

everyday when maliah went home after school hours, she would always see a man who seemed to be stalking her and say nothing while following her til she reaches the doorstep of her house, until one day she had enough and decided to confront him, little did she know that what she sees in him is more than what meet the eye......... @alishawalker2022

AlishaWalker2022 · Fantasía
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25 Chs

Na Kika

Maliah was still in the ocean, she transformed into a mermaid again and stared at the creature Infront of her...the octopus attacked her again, Maliah now was moving quickly as Troy was safe on the upper islands.

as soon as Troy faded, Maliah transformed into a whale and swallowed him and then she swim above the waters and blow him out of her through the blowhole. when she too wanted to escape, the octopus held her tail and pulled her back in the waters, Maliah was scared, but she didn't allow her fer to take control of her, she. waved her tail and hit the octopus again. this time, the octopus catched it with it's tentacles and threw maliah.

maliah transformed into a mermaid and swim towards it. she looked at it as it looked at her.

"you cursed shape shifter dare to take the stone of Atlantis?!!!!!"

Maliah was shocked.*it can talk??!!!* she thought.

" I'll smash you and break your bones!!!!"

the octopus attacked her again. this time, Maliah ran to the south running away from the octopus. then, she transformed into a whale again and kicked one of the broken pillars towards the octopus. the octopus dodged it and continued chasing Maliah.

Maliah transformed into a shrimp and hied under the broken pillars.

the octopus stopped chasing and looked around. it yelled

"you can run, but you can't hied forever... thief!!!!!!"

*thief... did she just call me a thief!!!!!*

Maliah thought. then, suddenly, the place where she was hiding was broken by the octopus. Maliah came out of hiding and swim away

"there you are thief!!!!!!! am gonna kill you and eat you thief, and then you'll return the stone of Atlantis which you stole thief"

"stone of.... ok that's enough"

Maliah turned, she transformed into a mermaid and said

"Am not a thief!!!"

when she said that, the octopus stopped and looked at her with shock and anger

"Am not a thief, okay?! I took that stone because am in need of it, the world is in danger and I need to collect all the stones to save the world, and that's why I took it, so please, stop calling me a thief"

the octopus was still in shock, then, it swim slowly close to her, Maliah stayed right where she wear though she was afraid of the octopus.

"You can understand me?"

Maliah looked at the octopus and said to it

"yes, I can understand you"

"that's.... fascinating, no one in the past hundreds of years ever understood me, so how are you, what's your specialty ....thief? "

" I thought I clearly said that am not a thief"

" Answer me before I eat you alive"

the large octopus threaten her as it stood Infront of her .

"I don't know, I thought... everyone understood you and not just me"

"no no my sweet girl no, there must be a clear solution why you're capable of understanding me and not everyone else"

"could it be because am a light fae"

"The light fae?! saviour of the realms from the warlock Zeon?"

"yes, I believe so"

the octopus laughed and asked her

"What's your name?"

"Am Maliah"

"well Maliah, I think that explains why you were capable of understanding me. now let me introduce myself to you... am Na Kika, the guardian of the blue stone"

" I see, and that explains why you're so possessive over it"

Na Kika looked at her and rap her tentacles around her.

" you might be the light fae, but that doesn't mean I won't eat you alive when I feel like it"

" I should've known, each stone had it's guardian to protect, and your the guardian of the blue stone."

" Correct!! "

" but you took it without my consent"

" well forgive me but, I didn't know there was anyone out here, if I knew you were here I would have asked for your permission, so please, am sorry and let me go to him, I think he's worried about me".

" aaaah, Troy right? he's a very good boy with dark secrets inside"

" wait.... how did you"

" long ago, he came here in search of the blue stone himself, but he failed to take it as I didn't allow him to get anywhere near the blue stone."

" he came here..... alone? "

" yes he did, but he wasn't worthy enough to take the stone and I think that's why this time he came with you"

"Troy's not worthy? how is this"

"that man has way too many bad secrets that he kept hidden in his heart, that's why I said he wasn't worthy to take the stone from the pillar.... but since you were capable, I think you're worthier than all those fools who came to take the stone from me. you know.you are worthy to take the stone with you, but don't you ever take my things without my consent or else..... I'll serve your body as my breakfast, lunch or dinner..."

after saying that, na Kika turned and left.