

everyday when maliah went home after school hours, she would always see a man who seemed to be stalking her and say nothing while following her til she reaches the doorstep of her house, until one day she had enough and decided to confront him, little did she know that what she sees in him is more than what meet the eye......... @alishawalker2022

AlishaWalker2022 · Fantasía
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25 Chs

Stop me


the tunnels were dark inside and only the light torch was lighting the place where Maliah and Troy were sitting.

the kiss that Maliah thought it would end after sometime inorder to make him feel. better well... it lasted longer than she imagined, Troy's lips seized her as he slowly opened her mouth and entered his tongue in her mouth and searched for her tongue when he found it, he started sucking it, the kiss they shared was slow but passionate, different from the one they had earlier, Troy felt Maliah's taste in her mouth without the slimy stuff getting on the way, and wow, she tasted amazing, her scent, taste and even how she felt inside him reminded him of Eira, he kissed her while he sucked and licked the corners of her mouth feeling her with different kind of emotions.

Maliah started to pull him close as she held his face and brought it closer to hers. feeling this, Troy got wilder, his kisses started to get rough and Maliah felt him. she started sucking his tongue in return and made his desires awaken as Troy started feeling uncomfortable down there.

for a moment, they completely forgot about the dangers they were running from, the dangers that were on their way, the dangerous adventure that was coming for them, they were lost, lost in desires and pleasures, Maliah knew she needed to make Troy forget about everything about his pain and suffering and so she allowed him to do this, allowed him to do whatever he wants to her just so he could calm down. then, Maliah felt Troy's tongue on her lips, they were licked and bitten a little by him as he continued sucking her lips, then, his hands started travelling, exploring her body, he carresed her back in the most sensitive way as he led his fingers up and down her spine, Maliah moaned in his kisses, and then, Troy held her tight and pulled her towards him, he sat upright and pulled her and sat her on his lap without breaking the kiss, Maliah was shocked by this movement, her body now was too close to him, she could feel his groin and the hardened stiff member that was picking her between her thighs, she wanted to pull off and get off him but Troy held her into position not allowing her to go anywhere. then, he let go of her lips and travelled down with kisses, he kissed her jawline and licked it as he moved down to her neck


she couldn't help but moan on his kisses, she moaned as she felt breathless and tried to breath. Troy sucked her neck til he left hickeys on her neck, then he travelled down and kissed her nape of her neck, then suddenly, Maliah jolted as her eyes flew open the moment she felt his hands grabbing one of her cherries and slightly twist it while kissing her nape.....

"Troy... wait..."

she moaned as she pleaded but then her words stuck in her mouth as he felt his lips crush on hers as his desires slowly started to take over him. he kissed her hard while his manhood was getting harden and enlarged as Maliah felt this happen. then, Troy went down and slipped his hand into her cloth and went straight to her breast and held them, he didn't do anything, he just held them while kissing her, savaging her lips. him not doing anything aroused Maliah, with his manhood touching her down there, even she started feeling uncomfortable down there, and she started craving him.

Troy kissed her and sucked her tongue, then he let go of her, he looked at her while they were both panting, trying to breath, his one hand on her back, his other on her breast.

then he looked at her, it was quiet in the tunnels, and only their breath were heard by the two of them. he looked at her studying her reactions, and when he felt her calming down, he placed his head on her other side of her chest while his hand still on her breast.

Maliah, surprised again by his action and looked at him

"Am sorry"

Maliah got shocked again .. he continued

"Am sorry Maliah, but... I can't hold back anymore"

Maliah sat still on his laps as he continued...

"Please... please..... stop me, stop me Maliah... from doing this, please"

he pleaded while his.headnlayed on her chest, Maliah didn't know what to say, she didn't know if she should allow him to do this or.... not. she knew that he hasn't touched anyone for the past thousands of years, at least that's she believed. she didn't know what to do, her mind was telling her to push him away and not allowing him to touch her ever again, but her body and her heart was telling her something else...

hearing him pleading her to stop him from doing this to her made her body want him even more, he wanted to embrace him, pulled him in, and satisfy his every desire and pleasures, but she still stayed numb on his lap and dint move.

Troy listened to her and waited for her to say something, but seeing tht she never said anything, he already knew the answer, though it was hard for him, it took him all his strength to finally lift his head and remove his hand from her breast when suddenly, he left warm palm on his head pushing him back on her chest and another resting his arm back on her chest. he was surprised and his heart skip a beat when he heard her

"Please, don't stop"

Troy lifted his head and faced her, her eyes were calm though they released eat which made Troy know and realize exactly how she wanted him as much as she wanted her, then he asked

"What did you say?"

Maliah smiled and said to him as she was blushing.

"D... don't stop, I... want you too, as much as.. you want.. me"