

everyday when maliah went home after school hours, she would always see a man who seemed to be stalking her and say nothing while following her til she reaches the doorstep of her house, until one day she had enough and decided to confront him, little did she know that what she sees in him is more than what meet the eye......... @alishawalker2022

AlishaWalker2022 · Fantasía
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25 Chs


Troy was devastated, he was on the island, searching for Maliah, he called out her name but no response, he wanted to enter the deep ocean and help her, save her, but he was unsure of what he'd do once he got there, and maybe like last time, he would fade away and even die this time. he fell to his knees and told himself

"What have I done? what have I done Maliah? I put you in danger again, I...

I..... I can't find you,.... I can't help you.... Maliah please, I can't afford to lose you again, I can't lose you once more, and that too because of me, please, come... come back"

Troy was worried, worried that Maliah might be gone forever. he promised her that he won't let anything bad happen to her, and now she was in the deep ocean, fighting the giant octopus on her own. this made him go insane... but right when he was about to lose it completely, he heard


Troy was stunned upon hearing that voice, he called out


he quickly stood and faced where the voice was coming from. Troy smiled and looked at her


Maliah smiled and said

"We did it"

Troy ran to her and hugged her, he hugged her tightly, too tight...


"please..... don't ever scare me like that ever again... ok?"

"alright alright I won't but you're hugging....me way too tightly"

Troy as if he didn't heard her, he continued hugging her as he carresed her back.

Maliah felt him. she felt his fear, she felt his heartbeats beating fast as he was hugging her, she felt and tasted that feeling which Troy was trying his level best to hide, his level best to keep it hidden inside his lost heart, and when she tasted it with the one tight hug, she knew, she knew something happened back then, which caused Troy to hug her this tightly.


she thought *maybe he's not hugging me right now, maybe his hugging his past love, the past which he doesn't wanna talk about, maybe his past love, died or got lost the same way as she was about to...."

then, Troy chilled off and let go of her. Maliah asked him

"you're alright now.... right?"

Troy looked at her as she asked that question, then he smiled and told her

"I should be the one asking such questions, you're alright right?"

"yes am fine"

"you... how did you survived it? "

" I talked to it? "

" you talked to it? but... how? "

" I think it was because am the light fae. that's why I understood it. it turns out that it was the guardian of the blue stone, she thought we were thieves stealing her stone but I explained things to her and she swam off"

" I see.... anyway, am just glad you're ok "

"am glad you're safe too..... the stones? "

" I have them, don't worry"

Maliah smiled and said

" 2 down, 3 to go"

"yeah that's right"

" I need to rest, my body is killing me"

" okay but not here, let's find a safe place to hied and rest..."

" alright"

the island was huge, it had a vast forest with green and purple leaves all over it. Maliah and Troy dig the ground beneath the large trees and rested waiting for the next adventure.....

in the morning, Maliah transformed to a whale as Troy transformed to an eagle. he flew in the open air and he seemed to be refreshed. the two of them travelled for 2 days in search of the mainland.

and when they found it, they didn't waste time as they knew time was running out and the warlock was growing stronger as time passes by.

they travelled for the next 3 days and were able to find tunnels, tunnels lost in the middle of the dry lands, and when Troy saw them, there was no doubt that he recognize them and knew what they were. Maliah landed outside of the tunnels and transformed back.

"Finally, a place where we can rest for the night"

"Why don't we find some where else to rest, am not a fun of tunnels after what happened last time."

"we were trapped in a maze not tunnels Troy, and under water"

" there's no difference between these tunnels and that maze..."

Troy's face expression and even his voice turned, now he was saying these words filled with worries and fear.. he looked at the tunnels and said

" trust me"

Maliah went close to him and asked him filled with curiousity in her eyes

"you know these tunnels, don't you"

Troy looked at her and let out a breath and answered.

" yes, I know these tunnels, they are the forbidden routes"

Don't forget to comment and like guys....

and tell me what you think🤗

love you💕
