

everyday when maliah went home after school hours, she would always see a man who seemed to be stalking her and say nothing while following her til she reaches the doorstep of her house, until one day she had enough and decided to confront him, little did she know that what she sees in him is more than what meet the eye......... @alishawalker2022

AlishaWalker2022 · Fantasía
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25 Chs


2 camels were seen on the streets deserted. a man found them and said to himself

"finders keepers"

he laughed and took the two camels, he took them to his shop, he took his cart , tied it to the two camels, put his things in it and rode his cart as the two camels walked towards the gates.

"stop right there!"

the guards yell,the cart stopped and the man told them

"am only just a merchant leaving this city my good sir..."

"search him"

the guards went to his cart and searched it while he himself got out of his cart and got searched by the guards. the guards searched the guards searched the cart and found nothing, they even searched the camels and found nothing,

"He's clean"

"open the gates"

the gates were opened. the man sat on his cart and told them

"thank you my good man"

then, the camels passed the gates and left the Evermoor city.

nix saw what happened, she smiled and told them

"Good luck guys"

then, she turned and wanted to leave when suddenly, the guards came Infront of her and told her

"Nix right? you're coming with us"

"And who said I'll come in peace?"

Nix started fighting the guards as the merchant left Evermoor

when they reach far from the city, the two camels stopped.

" hey, why did you stop?"

he took a whip and wanted to hit them when they transformed back to their original shape

the merchant said

"shape shifters"

"next time if you hit me like that again, I'll take your arm off"

Troy threaten the man and the two transformed to eagles and flew away in the sky. the merchant didn't know what to do as he was left in the middle of nowhere with his cart


he cursed as he looked at the two large eagles flying away.

in the night, Maliah and Troy stopped and stayed in a large cave. they lit a fire and Maliah sat close to it to feel the heat.

Troy came and sat close to Maliah and covered her with his coat.


Troy smiled at her and told her

"you know, I never thought it would take us 2 days to find the red stone, I thought maybe it would take us days or weeks to find it"

"Ma too, especially with the tournament on the way"

"where's the red stone?"

Maliah took out the box and showed it to Troy, the stone was bright and shiny. then, she closed it and said

"one down, four to go"

Troy smiled and said


" so? where's our next destination? "

" well... let me see where the map takes us now? "

Troy opened the map, it was blank.

" Right, moonlight" the two of them stood and head outside the cave. the moons shone brighter in the sky. then, dean raised the map to the moonlight and the map wrote itself

"to find the blue stone, a vast body of water that covers more than three fifths of the world you must pass, and underneath the blue world, only the eye of a true king can lead you the way and be your guide."

" a vast body of water.... the Ocean!!! "

" the blue stone is in the ocean?! seriously?!!! how the heck are we gonna find that tiny stone in the whole Ocean?!!!!! "

" the riddle continues Troy, underneath the blue world, only the eye of a true king can lead you the way and be your guide "

" And what does that mean exactly? "

" Troy, I think we should head back inside....."

" why? "

" the demons are coming"

Troy looked in the sky and spotted them.

" quickly"

the two of them rapped the map and head inside the cave. they put out the fire and transformed into bears and slept. when the demons entered the caves, they saw the two bears, they flew over them, and then, they left. Maliah breathed out in relief when the demons left and communicated with Troy in her mind

"Good night"

then she slept as well as Troy

Back in Cazelle.....

Nix was in the dungeons tied up in chains, her body was covered in blood due to the whips she was beaten while she was on there. the leader of the guards, Shade came and ask

"Did she say anything?"

"No sir, she refuses to say anything regarding the red stone"

"I see"

Shade went close to her and asked her

" you know, if you keep on refusing like this, then you might find your body a corpse by tomorrow morning. so you better tell us now, what do you know about the red stone"

" I already told your pathetic guards that I know nothing about the red stone, so stop asking me the same question over and over again... it kinda tires me out"

Shade looked at his man and told them

" Are you sure she's the guardian? "

" Yes sir, she was seen helping Troy and the girl in escaping back in Evermoor "

Shade turned to her and told her

" ain't you a pretty liar"

he turned and told them

" whip her"

then he left. the guards took the whip and started whipping her.... outside of the dungeons, only the sounds of whips were heard and Nix's screams.

in the morning, Maliah woke up as well as Troy, they transformed back to their original form and sat down. Troy had a bottle of water, he washer his face with the water and gave the bottle to Maliah,

"So where are we headed now?" Maliah asked.

"The Ocean"

" And how far is it?"

" I woke up last night and checked the map, the ocean from here is pretty far to the north..... it would take us days just searching for the ocean. "

" so what choice do we have, the blue stone is in the ocean? "

" We do have a choice, we can fly to the sky and for days searching for the Ocean... or we can dig 10 miles deep in the ground to reach the ocean..... "


don't forget to rate and comment guys 💕

it'll be very helpful to me and support to my novels 🥀

