

everyday when maliah went home after school hours, she would always see a man who seemed to be stalking her and say nothing while following her til she reaches the doorstep of her house, until one day she had enough and decided to confront him, little did she know that what she sees in him is more than what meet the eye......... @alishawalker2022

AlishaWalker2022 · Fantasía
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25 Chs

sharing is caring

the two of them reach the building doors, two large men stood on each side of the doors.

when the two of them wanted to enter, the two large men stood on their way and told them

"your IDs"

Troy took out their IDs and showed them to the two large men. one of them took them and checked them.

"They are clear, enter"

they were given their IDs

" thank you"

the two of them entered the building. the building was large inside, they were flags hanged on each corner and each one of them had the same symbol as the one on their IDs, a red flag with a white dragon.

Maliah was amused by this..... she looked at the red flags and the beautiful chandeliers on the ceiling. she looked at the different kind of creatures which passed in two groups just like Maliah and Troy.

"will you stop staring at everything you see here, it's kind embarrassing now"

Maliah looked at him and rolled her eyes at him.

the two of them went to the reception, a girl was also there, she had pointy long ears with a face like a cat, she also had a tail with black and orange stripes. upon seeing troy approaching,she bent forward and said

"How can I help you my good man?"

troy showed her the IDs

"aaaah, a contestant I see"

"yes I am, we were told to come here "

"of course you were"

the girl smiled mischievously at Troy as she turned back and took a key.

Maliah noticed what the girl was doing, she looked at the two of them and rolled her eyes.

"here's the key to your room my good sir"


"Dinner at 8,don't forget"

"I won't, but why one key"

"oh! she's also a contestant?"

"yes she is"

" She doesn't look like one"

" Excuse me?! "

"since you guys are a one team then I guess you have to share the room, because each room belong to different teams sweetheart, so don't try to put up a fight about it"

Troy looked at her and ask..

" How did you... "

" I read people's mind, one of the special gifts I have"

" well that a bad gift, weren't your parents ever taught you that it is bad manners to invade someone's privacy? "

" yeah but I can't help it, when I see a cute one like you I can't help but know what you think of me"

" Well that's too bad sweetheart, cos only one woman rules this cute one's heart"

" aw... the past love, so adorable"

upon hearing that, Maliah looked at Troy who showed no emotion after what the receptionist said to him, he turned to Maliah and told her

" let's go"

the two of them left and head to the second floor of the building. the building had portals which served as doors to different sections of the building. troy and Maliah entered one of the portal and appeared on the second upper floor.

They walked through the corridors and troy found there room. it was marked a star on it., the same as on their key. Troy opened the room and the two of them entered.

the room was huge, it had two beds , one in the east while the. other west, a table and two chairs, one sofa , one bathroom,and a large window glass window facing the door.


Maliah said as they entered. she looked around and when she looked at Troy, her smile fade when she remembered what happened at the receptionist,. she sat on one of the bed and looked at Troy. Troy sensed how she was staring at him, he sigh and said

"I know am breathtaking handsome but you don't have to stare that much"

"just because all the girls in Evermoor sees you breathtaking it doesn't mean I see you the same way"

Troy chuckled when she said that, and said

"Go and take a shower, and rest"

"Alright but... before I go, what the girl said..."

"I don't wanna talk about it"

"Ok, sorry"

Maliah took some cloth which were placed on their beds and went to the bathroom.

Troy sigh as he looked at the bathroom door.