

everyday when maliah went home after school hours, she would always see a man who seemed to be stalking her and say nothing while following her til she reaches the doorstep of her house, until one day she had enough and decided to confront him, little did she know that what she sees in him is more than what meet the eye......... @alishawalker2022

AlishaWalker2022 · Fantasía
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25 Chs

Let the game begin

everyone went quiet as soon as the bell rang. the Cerberus was right Infront of them, it wasn't a puppy as how Troy and Zamil said,the Cerberus was huge and big, thankfully it was well chained, and it was asleep. around it, there were ten balls for each pair of a team. and each ball was coloured matching the colour of their dress code.

"the Cerberus is a very sensitive creature, making a one wrong move it would awaken"

Troy told Maliah

"so how are we gonna get the ball?"

"leave that to me"

Troy started walking towards the beast, he walked slowly and patiently. Maliah prayed to God that he'd make it safe, and upon him making a move, the others started moving towards the beast as well.

Troy moved quietly and slowly, Maliah also started moving towards the finish line so that if Troy manages to get the ball, he would immediately throw the ball at her and move away from the beast before it wakes up.

Troy quietly walked towards the beast and when he was near enough, he slowly bent down and took the purple ball.

Maliah smiled upon seeing him with the wall, then, he quietly moved away from the beast.

three of the other teams managed to get the ball, and they too quietly moved away from the beast followed by Zamil.

when Troy was far enough, Maliah moved 5 meters from Troy,

Troy nodded to Maliah to ask her if she's ready to catch the ball. Maliah took a deep breath and let out, then she nodded to him.

Troy understood her. he took a step back and through the ball to Maliah. Maliah saw the ball coming

"Don't panic, don't panic, don't panic"

she was saying this quietly as sweat started dripping of her face. then when the ball was near, she raised her hands and suddenly, she felt the ball in her arms

"I got it"

Troy smiled and said

"well done, now stay right there"

Troy wanted to ran, but he knew if he ran, his boots will definitely make noise and the beast might wake up. so he took off his boots and put them aside, and then he started running barefooted

Zamil also had his partner, she was also a girl and so he did the same technique as Troy deed and the two of them got into the game. the others also successfully made it through except for one.

it was a girl, she was afraid to take the ball from the beast. the other partner who was also a girl encouraged her to take the ball as time was running out. Troy and Maliah already through the balls three times to each other and moved quite a step. Troy through the ball at Maliah and Maliah catched it again

"that's it, good girl"

Maliah also ran barefooted on the field.

" come on take the ball already! "

the girl whispered. the other girl with all her might, she can't down and took the yellow ball. she stood and yelled at the other

" I got it!!!!!!!!! "

everyone were shocked upon hearing that, due to the yell, one of the teams even missed the ball due to the fear that was starting to cook up in their bodies.

"What have you done?! "

the beast. opened it's eyes, and one head followed by the other started to raise, the girl turned back and saw the beast. she dropped the ball and shouted.... hearing her voice, one of the beast's head opened it's mouth and tear her apart. all were shocked upon seeing that, Maliah had the ball in her hand, she was shaking so badly that she was about to drop the ball, when she looked at Troy, Troy raised her Arm and told her quietly

"throw the ball"

Maliah looked at the ball and her head was back in the game. she looked at Troy and threw the ball at him, troy catched the ball and Maliah started walking slowly to get Infront of Troy. only 15 miles was left for them to complete the game, but when she was running, the beast's head roared....


the other players yelled and the beast started chasing each one of them.