her saying that, her face, the face of her past love appeared on Maliah's face, he heard woman's voice in his head

"Go on without me, I'll find you Troy.... I promise I will"

Troy shook his head when he heard that, and when he saw the face Infront of him, his heart pounded as he was suffocating, the last thing he remembers was the beautiful smile the woman gave him before he fade away and found himself on one of the islands of the ocean in his realm.

he stood quickly and yelled out for her name

"Maliah!!! Maliah!!! maliaaaahhhhhhh!!!!!!"